Shanhai Automobile Group officially launched the low-cost car project, and six models were renamed by Shanhai Automobile.

Wuling Hongguang became Xuanwu Xingguang, Changhe Beidouxing became Xuanwu Beidouxing, Honda Fit became Xuanwu Fit, Toyota Corolla became Xuanwu Xingguan, Toyota Hilux became Xuanwu Haishou, and Ford F150 became Xuanwu Raptor.

All models are marked with Xuanwu, and the Xuanwu brand is China's civilian brand. The mission of each car is to sell at a lower price.

The future of the Xuanwu brand is to be a price butcher. Xu Huasheng's mission for Shanhai Automobile is to finalize and mass-produce these six models before the Spring Festival next year. During the Spring Festival, the Xuanwu brand will make efforts to launch these cars.

Now only one Land Cruiser of the Xuanwu brand has been launched. Next, several cars of the Baihu brand will be launched, but the Baihu brand takes the high-end route, and ordinary people can't afford it at all.

At the same time, the White Tiger brand will also be exported on a large scale. White Tiger brand cars will become the business card of Huaxia Automobile, and compete with brands such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Cadillac, Lincoln, Volvo, and Lexus overseas.

The mission of the Xuanwu brand after going abroad in the future is also to be a price butcher, that is, to let people around the world know that Huaxia Automobile has super cost-effectiveness, which is higher than the cost-effectiveness of the Rixin brand.

At the same time, it must be of good quality, durable and not easy to break, and directly grab the market of Japanese and Korean cars.

Next year, the re-shell car of the Suzaku brand will also be finalized. The positioning of the Suzaku brand is higher than that of the Xuanwu and lower than that of the White Tiger. This brand will work with the Xuanwu brand to attack Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Ford and other brands from top to bottom.

Shanhai Automobile is busy again, and Shanhai Automobile Group has directly placed many orders with many equipment suppliers in China.

Now Shanhai Automobile is the only automobile production line integrator in China. The production line used by Shanhai Automobile is integrated by Shanhai Automobile itself. All the equipment used in this production line is produced by China itself.

In fact, Shanhai Automobile has already placed a lot of orders before, but those orders are for the production line of the Baihu brand. Now that the Xuanwu brand has launched so many models, the number of production lines has to be increased again.

In addition to the internal busyness, the location selection of Shanhai Automobile's headquarters is even more busy.

Almost all provinces in China have participated in it, and each province has tried its best to explore the policies it can give and make the policies it can give to the extreme.

Shanhai Automobile Group does not take the initiative to propose conditions now, but only allows each competitor to offer the policies they can give to each other, and finally Shanhai Automobile Group chooses the best.

This is the same as a company conducting a blind bid. In this way, the major competitors can only take out all the policies they can come up with, and dare not leave a trace.

In this case, the screening speed of Shanhai Automobile Group is also very fast. With the quotations of competitors one by one, Shanhai Automobile Group also makes the final choice based on its own situation.

"Mr. Xu, regarding the location of Shanhai Automobile's headquarters. We have finally selected several places. Mr. Xu, please choose one. My weak arms and legs cannot bear such pressure."

At the end of December 1992, Zhou Ye came to Xu Huasheng's office and watched Xu Huasheng hand over the information to scare someone. Seeing Zhou Ye's embarrassed expression, Xu Huasheng smiled and did not refuse.

Zhou Ye did not dare to make the final decision. After all, this matter was too big. For such a big thing, Xu Huasheng would not make the final decision even if he asked Zhou Ye to make the final decision.

Xu Huasheng took the information and read it carefully. After reading the information, Xu Huasheng sighed.

It is really difficult to choose. These cities are very sincere. And these cities have great energy.

Magic City, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Shantou, Wenzhou, Qingdao, Nantong, Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Dalian.

The conditions given by these cities are very generous, and the policies given are also very powerful. It is really difficult to choose.

But it is difficult to choose, but you have to choose one. After thinking carefully, Xu Huasheng took out the information of Tianjin again.

The reason why Tianjin's information was taken out is that there are several special clauses in Tianjin's information. One of them is that if Shanhai Group needs it, Tianjin is willing to fully help Shanhai Group build a university.

At the same time, the information also gave a certificate that Tianjin has already made a special application to the Ministry of Education. Shanhai Automobile Group can build Shanhai Automobile University and use the brand of Shanhai Automobile as the name of the university, but all majors of this university must be related to automobiles.

To put it bluntly, if Shanhai Automobile University is to be built, it needs to create a professional university. Use the brand name of Shanhai Automobile to promote its own university business card.

"Let's just Tianjin. After the headquarters is built, we will directly build Shanhai Automobile in Tianjin.University, to build the world's top automotive professional school. To cultivate the top talents for Shanhai Automobile Group and China's automobile industry..."

Xu Huasheng made the decision directly, and chose Tianjin.

The policy provided by Tianjin is the best among all.

In terms of land, Tianjin is just two words, free.

No matter how much land is used, it will directly provide free use rights. Tianjin will not let Shanhai Automobile Group be responsible for the demolition and expropriation work involved, and Tianjin will solve it by itself.

The scope of this free use includes the construction of factories and supporting facilities of factories. Including the use rights of all facilities such as staff dormitories, staff schools, and internal pedestrian streets.

To put it simply, it is like the Huasheng Industrial Park in Henan Province. In Henan Province, Huasheng Group still pays for resettlement. But on the Shanhai Automobile Group side, you just say how much land you use, and Tianjin will directly draw it for you. As long as the houses you build are not sold, the land is completely free to use.

Whether you are building a staff family compound or a supporting shopping mall or factory, etc.

In fact, other cities also have this policy, but See how much effort the major cities have put in to retain the super big cake of Shanhai Automobile Group.

In addition to land, other policies are also met as much as possible. The policies given to Shanhai Automobile Group by major cities are better than those for foreign investment.

For example, taxation, these cities have taken their own limits. They are all tax-free for the first five years, and the tax is halved in the next five years.

This policy is very powerful. You must know that with such a large scale, they can't make the decision on tax exemption. They must be approved by the top. Now that major cities have come up with this policy, it is obvious that these cities have been approved.

Everyone has such a policy. As for where Shanhai Automobile will finally settle down, it depends on your ability. For Huaxia, no matter where it settles down, it will be rotten in its own pot.

As for how Xu Huasheng chooses, the top management did not express their opinions, because they knew that Xu Huasheng had his own choice. What Huaxia has to do is to serve the company with the best service attitude, and the rest will be left to time.

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