"Everyone, this is our prisoner-of-war camp. For the prisoners of war detained here, we give them very humane treatment in accordance with the Geneva Convention..."

Shameidi took the reporters into an underground prisoner-of-war camp. After learning about the treatment of these prisoners of war, the reporters were dumbfounded.

This is completely different from what I imagined. Although this prisoner-of-war camp is located underground, it is very dry and has good ventilation.

It is also very clean and bright inside. The most important thing is that the American soldiers detained here have not been abused at all, but have lived a very comfortable life.

They are not locked up in the room, but can move freely in this camp. In this camp, there are supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, gyms, and entertainment halls. These American soldiers are taken care of here like uncles.

These people have no injuries on their bodies, and they don’t look depressed.

"Of course, we can't afford to feed them for free. After all, our own people don't have enough to eat. So if we finish the negotiations with the United States, when we release them, the United States should pay for their expenses here. Is this reasonable?"

Shamedi said with a smile, and many reporters nodded.

This is indeed reasonable, after all, the Somali people themselves can't have enough to eat. Your people were captured as prisoners, and you treated them so well. You, the United States, won't even give them living expenses.

However, when some reporters learned about the prices here, they couldn't help but take a breath.

Damn, your prices are robbing money.

A hamburger costs $100, a cup of coffee costs $150, a steak costs $300, a bottle of foreign wine costs $2,000, and a cigarette costs $1,000.

The most surprising thing is that women are also provided here. Women are not too expensive, $2,000 an hour, which is the price of a bottle of foreign wine in comparison.

But condoms cost 1,000 US dollars each, which is too much of a rip-off. As for not using this thing, American soldiers can do it if they are brave enough. But in Somalia, there are many AIDS patients.

"Mr. Sha, I would like to ask, if the US government does not pay these living expenses, how will you solve this problem?"

An American reporter asked directly.

"As the world's number one country, the United States will not be unwilling to pay for the living expenses of its own soldiers. If they really don't want to pay, then we can only get the money back through other means. For example, the families of these soldiers, or directly selling these people, they are the most elite soldiers in the United States, and they can still be sold for some money in this world."

Sha Meidi said directly, which made the American reporter swallow his saliva.

Damn, what about humanitarianism?

You can imagine that if the US government is unwilling to pay this money. These people may be sold like piglets by Aidid's people. By that time, the United States will become a joke of the world.

Their own soldiers were sold to all parts of the world as slaves. Although they are elite soldiers, it is easy to control them. For example, a remote-controlled bomb collar is directly put on their necks. Unless these people don't want to live, they can only obey.

Reporters from various countries interviewed some soldiers here, and the soldiers answered truthfully that they were not abused here. Their demands are also very simple, hoping to return home as soon as possible.

After the interview, a group of reporters were taken to a room, and Aidid also came to the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I invite you here today to let countries all over the world know about our Somali People's Army. Our Somali People's Army is a people's armed force. We also hope to solve the problem in a peaceful way. For these American prisoners of war, our release conditions are also very simple. First, the United States must withdraw its troops from Somalia, and secondly, the United States must compensate for the property losses in our controlled areas. Including damaged buildings, factories, gas pipelines, and tap water pipelines. Finally, the United States must give reasonable compensation for the casualties in Somalia caused by the US military's war."

When Aidid said this, many reporters were also stunned.

When did Aidid become so easy to talk to? The conditions he proposed are reasonable.

However, some reporters were overjoyed. These conditions are reasonable. However, if you look closely, you will find that these conditions are completely demands made by a victorious country to a defeated country.

If the United States agrees to these conditions, it means that the United States has become a defeated country. The signed agreement is also a defeat agreement. Since World War II, the United States has never signed such an agreement.

Even when it was fighting with China, it was forced to sign an armistice agreement.The United States has never compensated China. In the Vietnam War and other wars, the United States has never signed a compensation agreement.

Now, Aidid actually asked the United States to sign a compensation agreement, which means that the United States admitted defeat. If the United States jumps into this pit, many people behind will follow suit. If they are lucky enough to catch American soldiers or Americans, they can directly ask the United States for compensation.

Overt conspiracy, this is an open conspiracy.

And Aidid announced this news through these reporters, so that people all over the world know it.

If the United States does not agree to this reasonable request, it means that the United States is not sincere and does not want peace.

If the United States agrees, then this time the United States admits defeat. The consequences of the United States admitting defeat may be more serious.

All reporters around the world left the underground base. There are too many news materials today. They must go back and sort them out. This is big news.

And many people in the area occupied by Aidid have signed up to join the Somali People's Army.

As for weapons and equipment, Aidid really has no shortage now. Because in the past year or so, Shamedi brought a lot of weapons and equipment. Not only weapons and equipment, but also some small production lines.

Now Aidid's underground arsenal can produce AK74 rifles, rocket launchers, 107 rocket launchers, and sniper rifles, including heavy anti-material sniper rifles.

And they can produce mines, grenades, grenades, bullets, rockets and other things. As for javelin and stinger missiles, although they can't produce them, they have channels.

And the source of these javelins and stingers is not other countries, but Colonel Ka. Now Colonel Ka's production line can produce javelins and stingers, and some rocket launchers with longer range can also be produced.

The weapons produced by Colonel Ka enter Somalia through the channels of Sudan and Ethiopia.

In addition to sufficient weapons, there is now a complex tunnel system underground in the area controlled by Aidid, and this tunnel system is constantly expanding every day. If the US military really dares to attack, then this place can become a big deep pit.

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