"Everyone, regarding the cooperation on computer operating systems, my suggestion is that we set up a technology company, registered in the Cayman Islands, and then hold it through our respective investment companies. The Internet industry is a big cake, and the Internet can also create many miracles. Any creative function may create an Internet giant with a market value of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions. The computer operating system is just the initial cooperation between us..."

In the room, Xu Huasheng simply described the prospects of the Internet industry.

Of course, Xu Huasheng couldn't talk about it in too much detail, just simply described the blueprint.

But just this simple blueprint has made everyone breathe harder.

This blueprint is too big.

Under this blueprint, there is a super big cake of trillions or even tens of trillions of dollars.

And this cake requires little investment and has great returns.

As long as the story is told well and some media operations are carried out, countless leeks will rush to make this cake bigger.

It's just that these people don't know how to make this cake and how to eat it the fastest.

"Let's set up a computer operating system company first. As for the shares, I only want 30%, and you can discuss the rest among yourselves. In addition to the shares, I also want ten times the management rights of the shares..."

Xu Huasheng directly stated his conditions. When this condition came out, everyone's face became a little serious.

"Xu, is what you want a little too much?"

The representative of the Rockefeller family looked at Xu Huasheng and said, and the others also looked at Xu Huasheng with serious expressions.

Hearing this, Xu Huasheng was not angry, but looked at everyone with a smile.

"Everyone, do you have the technology of operating systems? Do you know how this industry will develop in the future? Do you know how to operate a company? Do you know how to tell a better story? Do you have a large number of cheap technicians?"

Xu Huasheng's series of questions made everyone silent.

"Everyone, the technology is mine, I do all the work, and I worry about everything. You just need to lie down and make money, shouldn't I take more? And I didn't ask for more than 50% of the shares, I have already made a big concession."

Xu Huasheng said directly, damn, you guys, I think 30% of the shares are too much.

"We Chinese have a saying, when the birds are gone, the good bows are put away, and when the cunning rabbits die, the running dogs are cooked. I am a Chinese, and I know a little bit about your methods. I want these things just to protect myself. When it comes to making money, everyone must know my ability. In addition to the Bush family, this is not the first time we have cooperated. How is the Wosheng Group now? How is ET now? How is Nokia now? How is Robertson now? You should all know it, otherwise you wouldn't be here today. If you think that I am asking for too much, then it doesn't matter if you find a better partner. At worst, I will find someone else to cooperate with..."

Xu Huasheng showed his cards directly, and everyone looked at Xu Huasheng. Of course, they know Xu Huasheng's ability best. Except for the Bush family, they all have cooperated with Xu Huasheng. They know best how much money they have made during this period.

And their investigation of Xu Huasheng has been continuing, but the more they investigate, the more shocked they are. This is a super business genius.

Not only does he have technology, but he also has means and ability. Those who cooperate with him will have their wealth soar. This is a super money-making tool.

Of course, such talents cannot be dismissed with just a few walnuts and two dates.

With Xu Huasheng, win-win is the basis. Everyone makes money together.

Xu Huasheng has made it clear now. Although your five major families are powerful, don't think of using me as a running dog.

We are of equal status, and you even have to rely on me to make money. So the biggest money must be taken by me, and the management rights must be mine.

If it works, we will cooperate. If not, you continue to look for partners.

To put it bluntly. They don't want this condition. There are many people in Europe and the United States who are willing to agree to this condition. No one doesn't like free money.

Xu Huasheng's words made the people from the five major families look at each other, and after a series of eye contact, they nodded to each other.

"Xu, don't be angry, harmony brings wealth. We will agree to your conditions, after all, we are all seeking wealth. Your ability is obvious to everyone, and we also hope that our cooperation in the future will be more pleasant..."

Robertson said with a smile, and the others nodded.

Everyone is seeking wealth, whoever can make money for them is their good friend.Friends.

In fact, these people have no patriotic feelings at all. In their eyes, the country is just a tool for the family to make profits.

What they care about is whether their family can last longer, whether their family can make more money and gain more rights.

As for the country, it doesn't matter.

Except for the Rockefeller family, these families are all Jewish families.

Jews only look at money.

These people will never be able to guess Xu Huasheng's heart. Because Xu Huasheng is the kind of person who can give up his wealth for the interests of his country and nation.

And when there is a crisis in their country, these people will only calculate their own interests first.

In the room, several people began to talk in secret.

After a series of negotiations, an agreement was finally reached.

As for the name of the company, Xu Huasheng had a bad taste and directly called it Umbrella Technology Company. That is the name of the company in the Resident Evil, even the logo is the same.

Umbrella Technology Company will be registered in the Cayman Islands in the future. Xu Huasheng owns 30% of the shares and has ten times the management rights.

That is to say, even if Xu Huasheng's shares are reduced to 10% in the future, Xu Huasheng will still have the final say in the company.

Of the remaining 70% of the shares, the Rockefeller family holds the largest share, 18%, the Rothschild family takes 16%, and the remaining three families each hold 12% of the shares.

After the establishment of the Umbrella Company, the first product was the Red Umbrella computer operating system.

This system is the Hongmeng system with a different icon, and all the codes are the same. Software that can run on Hongmeng can also run on the Red Umbrella system.

Similarly, software that can run on Red Umbrella in the future can also run perfectly on Hongmeng, because the two systems are originally the same system, just with a different name.

It is not possible not to change the name. Changing the name is equivalent to giving European and American countries a fig leaf.

If there is no fig leaf and Hongmeng is used directly, the company will face a lot of criticism and trouble in the future.

And there will be many such fig leaves in the future. The media controlled by the five major families will also take the initiative to cover up this fig leaf, because they don't want anyone to ruin their business.

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