"Mr. Xu, if we place an order now, how long will it take for the goods to arrive?"

In the hotel room, Axe had no questions about the price, but only asked about the shipping time.

"If it is a desktop computer, it needs to be shipped by sea, which will take longer. After all, desktop computers are too big and the air freight cost is too expensive. If it is a laptop, it can be shipped by air..."

Xu Huasheng said directly. The current desktop computers do not use LCD screens, but traditional cathode ray tube screens, which are low in cost but heavy in weight.

Relatively speaking, laptops use LCD screens, which are more expensive, and the various accessories are more integrated, so of course the price is also more expensive.

"Then just take laptops first, 100,000 units, and we will pay for the transportation..."

Axe said directly, the most important thing for him now is time. He must prove in the shortest time that cooperating with Huasheng Group is the right choice, only in this way can he stay in IBM.

"No problem, if it is shipped by air, it will arrive in a few days..."

Xu Huasheng nodded, the current notebook production capacity is still quite good. One hundred thousand notebooks can be produced very quickly. At most, the domestic inventory can be taken out and shipped over with a different label.

Take IBM as soon as possible. Xu Huasheng's strategy now is that it is okay even if the hardware does not make money or even loses money. What Xu Huasheng has to do now is to grab computer operating systems, kill Microsoft and Apple, and make Hongmeng the king of computer operating systems in the world, or the only one.

There will be plenty of opportunities to make money from hardware in the future. But it will be difficult to think about it again if the software opportunity is missed.

Establish the Hongmeng system and various ecosystems, so that the entire Hongmeng will be stable. Now Clinton Xu Huasheng has invested a lot, and his business should not encounter major obstacles during his term.

If Hongmeng can bring in the Bush family, then there should not be much change in the next eight years. If the United States really spends these sixteen years smoothly, it will be difficult for it to go to Hongmeng. Because by that time, Xu Huasheng will control more than just Hongmeng.

Instead, it is the entire Internet software ecosystem with Hongmeng as the core, covering all kinds of ecosystems. This ecological barrier is much more powerful than Google in the original time and space.

Xu Huasheng plans to make Hongmeng into two companies. One company is in the United States, and the other company is in China. The market of the company in the United States should be narrowed as much as possible, and the scope should be narrowed in the United States.

The reason for this is also to be on the safe side. If it is not split, Hongmeng will never grow up. The chaebols in Europe and the United States will never allow a Chinese computer operating system to dominate their market and make their money.

After chatting with Xu Huasheng for a long time, Axe left directly.

The Chinese business inspection team with Xu Huasheng as the core also got busy. According to the process, the inspection team began to inspect some places, but these were all superficial actions.

Secretly, Boeing was busy.

After two days of Boeing's board of directors meeting, the harsh conditions proposed by Xu Huasheng were finally agreed upon and the three agreements were agreed.

"Mr. Xu, our final offer is 58 million US dollars per aircraft, the model is Boeing 737-400..."

The Huaxia delegation came to the headquarters of Boeing Group.

Xu Huasheng officially started negotiations with Boeing Group on behalf of Huaxing Airlines. The model that Huaxing Airlines wants to buy this time is Boeing's 737-400.

This model of aircraft is an improved model developed by Boeing in 1985. The normal cruising speed of the aircraft is 780 kilometers per hour and the maximum endurance speed is 876 kilometers per hour.

The maximum range is 4024 kilometers and the maximum passenger capacity is 180 people.

Such data can fully meet the needs of Huaxing Airlines. Xu Huasheng's Huaxing Airlines, for the time being, mainly operates in China and some nearby countries.

"President Frank, our company has ordered 200 passenger planes, which will be assembled in China and delivered in five years. You need to help us build an assembly line in China that can assemble 40 planes per year and train workers..."

Xu Huasheng also stated his requirements.

These 200 planes will be assembled in China. Boeing must help China build an assembly plant that can produce 40 Boeing 737s per year and train enough assembly workers.

With an annual output of 40 large passenger planes, this factory is actually not small.

In fact, as long as the assembly technology is learned and there are enough skilled workers, the production capacity of this factory can be expanded at any time.

Xu Huasheng's plan is very simple. First, use this factory to train skilled workers. First drive employment, and then slowly seek the production of China's domestically produced large aircraft.and R&D.

As for the location of the aircraft factory, Xu Huasheng has already chosen it.

Xu Huasheng still plans to put this aircraft manufacturing plant in Tianjin.

Tianjin now has the automobile industry base of Shanhai Automobile Group. This industrial base is very large and will also drive the development of related industries.

Aircraft manufacturing also requires a lot of things. Some things can actually be produced by manufacturers that manufacture auto parts.

For example, the aluminum used in the fuselage of an aircraft may be provided by the same aluminum company for both automotive and aircraft.

Supporting factories that produce harnesses, sensors, seats, etc. may also be able to provide supporting equipment for aircraft. This is all possible.

An aircraft manufacturing base and an automobile production base, relying solely on the automobile industry and the aircraft manufacturing industry, can directly pull the entire Tianjin economy to fly and become the most dazzling economic pearl in the north.

After some discussion, China Star Airlines and Boeing finally reached an agreement.

Clinton was very excited when he learned that the agreement had been reached. 200 large aircraft, each at 58 million US dollars, the amount of this business was as high as 11.6 billion US dollars.

He had just moved into the White House not long ago, and there was such a sky-high order. This was simply the best gift for him.

So Clinton immediately mobilized the media and began to vigorously promote this matter.

"The Huaxia Business Delegation placed a sky-high order, and the 11.6 billion US dollar order saved Boeing..."

"200 passenger aircraft orders, Huaxia orders made Boeing take off again..."

"US-China relations have entered a new stage, Clinton congratulated Boeing..."

"Clinton expressed his desire to improve US-China relations, and win-win cooperation is the mainstream of the two countries..."

Mainstream media in the United States began to report on this matter, and Boeing took the initiative to spend money to find the media to report on this matter. This is the biggest good news for Boeing to boost its stock price.

Now that the agreement has been reached, Huaxia senior officials and Clinton have personally witnessed this matter, which shows that this matter is a done deal.

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