Silence, the scene was deadly quiet.

The order placed by Xu Huasheng made the people from Huake Institute breathe harder. Money, with money, many projects of Huake Institute can be better advanced, and many projects abandoned because of money can be picked up again.

Huake Institute is the largest shareholder of Huaguang Optoelectronics, and of course the profit can account for the largest share.

This order alone has a profit of 800 million yuan. According to the share dividend, Huake Institute can get 408 million profit dividends.

This sum of money is a huge sum for Huake Institute. And this sum of money does not need to be handed over to the country. It is money that belongs exclusively to Huake Institute, as long as it is not spent indiscriminately.

"Mr. Xu, give this lithography machine a name!"

Jiang Hanwen looked at Xu Huasheng and said.

"Let's call it Xinghua series! The light source of this model is 365 nanometers, so let's call it Xinghua 365!"

Xu Huasheng said with a smile.

Hearing Xinghua series, everyone thought the name was good.

The Xinghua 365 model has been officially finalized, and it will be ready for large-scale production and delivery.

However, Huaxia's current production capacity is relatively limited. For this lithography machine, it can only deliver 20 units per year.

"Everyone, now Xinghua 365 has been finalized. This task has also been successfully completed. Next, our Huaguangdian's task is to research more advanced lithography machines. Our goal is that the lithography machines produced by our Huaguangdian in the future will lead the world by at least ten years. I believe we will be able to do it in the future..."

Xu Huasheng's words made everyone's eyes light up again, with expectations and fighting spirit in their eyes.

"But now there is an important thing. Your work relationship is currently only temporarily seconded to Huaguangdian, according to regulations. After this task is completed, you have two choices, the first is to stay in Huaguangdian, and the second is to return to your original unit."

Xu Huasheng's words made everyone silent.

Yes, they have to face the choice of returning to Huake Academy or staying in Huaguangdian.

Returning to Huake Academy, with their current abilities and qualifications, they may get better treatment and positions after returning. And staying in Huaguangdian, the income may be higher.

Seeing everyone's hesitant expressions, Xu Huasheng laughed.

"Everyone, let me first talk about the future treatment of our Huaguangdian. The basic salary will definitely be lower than when you developed Xinghua 365, but the reduction is not too much. In addition to the basic salary, we will help you pay the highest level of social security. At the same time, in addition to statutory holidays and rest days, there are 20 days of paid vacation every year. Female employees who give birth to children enjoy one year of paid maternity leave. Male employees' wives who give birth to children enjoy one month of paid accompanying vacation..."

"Also, our Huaguangdian will build family buildings and dormitory buildings next to our unit. As long as you work in our Huaguangdian for ten years, you can get a room according to the employee level. Before the room is divided, our employee dormitory building allows you to live for free..."

At this point, everyone's breathing became heavier.

Room allocation, now for all employees, housing is a big problem. Looking at these people's reactions, Xu Huasheng continued to increase the stakes.

"At the same time, we will build our Huaguangdian staff school, which will integrate kindergarten to high school. Our employees' children can go to our school for free, not only free of tuition, but also free of charge for meals and school uniforms. Our employees' children don't have to spend a penny, directly from kindergarten to high school. Our Huaguangdian will hire the best teachers and use the best teaching materials to ensure our children's education..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, and everyone was even more jealous. They looked at each other, and some people had already made up their minds.

You have to know that the Chinese people attach the most importance to the cultivation of their offspring. This is no longer a question of how much money you have.

"Finally, it's about medical care. Our company will purchase high-cost medical insurance for every employee. If an employee gets sick, the self-paid portion after the medical insurance is reimbursed. We at Huaguangdian will reimburse employees. If you work at Huaguangdian until retirement, you can still enjoy this policy after retirement, until you die. Even in the future, we at Huaguangdian do not rule out building our own hospital. After all, we are likely to develop domestic medical devices in the future..."

When Xu Huasheng finished talking about the treatment of Huaguangdian, everyone's heart almost flew out. This treatment is too amazing.

Pension, housing, education, and medical care. These are the four mountains that weigh on everyone.

And now, if you stay at Huaguangdian, these four mountains will be solved for you directly.

Pension, the highest level of pension, enough for life after retirement.

Housing, work for ten years, directly distribute houses, before the distribution of houses, there are freeThe staff dormitory and housing are also solved.

Children's education, from kindergarten to high school, is free, without spending a penny, which is also solved.

Medical care, directly pay high insurance and medical insurance, and the company will reimburse the self-paid part outside the medical insurance, which means that you don't have to spend a penny to see a doctor.

This is simply from birth to death, the company has covered everything for you. In addition, the company usually covers three meals a day, so how can you spend money when working in the company.

Quiet, dead quiet.

Everyone's eyes were red at the scene. Who can refuse such treatment.

"Of course, we don't want everyone in Huaguangdian. Entering Huaguangdian requires strict review and examination. We only want talents with real materials. At the same time, if you are fired by Huaguangdian for personal reasons, our company has the right to withdraw the corresponding welfare policy. But don't worry, unless you do something too much, our company will not fire you. And even if you are fired, you will be compensated."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, which made everyone laugh.

They not only did not think this policy was excessive, but also took it for granted.

Huaguangdian gave such good treatment, not for you to just go for a lazy life. If you don't have the real ability, why should you enjoy such good welfare benefits?

Jiang Hanwen had a wry smile on his face. Xu Huasheng's move was too cruel. If this welfare benefit continues, I am afraid that Huake Institute will be poached by Huaguangdian this time.

Not to mention others, even I can't refuse this welfare benefit.

Most importantly, in the past year, everyone also liked the working atmosphere of Huaguangdian. There are no endless meetings, and no laymen commanding the insiders.

There are not so many social events and inspections, and some only do what they are best at and work peacefully.

There is enough money, as long as the necessary funds are available, you can apply for it and it will be approved. What equipment do you need? Just write a report and the company will find a way to get it for you.

In Jiang Hanwen's view, this is the research atmosphere that scientific researchers should have.

After all, many scientific researchers are not good at expressing themselves, nor do they flatter.

Compared with Huaguangdian, some research institutes of Huake are different. Or it can be said that many units in China have a problem. Sometimes laymen command professionals, and sometimes people with incompetence but connections are promoted.

Such a situation leads to internal disharmony, disunity and unfairness, and often even causes a huge waste of resources, and even forces capable people to leave directly.

"Okay, everyone, there is no need to rush to make a decision now. What you need to do now is to go back and have a good rest for a few days and spend time with your family. You have worked hard this year. By the way, think about it carefully and discuss it with your family. After all, this is a difficult decision. Think about it carefully so that you won't regret it later..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile.

The lithography machine has been finalized, and production will not be short of these few days. Everyone go back and have a good rest, seek the opinions of their families, and then come back, Huaguangdian will be on the right track.

And Xu Huasheng also has more important things to do. The powder keg in the Middle East is about to explode. If there is no mistake, the Gulf War will start in a dozen days.

I must take people to the United States to avoid some deviations.

Now, what Xu Huasheng is waiting for is the coalition forces to take action against Iraq. As long as the coalition forces take action, the seeds planted by Xu Huasheng will be harvested!

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