"Commanders, I think that in the era of information warfare, future wars will be fought largely on electronic warfare. Radar technology and communication technology are all electronic technologies. Simply put, whoever has strong electronic warfare technology in the future will be able to take the initiative. Make the enemy blind and deaf, make the enemy's communication system lose, and make the enemy's radar unable to see the target or see a false target. At that time, the enemy will become meat on the attacker's chopping board..."

In the room, Xu Huasheng began to talk about what real electronic warfare is.

When it comes to electronic warfare, China currently knows nothing about it. But in the original time and space, China will be the real boss in this field in the world in the future, and even the United States will have to stand aside.

The reason is actually very simple. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the United States has felt that it is the best in the world. Without the powerful Soviet Union as an opponent, the United States has purchased a lot of military weapons and equipment, especially advanced weapons and equipment.

And the weapons and equipment of the United States are all developed and produced by military-industrial complex companies, and the purpose of those companies is to make profits. If the purchase volume is small and there is not enough profit, they will not spend money on research and development.

Not only do they not spend money on R&D and procurement, but these companies are even unwilling to support these technicians. Over time, this directly leads to many technological gaps.

So in the end, many of the US military-industrial complexes have transformed from equipment developers to war contractors, and the biggest profit has changed from selling weapons and equipment to serving the US military to make money, becoming military service companies.

After they became military service companies, they served the US military so comfortably that they brought their pets with them when they went out to fight. Anyway, it was the country's money that made these young masters comfortable, and the military was happy, the service companies were happy, and the vested interests were happy.

The most exaggerated one was a coffee cup. After layers of bidding, the US military quoted a price of $2,500 for a coffee cup. In China, it was 9.9 RMB and free shipping.

In fact, corruption in the United States is even more blatant. Their public relations fees are all legal and blatantly given. In order to get business, these military contractors have given gifts to the US military.

Technology is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has felt that it is invincible and has enough weapons and equipment. Other countries have been chasing for decades and cannot catch up. So they began to neglect and began to rest on their laurels.

On the Chinese side, there are local Americans who are directly engaged in technology. For the rabbits, if something is not the best in the world, they will feel uncomfortable.

So in the original time and space, after decades of development by China, China's technology in many military equipment is really better than that of the United States.

However, the rabbits prefer to be low-key. They like to hide good things. They don't have the heart to dominate the world, nor do they fight all over the world. The most important thing is that they don't publicize when they take advantage, but they shout all over the world when they suffer losses. Therefore, in the inherent cognition of many people, they still think that the United States is strong, and the United States always bullies China.

In the original time and space, although the rabbits and the United States did not fight head-on with hot weapons. But they fought a lot of electronic warfare in secret, and sometimes they even affected many neighboring countries when they got too excited.

For example, once the rabbits and the United States fought electronic warfare in the south, and the weather radars of the surrounding countries all failed, affecting the entire Southeast Asia. You can imagine the power of this electronic warfare.

And the surrounding countries that have conflicts with the rabbits have been tossed by the growing rabbits with electronic warfare. For example, Japan and South Korea, after the rabbits' electronic warfare technology has improved, they have used technology to tease them at their doorsteps.

For example, Japan, the rabbits used electronic warfare to play with them, causing their aircraft to take off and land too frequently, and the life of many aircraft has been greatly reduced.

The rabbits don't even need to take off their planes. They can use electronic warfare technology directly at their doorsteps to deceive Japan's warning radar, allowing them to see a large number of Chinese fighters flying towards them on the radar.

Faced with this situation, even if they know that they may be deceived, they dare not not take off the plane to deal with it. Because they don't know whether the plane is real or fake, the rabbits like to play the game of ten fakes and one real. So every time they have to take off the fighter to see what's going on.

Fighter jets, if they take off and land frequently, their life will be quickly reduced.

The same is true in South Korea, which is even worse than the rabbits. It's just that the rabbits didn't publicize these things. After all, they shouldn't be so good after getting an advantage. This is the Chinese character. They don't say anything when they get an advantage, but they shout about it all over the world when they suffer a loss.

China doesn't say anything, but Japan and South Korea have suffered a big loss, so they are even more embarrassed to say it.

As for dirty tricks, the rabbits have many dirty tricks. As long as they have the ability, they can use all kinds of dirty tricks to torment you to death. The rabbits are very vengeful, yesA master who can only benefit from others and not suffer losses, if he suffers losses, will get it back with interest sooner or later.

When Xu Huasheng explained in detail what the whole electronic warfare was, everyone in the room fell silent.

At this moment, they understood what real electronic warfare was.

Real electronic warfare is not as simple as simply monitoring other people's radio stations and taking pictures of other people's military bases.

Powerful electronic warfare can do too much. For example, electronic reconnaissance aircraft, this reconnaissance aircraft is not just as simple as taking pictures.

They can collect too much electronic information, even the enemy's phone calls can be monitored. By monitoring the opponent's commander's phone, you can quickly determine who this person is and call up the person's specific information.

And all of this can be done on a reconnaissance aircraft, which can detect too many things. If there is no corresponding anti-reconnaissance technology, everything in your home will be transparent under this aircraft.

How does your plane take off and land, where is your radar, who is your general talking to, where is your ship located, is your ship's radar turned on, what is the situation of your missiles, etc.

Imagine what it would be like if you didn't have the corresponding technology and you went to fight against an army with such technology.

Your plane had just taken off and others had detected it, and they were waiting for you directly on your flight path. How could you fight this war?

"Comrades, electronic warfare is a complex system engineering. We can't rush this matter. We must focus on practicing internal skills. Only when all capabilities are improved can we talk about the whole system combat."

Xu Huasheng's words made everyone nod.

Yes, China is far behind in this regard. The whole system is blank, and internal skills must be practiced. Only when internal skills are practiced well can it become strong. Before this, China must keep a low profile and swallow its anger after something happens.

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