Somalia, the United States has officially taken action.

Huaxia, Huasheng Group has also taken action. In order to encourage private capital to build islands, Huaxia has given a very good policy.

For example, Xu Huasheng's latest Sihai Tourism Company, the approval document obtained by Sihai Tourism Company is the island development tourism project filled by itself, and the property right period is 90 years.

This 90 years is not counted from the beginning of the island building, but from the official start of the project. That is to say, Sihai Tourism Company filled an island and then developed a resort on this island.

And starting from the first day of the official opening of this resort, Sihai Tourism Company can develop on this island for the next 90 years, and it is also exempted from many taxes.

Such a policy is to encourage private capital to build islands. After all, with China's current economic strength, it is not possible to build islands on a large scale.

But encouraging private capital is powerful. If it is really profitable, then a large number of private capital will go to build islands together. For China, the more such islands, the better, after all, these are all China's territory. Although it was developed by the company, you have 90 years of operating rights for this thing, and it must be under the supervision of the state.

At the same time, the state can also rent your place to build military facilities, making the island a dual-use island for military and civilian use.

The fleet set off. After the fleet set off, the United States immediately discovered the abnormality. Not only the United States discovered it, but some neighboring countries also discovered it.

The United States immediately mobilized reconnaissance satellites to observe what China was going to do. However, the United States did not dare to provoke the strait too much at this moment. Somalia has just started fighting. If it confronts China at this time, it will be a pain for itself.

After dozens of hours of sailing, the huge fleet finally arrived at its destination.

This time the destination is Binmei Beach.

The main reason for choosing Binmei Beach is that the reef here is large enough. And the water depth is also more suitable. The area of ​​the water depth below 20 meters is as much as 100 square kilometers. In this area, the average water depth is only 12 meters deep.

How strong is the island-building ability of Tiankun in such a deep water environment? This is easy to know, because the filling efficiency of Tiankun is 40,000 cubic meters per hour.

Volume is the bottom area multiplied by the height. Now the height is 12 meters, so the bottom area is the area of ​​the island that Tiankun can build per hour, which is 3333 square meters.

If this ship does not rest for 24 hours, it can build 80,000 square meters of islands every day. One square kilometer is 1 million square meters. In theory, Tiankun only needs 12 days to build an island of one square kilometer.

Even if some time is wasted, it should be no problem to build one square kilometer in 15 days. This ability is too awesome. Two square kilometers can be built in a month, and 24 square kilometers can be built in a year. Such a large area of ​​islands can build a large military base.

Expanding territory is another way to expand territory.

From another perspective, just one Tiankun can increase China's territory by two square kilometers every month. This is just one ship. If we see the benefits, with the character of China, we can build ten or twenty such artifacts for expanding territory. By then, we can increase the territory by dozens of square kilometers every month.

Binmei Beach, China has already conducted a thorough investigation, and the construction unit has also designed a specific construction plan.

After the Tiankun suction dredger arrived at the designated location, it directly lowered the huge anchor, and then all the staff began to get busy.

The ship carrying special coagulant was also connected to the Tiankun with a special pipeline. After the initial preparations were completed, night had fallen.

Under the night sky, after the Tiankun was ready, the huge auger slowly fell into the sea, like a huge monster. The excavation depth of this huge auger can reach hundreds of meters.

Such excavation depth kills two birds with one stone, and the excavated mud and sand create islands. The deep excavated ocean becomes an excellent waterway, and any ship can travel safely at a depth of hundreds of meters.

"It's started..."

When an old man on the Tiankun saw the front nozzle spraying mud and sand mixed with special coagulant, his face was full of excitement.

This old man is a geological expert and the commander-in-chief of this operation. He knows the significance of this island. There are too many resources in China's ocean, and it is also the most important waterway in the world. Only by controlling this place can China protect its own safety.

The huge nozzle is like a giant beast, constantly spraying mud and sand mixtures. The huge power can make these mud and sand mixtures spray hundreds of meters away.

After the mud and sand mixture falls into the water, it sinks directly to the bottom of the water, and then slowly solidifies, turning into a solidified material comparable to granite.

The island construction officially began, but the constructionThe team did not build the island out of the water in one breath, but adjusted the spray range at all times to keep the coagulation material and the sea surface at a depth of three or four meters.

Now China will hide it as long as it can. Although the Tiankun can't hide it, no one knows about the special coagulant now.

If there is only a dredger but no super coagulant to build an island, the effect will be many times worse. If it is just pure mud and sand, after you blow it over, these mud and sand will move with the ocean current, and the speed will be much different. Moreover, these mud and sand are not solid. Even if an island is temporarily built, if the surrounding is not fixed, the island will slowly disappear.

In order to build the Okinotorishima, Japan has thought of many ways. In the end, in order to fix the built islands and reefs, it even built a lot of titanium alloy pillars to fix the surrounding islands and reefs, but it still failed in the end.

But the mud and sand mixed with super coagulant are different. After blowing down, this stuff is like magma. After solidification, it is a hard lump. The more this stuff is, the heavier it is and the less it moves. In the end, it is equivalent to pressing a mountain on the reef. Moreover, before solidification, this mixed mud and sand is like cement slurry. It will drill into the gaps by itself. It is also really sticky and cannot be blown away by the ocean current.

The sky gradually brightened. When it was bright, the US reconnaissance satellite immediately discovered the abnormality of Binmei Beach.

The Tiankun is too big. Looking at this situation, it is obvious that it is blowing sand to build an island. Such a large dredger is blowing sand to build an island, which makes the United States look confused.

At this time, they remembered that China sued Japan for building an island at the United Nations General Assembly a few days ago. At that time, many countries were still watching the joke.

Now thinking about this again, the United States cursed in its heart.

You panda, you are so insidious. Good guy, it seems that you have wanted to build an island for a long time. Such a big dredger and so many cargo ships, it takes years to prepare.

No wonder you sued Japan, you were waiting here. Thinking of this, the United States was so angry that it almost vomited blood, but it did not dare to delay and immediately called experts to discuss the matter together.

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