Late at night, the battle officially started.

More than 200 aircraft on three aircraft carriers took off, and more than 170 fighter jets of various types began to bomb Mogadishu frantically.

The total area of ​​Mogadishu is only more than 200 square kilometers. In the eyes of the US military, it is not even a tiny place.

But the US military dispatched three aircraft carrier battle groups this time, which is a typical example of killing a chicken to scare the monkey. The United States wants to let countries all over the world see what will happen if they provoke the United States.

More than 100 aircraft, in batches, took turns to pour bombs on Mogadishu. These bombs were thrown down as if they were free.

As for whether there were ordinary civilians in those targets, no one knew. And the US military didn't care, they killed too many civilians.

At the beginning, there were only more than 100 targets marked, but these targets were attacked by missiles and precision-guided bombs, which was not enough.

Less than two hours after the bombing began, the US military began to let go. The targets changed from the original military targets to possible military targets.

In simple terms, the United States thinks that there may be militants in these buildings, so the United States has started bombing them.

The last time Aidid was captured, the United States suffered a great loss because of these buildings.

Now, they use a simple and crude method. Directly carry out precise strikes on many buildings. As long as the taller buildings that may become street fighting bases, they will directly bomb them.

The hotel where Aidid gave a speech at the time has received special attention. Bombs were thrown one after another as if they were free.

Those who did not obey and did not enter the underground city suffered. They did not know where to hide at all, because there were too many planes in the sky. These planes were bombing at a very high altitude. More than a hundred fighter jets took turns to take off and land from aircraft carriers to bomb an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers. These planes could not come together, otherwise they would not be able to squeeze in.

That night, the Somali people hiding in the underground city could not sleep all night.

The whole earth was shaking constantly, but although it was shaking, they were hiding underground without any problems.

Now the underground of Mogadishu has been hollowed out a lot. Even the top tunnel is five meters away from the ground, and most of the tunnels have houses above.

This is still an ordinary tunnel. For places like this where Tibetans live, the standard is higher. It is 25 meters below the ground, and the soil above has been replaced. It is not ordinary sand at all, but concrete mixed with super concrete.

With this thickness, even the super earth-penetrating bombs of the United States in the future will find it difficult to penetrate, let alone ordinary bombs. What's more, the United States does not have giant earth-penetrating bombs now. The United States only started to develop giant earth-penetrating bombs at the end of 2004.

So in the underground tunnel, even if the explosions are lively, the people inside are fine.

And in those places where soldiers are hidden scattered all over the country, the armed forces of Somalia are even sleeping peacefully. They are not worried about the US military coming in. They are looking forward to the US military coming in. How can they fight if the US military does not come in?

The Somali People's Army has long set a combat strategy. Once the United States attacks them, their only way of fighting is street fighting.

Using the tunnel system and the ruins of the city's buildings, sneak attacking the US military, fighting street battles, and wasting time with the US military is the only way to win.

As for head-on confrontation, it doesn't work at all. Not to mention head-on confrontation, even traditional street fighting can't be fought. You have to fight urban guerrilla warfare.

When you see American soldiers, sneak attack and quickly get into the tunnel, because if you are a little late, the US bombs will blow your hiding place into ruins.

It's lively, the fighting outside is lively, and everyone underground is also talking about it.

At this moment, countries around the world have also received news of the US military's attack, and for a time, the news in many countries has become lively.

The fierce bombing lasted for a night, until dawn, when the bombing stopped temporarily.

The United States also sent reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance satellites to conduct a full-scale investigation of Mogadishu, and other countries did the same. Some brave reporters even rented helicopters to shoot from high altitudes.

From the air, many places in Mogadishu have become ruins. The airport was destroyed, the port was destroyed, many large buildings turned into ruins, and many places were still smoking and on fire.

But this was not the most important thing. What made them feel the most weird was that the entire Mogadishu was now empty, with almost no one there.

Empty streets, empty cities, and destroyed buildings. No one cared, as if everything disappeared in an instant in one night.

There were no crying people, and no resistance.

The entire Mogadishu was like a dead city, terribly quiet. This sceneNot only the reporters were confused, but also the NATO forces led by the United States.

"What's going on?"

Joseph, the head of the U.S. Central Command, was also confused after seeing this.

Not only was he confused, but others were as well. Damn, what's going on, what's the trick in Somalia? Why is there no one in the whole city?

Did everyone die? This is impossible, more than one million people, how could they all die?

Did they escape in the dark? This is also impossible. The United States has set up a dragnet around, and the people inside cannot escape.

Since all of these are impossible, the only explanation is that these people are hiding.

As for where they are hiding, everyone can see it. Except underground, these people have nowhere to hide.

This situation made Joseph look ugly. It was not surprising that there were tunnels under Mogadishu.

But Joseph did not expect that the tunnels in Mogadishu were so exaggerated. Tunnels that can hide more than one million people, what a huge underground system.

If Mogadishu really has such an exaggerated underground system, this is a terrible thing.

"General, what should we do next?"

A soldier looked at Joseph and asked, it has been bombed all night now, should we continue bombing or attack with ground troops?

The most important thing is that we don't know where to bomb now? Many targets have been bombed last night. They thought that after a night of bombing, Aidid's army would suffer heavy losses.

But now it is not what they thought at all. The bombing all night seems to be in vain. Now Mogadishu has set up an empty city plan, which makes the US military not know what to do?

Should we continue bombing the building? Or send ground troops in to take a look?

Joseph sat there, and his heart was so tangled.

At this moment, Joseph was more tangled than Sima Yi. An empty Mogadishu was right in front of him, with no one inside, but Joseph did not dare to order the ground troops to go in.

Of course, the war could not stop just like that. Now countries around the world are watching, watching how the United States will act next.

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