The sudden price war directly stunned some home appliance brands.

Japanese brands were the first to be affected, followed by some American brands, European brands and some other niche brands were also affected. However, compared with the market share of Japanese brands in the United States, the market share of other brands is relatively small.

These brands used to be mainstream brands in the United States, but later when Japanese brands came, they took away a lot of their market, so now the market share of these brands is very small. And with the rise of Wosheng, Robertson, and Bailian brands, their market share has further decreased.

After the Chinese brands came in and fought a price war with Japanese brands, they were affected again, and their market share in the US market was even lower.

The sales volume was not good to begin with, and after the price war started this time, it was nothing more than a rotten top. Besides, American local brands are all mid-to-high-end routes, and the price war started in the low-end market, so the impact is not great.

It is similar in the European market. European brands occupy the mid-to-high-end market. Although the price war between Japanese and Chinese brands in the low-end market has an impact on them, it is not fatal.

In the manor of the Japanese old man, the heads of the US market of Japanese brands all came.

However, after they came, their opinions diverged.

"Lower the price? How to lower it? Should we follow at a loss? With our strength, how long can we follow? Our current price is already at the cost price. In the last quarter of last year, Sony lost a lot..."

The representative of Sony said angrily.

Follow the price reduction? How to follow? How long can we follow the price war with Chinese brands at a loss? If Chinese brands also lose money and sell goods at a loss like themselves, then the price war is a war of attrition to see who can't afford it first.

In this way, Japanese brands can still rely on their wealth and fight a war of attrition with China to see who can't hold on first. But now it's not the case at all. China may still maintain a meager profit after the price reduction, and at worst it will not make any money.

In this case, if you lose money in the price war, you are just courting death. You will not only fail to win the price war, but also have to pay in the money you earned before. If this situation is not resolved, Sony would rather withdraw from the US market than continue to reduce prices. Sony now seems to be unwilling to play in the home appliance industry.

"What should we do if we don't reduce prices? Should we withdraw from the global market and return to our home market? How big is the local market? Can it support us? The price war launched by Chinese brands this time is global, not just in the United States..."

The representative of Toshiba whispered.

"Shut up, if you Toshiba didn't sell things randomly, would we be cheated by the Americans?"

The representative of Panasonic said to the representative of Toshiba, which made the representative of Toshiba want to curse. Damn it, even if I don't sell things randomly, do you think the Americans will let us go? You are dreaming, even if this thing didn't happen, the United States would find other reasons.

As a Japanese company, if you don't even have this recognition, what kind of company are you.

Arguing, the representatives of Japanese brands quarreled this time.

Everyone had different opinions this time. Some said that prices could not be reduced, some said that if they didn't reduce prices, they would die, and some brands had already retreated and wanted to withdraw from the US market. Some brands also said they wanted to cooperate with Chinese brands, and some companies wanted to transform and stop doing home appliance industry.

In short, everyone in the manor quarreled.

"Okay, everyone, there is no point in quarreling. As for what to do, you can do it yourself. What we need to do is to unite and mobilize our resources to let the country come forward, and try our best to let the United States launch an anti-dumping investigation on Chinese brands, and increase the cost of Chinese brands in the US market. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to win this war..."

Finally, the old man in the manor sighed and said.

Things have come to this point, and the national level must come forward to solve it. If the national level cannot solve it, things will be difficult.

Although the hope is not great, they still need to fight for it. After all, a strong China is not in the interests of the United States, and they must make this clear to the US government and US capital.

No matter how powerful Japan is, it is still your American leek field. If China is strong, it will be really strong, and it will be a disaster to raise a tiger.

The United States can easily harvest Japan, but it is difficult for the United States to harvest China. Moreover, China is a red country, and it will definitely be a mortal enemy of the United States if it becomes strong.

Moreover, the Chinese market is not fully open yet, especially the financial market. The strict financial market makes it impossible for American financial institutions to carve up China like they did Japan.

The market is like a battlefield, where all available resources need to be mobilized.

At Toshiba headquarters in Japan, when the meeting in the United States ended, Toshiba immediately convened the highest levelAll directors came to the board meeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this may be an opportunity for us. We have a cheap parts channel. We can follow this price war. Not only that, we can also fight a price war in our home country and seize more local markets."

Toshiba's president's eyes were shining. Toshiba's opportunity has come.

Toshiba now has a cheap parts channel, and the number of parts is very large. Now Toshiba has to secretly import even the simplest shell from Formosa Hisen Seiko.

Even if tariffs are included, the price of these parts is much cheaper than the price of producing them in Japan.

"President, can we assemble our products for overseas markets directly in Hisen? In this way, the overall cost of our products may be lower."

Tsuyoshi Matsusaka's words made the president ponder immediately.

"You can ask, you can contact Hisen and ask what the price will be if our products are assembled there. If the cost is much lower than in Japan, we will put our overseas market production line in Formosa."

Tsuyoshi Matsusaka nodded at the president's words, and immediately walked out of the meeting room to make a phone call.

In Treasure Island, Xisen Seiko, Xisen's president Li Minghui's cell phone suddenly rang. After seeing the number, Li Minghui swallowed his saliva and answered the call.

"Mr. Li, I have something to ask you. If our Toshiba products are assembled in your factory, how much will the OEM fee be?"

The voice of Matsusaka Tianyi came from the phone.

"Mr. Matsusaka Tianyi, can you wait a moment? I'll let the production department calculate it."

Li Minghui said directly.

"Okay, hurry up, I'll wait for your call."

Ms. Matsusaka Tianyi hung up the phone. After hanging up Matsusaka Tianyi's call, Li Minghui took a deep breath, pondered for a while, and directly dialed a phone number that he was most reluctant to call.

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