After listening to Xu Huasheng's explanation, Colonel Ka's eyes widened. There is such a magic weapon in the world? This super adhesive is too powerful.

Originally, Colonel Ka was worried about how to transport the building materials used to build this new city. After all, according to the traditional construction method, building a new city requires a lot of cement and steel bars. Libya does not have these things, and they must be imported.

Let alone the problem of importing money, if these things are stuck by people and are blocked by European and American countries and are not allowed to be transported, Libya wants to build a new city. No matter how much money it has, it will be useless. The sand in the desert cannot be burned into cement and steel bars.

But now with this super adhesive, everything is solved.

Libya does not have much steel bars and cement, but Libya has a lot of oil and sand. Libya's oil reserves are the ninth in the world, and the cost of mining is very low.

And this thing is equivalent to Colonel Ka's own. Except for paying workers a little salary, it is equivalent to not spending money.

The construction materials are also solved. More than 90% of Libya is desert, and the sand is endless. In this way, the construction materials are solved. For the construction of Libya's new capital, the construction cost can be greatly reduced. What originally needed 100 billion US dollars to solve may now be enough for 20 billion.

After waiting for half an hour, Alkofi finally came back.

The concrete of the wooden box has solidified, and it looks like a newly made yellow mud brick. Alkofi knocked out the concrete block directly. He knocked it with a dagger and it was very solid.

Colonel Ka was also curious and directly pulled out his dagger and stabbed it hard. As a result, only the tip of the saber penetrated a little bit, not even half a centimeter. This solidity is no worse than dry reinforced concrete.

Now the whole concrete block is rectangular and only about three centimeters thick.

Such a solidity shocked Colonel Ka.

"Mr. Colonel, this is just the initial solidification. Once it is completely dry, it will be stronger and no worse than high-grade concrete. But it takes a little longer to dry completely. It takes about a month from the initial solidification to the final complete drying. But the initial solidification time is relatively short. If the temperature is suitable, it can be initially solidified in half an hour. After the initial solidification, the formwork can be removed..."

Xu Huasheng introduced, and Colonel Ka nodded excitedly.

"Let's go, try with a gun outside..."

Colonel Ka said directly, and then the four people walked out of the command room directly.

In the Libyan military camp, Colonel Ka asked people to place the solidified concrete board 20 meters away and shoot with a pistol first.

The pistol bullet flew directly, not to mention penetrating, even the bullet did not go in completely, leaving only a shallow pit.

Then he changed to a rifle. Even the powerful AK could not penetrate the three-centimeter thick concrete board. Such a solid concrete board made Colonel Ka swallow his saliva. The solidity is no worse than reinforced concrete. If the thickness is enough, even nuclear bombs can't do anything.

"Mr. Xu, using this kind of building material, will the construction speed be faster?"

Colonel Ka couldn't help looking at Xu Huasheng next to him.

"Yes, if this kind of building material is used, the construction speed will be greatly increased. This kind of building material does not need to tie the steel frame at all, just assemble the template and pour the concrete. The speed is fast, the construction quality is high, and this kind of building material is fireproof, rainproof, coldproof and corrosion-resistant, so there is no need to worry about safety issues. Relying on natural degradation, this thing is like plastic, and there is no problem if it is buried underground for thousands of years. The only disadvantage is that it requires a lot of oil..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Colonel Ka and Alkofi laugh.

What's the fear of consuming oil? There is nothing else in my family, but there is a lot of oil. At most, I can build more oil wells and pump them from the ground. In Libya, this thing is worthless, and a bottle of oil can't even be exchanged for a bottle of water.

"Boss Xu, this thing is so strong, can it be used to replace steel? For example, to make equipment..."

Colonel Ka's imagination was so wild that Xu Huasheng immediately laughed and cried.

"Colonel, this won't work. Although this thing has a high hardness after solidification, it is essentially the same as concrete. It has no ductility, just like a stone block. It is fine to use it to build houses and infrastructure, but it won't work if it is used to make parts..."

Xu Huasheng explained. To put it bluntly, this thing is just a special glue. It is fine to mix it with sand to build houses and infrastructure, but it will be a mess in minutes to make parts.

"Boss Xu, if there is sufficient funding and sufficient supply of raw materials, how long will it take for this project to be completed by you, China?"

Colonel Ka asked again.

It will take a long time to build a new capital using traditional construction methods.But what if we switch to super concrete? How long can it speed up?

"Three years, if there is sufficient funding and sufficient material supply. If we give this project to China, it will only take three years to complete the construction. However, Libya must allow Chinese workers to come to Libya to work, and the number is relatively large, there may be hundreds of thousands of people..."

Xu Huasheng said directly. As long as the money and raw materials are in place, it will take three years to build this city.

This construction method is simple, fast, high-quality, and has many benefits. But there are a lot of benefits, but ordinary countries will not use it. Especially oil-poor countries, the reason is very simple, the cost is too high.

For example, in China, you may use reinforced concrete to build a cubic meter at a unit price of 2,000 yuan. But if you use this super concrete plus sand and soil to coagulate, the cost may be as low as 5,000 or even higher.

Only big oil-rich countries like Libya, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran, etc., which have more oil and fewer people, dare to use this method. They use this method, but it reduces the construction cost a lot. Because oil is too cheap for these countries, they can produce it in their own fields and don't need to spend money to buy it.

On the contrary, things like steel bars and cement may be more expensive for them.

After a series of verifications at the shooting range and verifying the effect of the super coagulant, the group returned to the command room. This time, Colonel Ka and Xu Huasheng are going to start formal negotiations.

There are a lot of things to negotiate this time, covering all walks of life.

The construction of the new capital, industrial zones, agricultural zones, including the construction of railways and roads from the new capital to other cities. Colonel Ka even plans to build several roads and railways from the new capital to directly connect to neighboring countries. With super coagulant, the construction cost of these infrastructure projects for Libya has been greatly reduced, and the construction speed has been greatly increased, so Colonel Ka's ambition has expanded again.

And Colonel Ka directly let the Chinese construction team build all these things, and all standards are adopted by Chinese standards. All equipment, as long as China has it, will be purchased from China. If China doesn't have it, then consider other countries.

This is the pledge of allegiance, a pledge paid for his dream of becoming an emperor and for the instruction manual of the mushroom eggs from the rabbit family.

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