Just as US President Clinton was preparing to visit China, the situation in Africa became particularly tense.

The whole of Somalia became full of murderous atmosphere. Aidid was frantically recruiting soldiers, and the United States was frantically collecting intelligence on Aidid.

At the port of Mogadishu, a cargo ship flying the Turkish flag docked.

Containers were unloaded one by one. The cargo ship was loaded with medicines and food needed by the people of Mogadishu.

In order to stabilize Aidid, the United States agreed that Aidid and his team could buy the most basic living supplies from abroad. The United States had no choice about this. After all, Aidid had hostages in his hands. Now the United States is constantly negotiating with Aidid. The United States is still trying to rescue the hostages as much as possible. It doesn't matter if it spends some money. If the people can be rescued first, there will be no pressure to fight.

It is precisely because of this that Aidid is allowed to buy food from the outside world. After all, Somalia is short of food. Aidid has bought a lot of food from many countries during this period, especially from Turkey. During this period, there have been several cargo ships coming from Turkey alone. Of course, each time they come, they only unload a few containers. After all, Aidid doesn't have much money.

This time is the same. Ten 40-foot containers were unloaded and then directly pulled to the warehouse by Aidid's people.

These containers were checked by the United States when they were loaded in Turkey. They were all basic supplies, no military supplies.

The ten containers were transported to the designated warehouse by Aidid's people. After arriving at the warehouse, two of the containers with special marks were directly transported to the underground base by the elevator.

"Here we come..."

In the underground base, Shamedi and Aidid were waiting.

When the container entered the underground base, Aidid couldn't help but open the container with his own hands. After seeing what was in the container, Aidid became excited.

Missiles, very large missiles.

This thing is nothing else, it is the Granite heavy anti-ship missile purchased by Colonel Ka. Colonel Ka bought only 20 missiles in the first batch, and this time he sent four missiles to Aidid.

The transportation was also relatively simple. The cargo ship departing from Turkey secretly changed two containers in the Mediterranean. As for why the crew helped, it was also very simple.

In addition to the money, Kadazo's people controlled all the families of the crew members of this ship. Either they would get paid to do the job, or the whole family would die. In this case, they could only agree and secretly changed the two containers on the ship at night.

In fact, the layout of this ship had already begun when it was loaded. The purpose was to be able to give these four big killers to Aidid.

"Sha, can this thing really kill American warships?"

Aidid couldn't help asking when looking at the four missiles.

"General, these four missiles are the most advanced anti-ship missiles in the Soviet Union. As for whether they can be killed, it depends on luck. If they can catch them off guard, it is very likely that the United States will suffer a great loss."

Sha Meidi said with a smile, and he didn't know whether this thing was good or not.

Whether the missile can hit the target and whether it can achieve the desired effect after hitting the target depends on luck. However, according to the news from the organization, the closer the US warships are to the coastline, the greater the probability of success. If the US aircraft carrier can be lured to within hundreds of kilometers of the coastline, the chance of success will be greatly increased.

Aidid is still dreaming of negotiating with the United States, but Shamedi knows that the United States will definitely take action against Aidid.

This is also the purpose of Shamedi coming here.

Pull the United States into the water. Once the United States takes action, it will usher in a protracted war. After a long time, the US aircraft carrier battle group will relax its vigilance.

At that time, these four missiles may really be able to achieve extraordinary results.

The four missiles were sent to the most confidential underground base through the underground passage. This underground base is located in the center of Mogadishu, 60 meters deep from the ground.

The soil above is all poured with super concrete. This is a turtle shell. It is difficult to break through here.

Shamedi and Aidid came here, looking at the weapons and equipment stored in this base, Aidid's face was full of smiles.

There is no other reason for his laughter. The reason is that Aidid has too many weapons and equipment stored now. There are several underground bases like this in the area controlled by Aidid.

In these bases, there are more than 1 million guns stored alone. And the storage of bullets is as high as billions.

These guns are varied, including AK47, Type 56, and even some rifles used in World War II. However, the only thing these rifles have in common is that they use 7.62 caliber bullets. The bullets stored by Aidid are basically of this caliber, which is convenient for logistics.In addition to guns and bullets, there are millions of grenades.

There are also hundreds of thousands of mines of various types, and the number of 40-fire storage is also very exaggerated. There are hundreds of thousands of 40-fire launchers, and millions of various 40-fire rockets.

There are thousands of advanced Stinger missiles here.

There are also thousands of advanced anti-tank missiles here.

At the same time, Aidid also has an arsenal that can produce and repair a lot of equipment.

During this period, Aidid has increased his troops a lot. The regular troops of the Somali People's Army alone have reached hundreds of thousands. If the militia and police forces are included, the total number is almost 500,000 to 600,000.

The population of the area controlled by Aidid is only more than 2 million.

To put it bluntly, Aidid has enough things stored now. If he fights guerrilla warfare in the city, there will be no problem for three to five years.

Some of these weapons and equipment come from Huaxia's warehouses, and the other part comes from the former Soviet Union. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, those countries were poor and crazy, and they dared to sell anything as long as they had money.

Aidid is now very powerful. In addition to having many people and guns, the entire Mogadishu has been turned into a huge defensive fortress by the Shamed Empire in the past.

The ground buildings are densely packed, with more than 400 kilometers of tunnels underground, a population of millions in the entire city, and an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers.

Fighting street battles in this place is very exciting, and the city is also densely packed with various hidden cameras by the Shamed Empire, and the entire city is under surveillance.

This is the main battlefield of Aidid and his team. Although the US military has advanced weapons and all kinds of heavy weapons, it may not be able to gain much advantage in street fighting.

The big killer was transported here, and Shamed Empire's eyes were full of expectations.

At this moment, he was faintly excited in his heart. After so many years of learning, it seemed that he could finally do a big fight.

He even looked forward to the United States launching an attack earlier. He wanted to see how the most powerful US military in the world would fight street battles.

The US Air Force and Navy are both the best in the world, but ground wars require the deployment of the army. How this army is, people all over the world are paying attention.

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