"Heads, we must act as soon as possible to develop the whole system. At the same time, we should strive to develop our industrial level and improve our manufacturing capacity and scale. We should turn China into a manufacturing power. At the same time, we should supervise the development of the financial industry with a serious attitude, and we must not over-financialize. The United States has been kidnapped by finance, and all companies are revolving around stock prices. After being kidnapped by finance, industrial hollowing out is bound to come. Because making money in the financial industry is too fast, after getting used to making quick money, no one wants to engage in industry. Now the United States is the worst, and this is our opportunity. We must seize the opportunity, integrate into the world, turn ourselves into the world's factory, and develop manufacturing in all categories. At the same time, we must develop the upstream and downstream industrial chains, not only high-end manufacturing, but also low-end manufacturing. What we need to solve now is the employment problem..."

Xu Huasheng's words made everyone nod. What China needs to solve most now is the employment problem. We should expand the scale of the industry and improve the economy. Only when we have money can we do more things.

Developing manufacturing, from high-end manufacturing to low-end manufacturing, we must have both chips and large aircraft, and clothes and shoes. Moreover, the whole industrial chain needs to be developed, from the most basic steel billets to high-end chips, so as not to be afraid of sanctions from other countries in the future.

The industrial chain is crucial, and China must establish a full industrial chain. Let China truly become a real world factory, not a world foundry. Because China's future enemies are too powerful and shameless.

In the future, China should not only be able to manufacture products for other countries, but also manufacture its own high-end products, and both brands and products should be in its own hands.

Develop the manufacturing industry. When the unmanned era comes, with China's manufacturing capabilities, once the army explodes, the terrifying production capacity can directly scare the world to death.

By that time, no matter how much money the European and American chaebols have, it will be useless. Once a war breaks out, the stocks and bonds they control will directly become a pile of waste paper. The order of this world is actually built on violence, and the gun is the unchanging truth.

"If this project is fully launched, the funds required will be too large."

In the conference room, an old man finally sighed and said, and the other old men also looked helpless.

In the final analysis, everything is constrained by money. This project requires a lot of money to invest, and it is an investment without returns. This kind of military technology is often pure investment without output, and it is a bottomless pit. And China is poor now, and money is needed in all aspects. The country's grand strategy is still centered on economic construction.

"Chief, let the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission come to me in a few days. I want to donate some shares to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. But I have a request, they only have the right to dividends, not management rights. And the dividends they receive must be subject to my supervision. Only use the money in this project..."

Xu Huasheng said directly that the country has no money, but Xu Huasheng has money. Before coming, Xu Huasheng had made a decision. He knew that the country was poor now, but this project could not be delayed, and it must be developed as soon as possible.

When Xu Huasheng said this, everyone was stunned and looked at Xu Huasheng.

"My dear leaders, I am just one person, why do I need so much money? I can't spend all the money I have now in my lifetime. Only when there is a country can there be a home. Only when China is strong can our Huasheng Group become strong. Without a strong China, our Huasheng Group is just a piece of meat in the eyes of foreign capital. Besides, I am not donating all of it..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile.

Only when there is a country can there be a home. Only when China is strong can Huasheng Group become stronger. This is a fact. Besides, Xu Huasheng can't spend much money, and it's not very useful to have so much money.

So it's better to take this opportunity to give some money to the country so that the country can develop more advanced weapons and equipment to better protect China.

Therefore, the dividends of the shares donated by Xu Huasheng must be subject to Xu Huasheng's supervision. Xu Huasheng doesn't want this money to end up in the pockets of some people, so that they can use the money to be chic, squander, and immigrate.

"Then set up a new state-owned enterprise, and then exchange equity. You decide how to set up the company. Just merge the departments you like. You understand technology, but others may not understand it. You can also recommend managers. By the way, isn't your father retired now? I heard that he is in good health. Let him take a position as a supervisor..." The old man in the lead thought for a long time and said directly. When he said this, everyone took a deep breath. They knew that the old man had made the final decision. And this new state-owned enterprise has not yet been established.The future will be very mysterious, and the status will be very powerful.

The most important thing is that the old man asked Xu Huasheng to exchange equity with the new state-owned enterprise. That is equivalent to binding the new state-owned enterprise and Huasheng Group together.

The old man also asked Xu Dabao to be a supervisor, which is not an ordinary supervisor. This supervisor is probably very powerful. At that time, a supervision system will definitely be established to allow Xu Dabao to supervise the capital movement of the entire company, and he must have the ability to report to the top at any time.

What is this? This is to let the Xu family enter the political circle directly. At that time, Xu Dabao's identity will be extraordinary.

Moreover, the company's establishment and management personnel were handed over to Xu Huasheng this time, which means that this company was created by Xu Huasheng, and he is the first major leader of the company. This is awesome. This company will be the most powerful umbrella of Huasheng Group in the future.

With this company as an umbrella, who dares to touch Huasheng Group in China?

In the future, as long as Xu Huasheng does not betray the country and does not become a traitor, no one in China will dare to touch Xu Huasheng.

Not only Xu Huasheng, but also when Xu Huasheng dies in the future, Xu Huasheng's descendants will be able to control the Huasheng Group safely and keep the entire family in a wealthy state.

The atmosphere in the room became better. Xu Huasheng's move directly solved the problem of money. Now the assets of the Huasheng Group are quite terrifying. With some money, the plan can be fully launched.

The problem of money has been solved, and the remaining problem is the problem of people. What kind of talents are needed, what kind of research institutes should be established, and those scientific research institutes need to be merged into the new company. All of this needs to be seriously discussed, because the whole plan is very important and requires a lot of people. Just the scientific research personnel may need hundreds of thousands or even millions. Talent is the most important. Without talents, only money can't get things done.

Several people discussed it, and finally, a top-secret plan was brewed in the room.

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