"Change to high-explosive steel ball bullets, coordinates XXXX..."

"Change to armor-piercing high-explosive bullets, coordinates XXXX..."

"Change to high-explosive incendiary bombs, coordinates XXXX..."

"Change to cluster submunitions, coordinates..."

"Change to precision-guided high-explosive bombs..."

The artillerymen of the Iron Lung had a lot of fun, and all types of ammunition were tested on the Burmese army.

And the technicians continued to collect various data, while observing the differences in the damage of various rockets to the target.

The rocket artillery troops had a lot of fun. Anyway, they couldn't see the dead. They just loaded whatever ammunition the commander told them to load and fired at those areas. It was simple and convenient.

There were many types of ammunition, but they were all legal ammunition, and there was no such thing as poison gas bombs. But legal ammunition is also very lethal.

Especially against troops like the Burmese army, they are marching on the road at the moment, with few protective facilities. Being suddenly attacked by this kind of ammunition is a direct devastating blow.

At the Burmese army headquarters, everyone's eyes were full of fear.

According to the report from the front line, the troops sent out are being attacked by the enemy's rocket artillery troops. And the enemy's rocket artillery seems to have eyes, and it is very accurate.

Their rocket artillery shells can even accurately hit the tops of tanks and armored vehicles from the air, directly opening a hole and exploding inside the car, which is too terrifying.

Obviously, the enemy knows the movements of their troops very well. This made the middle-aged general completely terrified. He couldn't help but look up in the command room and thought of a terrible thing.

The enemy must have very powerful intelligence support, and there must be satellites or reconnaissance aircraft in the air constantly monitoring their movements, otherwise they would not be able to send rockets to the heads of Myanmar soldiers so accurately.

The Myanmar army attacking the Kokang area was completely stunned. They were destroyed by the enemy's artillery without even seeing the enemy's face.

All kinds of terrifying shells are like the death of hell, constantly harvesting the lives of these people. When the last artillery fire stopped, the entire attacking force was almost wiped out, and there were very few survivors.

The bombardment ended, and it was not only the Burmese army that was shocked.

In the headquarters, Tie Fei couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He didn't expect that these weapons would be so lethal. Tie Fei was also a veteran before, and he had participated in the war in the south and experienced artillery battles.

But although that kind of artillery battle looked fierce, the results were not as good as now.

This time, the various rockets brought by China were really lethal. The fuel-air bomb was like a small nuclear bomb, and it was extremely terrifying after covering.

In addition to fuel-air bombs, high-explosive steel ball bombs specially developed for infantry will explode directly one or two meters above the ground. The terrifying steel balls will kill a large area at a time, just like cutting wheat.

There are also cluster bombs. After the special cluster bombs explode in the air, they become countless small bombs, and the range lethality is also quite terrifying.

And precision-guided rockets can directly and accurately hit targets, and can directly send rockets to the top of tanks and armored vehicles within a range of more than 20 kilometers, which is better than anti-tank missiles.

This time, Tie Fei finally experienced what firepower coverage is. It's so cool to fight a war with money. Just cover it with firepower and the problem will be solved.

The staff officers from China in the command room also had solemn expressions. This war mode is too terrifying. It completely subverted the traditional combat mode.

The soldiers of both sides did not contact each other at all. They used long-range fire as the main firepower and carried out rapid and precise strikes on the enemy with the help of reconnaissance satellites and drones.

These are just twelve 120mm rocket launchers. They know that China now has many advanced rocket launchers.

What would it be like if 120, 1,200, or 12,000 rocket launchers carried out precise strikes on the enemy hundreds of kilometers away? Under this kind of firepower attack, if there is no counterattack capability, how long can the enemy last?

What if the enemy attacks you in this way? How long can you last? How should you break the deadlock?

At this moment, everyone was thinking about many problems.

"Let the negotiation team go and negotiate with the Burmese army..."

Tie Fei gave the order.

Now the Burmese army's offensive has been completely disintegrated, and the Burmese army must be scared now.

Four fighter planes, a heavy artillery battalion, five infantry battalions, and an armored battalion were almost wiped out in just a few hours.

This is definitely the most devastating battle for the Burmese army in decades. The most important thing is that they lost so much and didn't even see the enemy.

In this case, Tie Fei didn't believe that the Burmese army would dare to continue to be tough.

Send a negotiation team and throw out your own terms.The Burmese army will definitely agree. The Burmese army dare not fight any more. If they continue to fight, their nests may be attacked.

The courage of the Burmese army has been completely defeated by what happened today. Before there is absolute certainty, the Burmese army will never attack the Kokang area casually in the future.

Even if the upper level wants to attack, the soldiers below do not want to attack. They don't want to be killed in such an unclear way. So many people died, the Burmese army can't hide it at all.

The battle is over, and the survivors of the Burmese army fled quickly, not even collecting the bodies of their comrades.

Tiefei and his team continued to defend, but the rocket artillery troops quickly dismantled and changed positions.

Myanmar can't find it, but the US reconnaissance satellite can see it. What if the United States provides Myanmar with coordinates. Myanmar gets a few artillery to sneak attack the position, it will be more than worth the loss.

So it is necessary to evacuate quickly and hide in pieces.

Not only did the rocket artillery position retreat, but the anti-aircraft missile position also quickly moved to a more concealed place to hide. These things were transported secretly with great difficulty, and there is only one missile launcher so far.

This vehicle was transported secretly from China after the operation was launched last night.

In the past, weapons and equipment had to be transported secretly, which was inconvenient. But it will be different in the future. After Xu Dafei controlled the Kokang area, his sphere of influence directly bordered China, and many things could be transported directly and quickly to the Kokang area in the future.

In the future, if the Kokang area encounters an attack by a powerful force, Kokang may have everything that China has. Moreover, China can provide intelligence support at any time, and it is difficult for the Burmese army to sneak attack here even if they want to.

This battle directly allowed Xu Dafei to gain a foothold in Myanmar and temporarily have a place to stay. First, have a place to stay, and then go south along the border, slowly expand your sphere of influence, accumulate food, and slowly become king. This is the path Xu Dafei will take in the future.

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