"Xiao Sheng, you are also from Henan Province. Everyone knows that you, Xiao Sheng, have vision. Now Uncle Li is the master of this land, and in the future he is also going to take root here and do something for the people of Henan Province. You are here today, you have to give Uncle Li some good advice..."

After the plane took off, Li Jilin and Xu Huasheng also left the airport.

However, Xu Huasheng did not leave, but was directly invited to his office by Li Jilin.

When he arrived at the office, Li Jilin relaxed. After sending everyone else away, he chatted with Xu Huasheng. This time it was no longer the relationship between the leader and the company's CEO, but the relationship between the elder and the younger.

Although Xu Huasheng was often in Shenzhen, he rarely saw Xu Huasheng. But Xu Dabao and Li Jilin often met. They drank together many times, and they became friends. In this way, Li Jilin and Xu Huasheng became uncle and nephew in private.

One was intentional and the other was intentional, and no one blamed each other.

In Li Jilin's eyes, Xu Huasheng naturally needs to build a good relationship, and a closer relationship is good for him. From Xu Huasheng's perspective, the same is true. A closer relationship is sometimes more convenient.

"Uncle Li, our Henan Province is a major agricultural province. To be honest, it is a bit difficult to develop with this positioning. As the saying goes, you can eat from the mountains and the water. Since ancient times, for a city to develop, the geographical location is very important, and resources are also very important. And our Henan Province does not have any advantages in these."

Xu Huasheng's words made Li Jilin sigh.

Yes, Henan Province is a major agricultural province. It is difficult to develop without relying on mountains or the sea, and there are not many resources.

"Uncle Li, since we are a major agricultural province, then we might as well find food in the land."

Xu Huasheng's words immediately aroused Li Jilin's interest.

"Uncle Li, I think we can work hard on food processing in Henan Province. Food is the most important thing for people, and eating is something that no one can live without. With the development of society, urbanization will accelerate. The pace of life of people living in cities will also increase, and the demand for deeply processed food will also increase. If we work hard in this regard, we can make Henan Province a national food processing center and cultivate a number of well-known food brands, which can also greatly promote employment and economy. We can even achieve the situation that all the food in the world comes from Henan..."

Xu Huasheng's words immediately aroused Li Jilin's interest. After pouring a cup of tea for Xu Huasheng, he took out a notebook and pen from the side.

"Xiao Sheng, tell me in detail..."

Li Jilin looked at Xu Huasheng, his eyes full of curiosity. Looking at Li Jilin's eyes, Xu Huasheng smiled faintly.

"Uncle Li, this industry can be summed up in two words: prefabrication. Simply put, it means that the food and dishes are prepared first, and then they are packaged with packaging technology to make products. When eating, just tear them open. Instant noodles, ham sausages, canned food and other things are all prefabricated products. But we can expand the scope, such as the dumplings we usually eat, which can be directly packaged and frozen in bags. In this way, after customers buy them, they are usually placed in the refrigerator. If they want to eat, they can open a bag and boil water for a few minutes to cook a plate of dumplings. It is simple and convenient. Not only dumplings, buns, glutinous rice balls, steamed buns, fried dough sticks, scallion pancakes, but also various cooked foods. Simply put, as long as it is edible, it can be done this way..."

Xu Huasheng began to describe this huge market to Li Jilin.

The food market is a very large market. If Henan Province can do this industry well and let the world's food come out of Henan Province, then relying on this industry alone, Henan Province's economy can develop rapidly.

As Xu Huasheng narrated, Li Jilin's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he remembered more and more things in his hands.

"Uncle Li, it's not just food processing. We can also vigorously develop breeding in Henan Province, such as large-scale scientific pig farming, building modern slaughterhouses, and then building cold chains, building stores, and creating the world's first meat brand. This is completely feasible. At the same time, we can also increase investment in industries such as grain, oil, and beverages. If our Henan Province can cultivate several world-class brands..."

Xu Huasheng said seriously.

This industry is very large. Just think about it. If a lot of brands such as Shuanghui, Master Kong, Uni-President, Daliyuan, Panpan, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Golden Dragon Fish, Sanquan, etc. are brought to Henan Province, what a powerful force this is.

At that time, even if there is no high-tech industry, these industries alone can still drive the economy. Moreover, Henan Province has a large population and a large labor force. These industries need more workers, which can be regarded as labor-intensive industries.

Li Jilin became more and more excited as he listened, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

This industry is indeed very suitable for Henan Province. Henan Province is located in the Central Plains, orIt is a major traffic artery, and it is convenient to reach the surrounding areas. There are more labor forces, and it is located in a plain area, which is also suitable for large-scale industrial clusters.

"Uncle Li, don't worry about the sales channels. At present, the Xingda Group in my hands is building our supermarket channels on a large scale across the country. In the future, as long as our products are of qualified quality, they can be sold through our channels. But Uncle Li, the food industry is a conscientious industry. This industry must be supervised more strictly. We can't let our people eat a stomach full of poisonous videos. We must pay special attention to the supervision of various food additives. If we want to build the brand of Henan Province Manufacturing, we must strengthen the supervision of food safety..."

Xu Huasheng said seriously.

Food safety is too important. If Henan Province can strengthen supervision on food safety. Create the impression that the food produced in Henan Province is the safest, then the development of these industries in the future will be easier.

Li Jilin nodded with a serious expression. He naturally understood the importance of food safety. Who wants to eat unsafe food?

"Xiaosheng, why don't you try to invest? You are optimistic about this industry, you have more funds, and you also control the channels. Now your Huasheng Group is deeply rooted in our Henan Province..."

Li Jilin looked at Xu Huasheng and said.

Here is a big money sponsor, and a big money sponsor with huge advantages. If Xu Huasheng can take the lead, then this industry will be very simple to think about.

Hearing Li Jilin's words, Xu Huasheng couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle Li, you can't just grab a sheep and pull it..."

Xu Huasheng said jokingly, but he was moved in his heart. Although the food processing industry is not a very high-tech industry, this industry is a conscientious product.

Now I have money, channels, and popularity in Henan Province, and Li Jilin is here. With these advantages combined, I can really do it. At that time, I will combine it with the agricultural company to directly form an upstream and downstream industrial chain. Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng pondered.

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