"Alkofi, come to me immediately..."

In the room, the uneasy Colonel Ka called Alkofi who had just returned from China, and soon Alkofi came to Colonel Ka's residence.

"Go and investigate the news of Czechoslovakia immediately."

Colonel Ka explained directly.

Alkofi nodded, but he was extremely curious. What happened to Colonel Ka? Why did he care about this country? You know, this country is just a small country in Central Europe, and it doesn't have much intersection with Libya. Why does Colonel Ka pay attention to this country? Is there anything special about this country?

Although he was curious, Alkofi didn't ask much. He just needed to complete what Colonel Ka told him seriously.

After Alkofi left Colonel Ka's residence, he immediately arranged for people to start investigating the intelligence of Czechoslovakia.

In just two days, Alkofi got a lot of information about Czechoslovakia. After getting the information, Alkofi came to Colonel Ka's residence again.

"Colonel, according to the intelligence we have collected, there is a high possibility that Czechoslovakia will split. But no one can tell until the last moment. Although their ruling party has announced that they will become two independent countries, the relevant laws have not been passed within the federation. Moreover, there are many opponents within their parliament, and most members of the parliament do not want the country to split. So it is hard to say whether it will be passed at the legal level in the end. After all, the people of these two places have no historical conflicts or other contradictions and conflicts. The only conflict is that there is a problem in the domestic economy. If the legal level cannot be passed in the end, then the country will not split again in the short term..."

Alcofi reported his investigation to Colonel Ka.

The split of Czechoslovakia is actually a political operation. The purpose is very simple, which is to further strike the influence left by the Soviet Union.

"Do you mean that the split of Czechoslovakia is not 100% certain?"

Colonel Ka asked back.

"Yes, as long as the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly finally rejects the independence bill. Then Czechoslovakia cannot split..."

Alcofi said directly, and Colonel Ka nodded. To put it bluntly, the current situation in Czechoslovakia is like the US election. It is hard to say whether it will be completely independent or rejected in the end.

"Well, you continue to pay attention to the situation over there. Once there is a result, report to me immediately."

Colonel Ka ordered, Alkofi nodded and finally left Colonel Ka's residence. After Alkofi left, Colonel Ka returned to his study.

On the walls around the study, there are the planning drawings that Alkofi brought back last time. And Colonel Ka stared at the renderings in a trance.

Just when Colonel Ka was uneasy, China was unusually lively.

In Henan Province, Huasheng Electronic Industrial Park, Xu Huasheng and Li Jilin and his party were inspecting the entire electronic industrial park.

The construction of the entire electronic industrial park has come to the end, with only a little miscellaneous work left, and it will definitely be completed by the end of this month. In eight months, a Chinese miracle has been created here.

In eight months, a city has been built here, an industrial city that can accommodate millions of people. In the past eight months, the construction here has been almost non-stop for 24 hours. At the peak, there were more than 50,000 workers working here.

Not only did Henan Province set up a special working group to be stationed here 24 hours a day, but even the country also set up a special working group, which was also stationed here 24 hours a day. As long as there are difficulties, they can give the green light all the way to ensure the progress of the construction, and they must not delay the construction period.

To be frank, in the past eight months, this place has really gathered the strength of the whole country to build. China has given people, resources, and policies.

There is no way, Huasheng Group has received too many orders. The super order of nearly 100 billion US dollars is too important for China, China's semiconductor industry, and Huasheng Group.

Because there are too many orders from abroad, Huasheng Group has no time to produce the mobile phones needed by the domestic market. The Chinese government has also given instructions that all productivity should first meet the needs of the foreign market. It will not delay the domestic market for half a year or a year to sell it later, and there is no rush.

But if the foreign market passes this hurdle, once other competitors appear in the market, China will lose a lot of profits. So first focus on getting the money into your own pocket. Your own money is yours, whether you make it early or late.

Entering the Electronic Industrial Park, you feel that it is very busy here. Even though the weather in Henan Province is very cold now, you can still feel thisThe enthusiasm in the workshop. The trucks coming and going are much busier than other areas in Zhengzhou.

A group of people came to a huge workshop. It was freezing cold outside, but it was warm inside. The central air conditioning in the workshop keeps the temperature in the workshop very comfortable, and it is no problem to wear short sleeves.

In the workshop, the production lines are very spectacular.

This is a mobile phone assembly workshop. This is an assembly line production line. Each worker is responsible for only one process. All the workers are wearing uniform gray work clothes, hats, and masks, and they look very neat.

Although the precision of mobile phones in this era is completely inferior to that of future smartphones, standardized production is still necessary. The entire workshop is a dust-free workshop. Everyone must change work clothes, shoes, hats, and masks before going to work.

Such management can not only improve production efficiency and product quality, but also better ensure the health of employees.

In terms of hygiene, the entire industrial park has very strict requirements. There are a lot of people in the factory, and people gather together. After entering winter, it is the peak period of influenza. If management is not strengthened, it is likely to cause large-scale influenza and delay production progress.

Maintaining good hygiene, wearing masks, and a suitable working and living environment can greatly prevent the occurrence of influenza and other infectious diseases.

Not only in the production workshop, but also in the entire park, no matter where, the hygiene standards are very strict. Including the hygiene requirements in the employee dormitory are very strict. It cannot be said to be spotless, but it must be clean and odorless.

In order to improve the hygiene here, Huasheng Group directly recruited many retired soldiers to manage the hygiene of the entire park. Now the hygiene of the entire park is almost the same as that of a military camp, very clean and very comfortable. Good hygiene conditions also reduce the incidence of illness of employees here, ensure physical health, and ensure the production tasks of the park.

At the same time, a good sanitary environment also allows everyone to gradually develop good living habits and improve personal quality. This is a virtuous circle.

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