Powerful, powerful battery.

This battery technology will appear in 2030. Compared with ternary lithium batteries, this battery has good energy density, high safety, long cycle life, and good low temperature performance.

So in the original time and space, this battery was the best battery before the large-scale use of all-solid-state batteries. In fact, Xu Huasheng's database has more powerful all-solid-state battery technology.

The all-solid-state battery laboratory is also under research and development, and the progress is relatively smooth. But this kind of all-solid-state battery will definitely not be taken out first.

Technology needs to be updated. Huasheng Group's technology is like a big fish pond. There are many technologies in it, but you can't directly use the most advanced ones. You must come little by little, so that the technology can be used to the maximum.

Moreover, all-solid-state batteries will be used in the military first. As for the civilian market, it may take many years to use them.

Not to mention all-solid-state batteries, even the current lithium iron phosphate batteries will be used in the military first, and then in large-scale civilian use.

"How is the product progress?"

Xu Huasheng put down the battery in his hand and asked.

In the field of new energy, it is not just about batteries. Batteries are just an energy supplier. In the end, specific products are needed to enter thousands of households.

Among these electrical products, cars will be the main subject in the future.

"Mr. Xu, let's go inside and take a look..."

The group walked directly into the internal laboratory. When they arrived at the internal laboratory, Xu Huasheng saw many people busy.

In the laboratory, there is a professional wind tunnel.

At this moment, in the wind tunnel, a one-to-one car clay model is blowing in the wind tunnel, and there are many staff members recording a lot of data next to it.

The whole clay model looks very beautiful, much more elegant than the cars of this era. In terms of size, the size of this car should belong to A-class or A+-class sedans.

However, this car will be a sedan in the future. Compared with the space of traditional fuel vehicles, electric vehicles have great advantages. The size of A-class sedans can make B-class space, which is also one of the advantages of electric vehicles.

"Mr. Xu, this is the model we are developing. We have a lot of technical reserves for this car. High-density lithium iron phosphate battery, eight-in-one motor, and we also have very powerful electronic control technology. At the same time, at your request, we will also equip this car with an intelligent driving system. This car will also use body battery integration technology, and hydraulic electronic suspension will also be used on the suspension..."

After listening to the introduction of the technicians, Xu Huasheng nodded with satisfaction.

The first car is mainly to verify the technology. So this car will not be pushed to individual users on a large scale.

For the arrangement of this car, Xu Huasheng's goal is very clear. That is the taxi market in the country and even the world.

Especially in the taxi market in China, Xu Huasheng has already started to lay out and spared no expense to win the operating rights of taxi companies across the country.

China's demand for taxis will become greater and greater. In the future, the number of taxis in the entire Chinese market will exceed one million.

Compared with ordinary family cars, taxis have a lot of mileage every day. Using electric cars will save a lot. At the same time, such a large mileage will also require high quality for the car.

If taxis are used to train intelligent driving, the effect will be very good.

The most important thing is that through taxis, ordinary people across the country can experience what electric cars are like. Taxis across the country can also be used to lay out a nationwide charging and swapping network.

First use taxis to verify technology, verify maturity, cultivate potential users, lay out charging networks, etc.

After all these are mature, the new generation of models will be released directly and directly launched on the market. When they are launched on the market, Huasheng Group has completed all the layouts. At that time, electric cars are no longer a big toy, but a truly easy-to-use and cost-saving product.

In addition to taxis, there are buses, logistics trucks, electric forklifts, tool trucks, etc.

However, all these things will be used by Huasheng companies themselves first. After all, it doesn’t matter if the product is bad if you use it yourself. You can collect various data and improve it while using it.

After the product becomes a very mature and stable product, it will be officially launched on the market.

Sedan, bus, truck, engineering vehicle...

Xu Huasheng looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

According to the current progress and technical reserves, the first generation of products will be available to company users within three to five years.

After these products are put into use, Huasheng Group may use a scrapped age event to verify the technology and accumulate reputation.

According to the outputThe scrapping period of a rental car is eight years. If there is eight years of word-of-mouth accumulation, then this group of taxi drivers will most likely become the first batch of electric car users, because they know electric cars best.

For electric cars, as long as the infrastructure is complete, users recognize it, and the cost of using cars is relatively low, then China will definitely allow electric cars to penetrate quickly, not to mention other countries.

Petrodollars, if the use of oil is greatly reduced, how can the petrodollars be maintained?

Besides, Xu Huasheng's layout is not just electric cars and batteries. In the energy terminal, Huasheng Group is also working hard to invest in research and development and layout.

The fourth generation of nuclear power is already under development, and even the controlled nuclear fusion Huasheng Group is studying it.

Once these technologies are put into use, it will change the entire world pattern.

After leaving the laboratory, Xu Huasheng came to a small conference room, and several people had been called over by Xu Huasheng.

"Everyone, I am going to set up Huasheng Energy Company. The main business of Huasheng Energy Company is to invest in electricity, oil, natural gas and other businesses around the world. Especially in electricity, our investment should be all over the world. We should not only invest in power plants, but also invest in power grids and power infrastructure. At the same time, we should master the manufacturing capabilities of core technologies and core equipment. My goal is to build the world's most powerful energy group..."

In the conference room, Xu Huasheng's words made everyone take a breath.

The initial investment in the energy industry is very large. Let alone anything else, just the investment in electricity mentioned by Xu Huasheng, this thing is a big project.

It may take tens or even hundreds of billions to build a large hydropower station.

It also takes tens of billions to invest in a thermal power station, and it also takes a lot of money to build a power grid. Another point is that abroad, the situation in many countries is not stable and people are often replaced.

After a new leadership, they may turn against each other at any time. Maybe Huasheng Group has worked hard to build a product, but before it starts to make money, it is taken away by some rogue governments. This kind of example is too common, especially in some countries supported by Europe and the United States. It is very difficult for Chinese people to do business there.

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