Yanjing, the specific negotiations on this trade officially began.

After several days of detailed discussions, China and Saudi Arabia finally reached a secret agreement.

The technology transfer fee for the two missiles is 10 billion US dollars, and the order for 200 missile boats is 6 billion US dollars.

The anti-ship missile with a range of 320 kilometers is 2 million US dollars per piece, and 1,000 missiles are worth 2 billion US dollars in total.

The ground attack missile with a range of 550 kilometers is 4 million per piece, and 2,000 missiles are worth 8 billion US dollars.

A huge underground military base that can defend against nuclear strikes and giant earth-penetrating bombs costs 3 billion US dollars.

Saudi Arabia has very high requirements for this base. It is built completely according to the standards of the doomsday base. It is hundreds of meters underground, and it is fine even if it is hit by a nuclear bomb.

The base has a complete power supply, ventilation and other systems, and future missile production lines will be placed here. At the same time, the underground base can also store a large amount of raw materials.

This is not enough. For safety reasons, Saudi Arabia even requires that a huge skyscraper be built above this underground base to cover the underground base. In this way, if the enemy wants to bomb the underground base, they must first bomb the skyscraper.

This request from Saudi Arabia made the Chinese people drool one by one. How scared they must be. It is not enough to build an underground base. A skyscraper is built above the underground base. This is like using civilians as a protective umbrella.

However, the Chinese people can also understand Saudi Arabia's feelings. After all, this underground base is too important for Saudi Arabia. This is Saudi Arabia's only missile production base at present. These missiles are Saudi Arabia's big killer to protect the country. Missiles are a technology on one hand, and quantity is the fundamental factor.

If you have hundreds of such missiles, they may only play a certain deterrent role, but if you have a production line that can produce hundreds of missiles every day, the role will be different.

As long as this base is not blown up, with Saudi Arabia's financial resources, a large number of raw materials will be reserved first. Once a war breaks out, the production line will be fully opened to produce these things, which will definitely make the surrounding countries scream, including Israel.

Joint procurement, 29 billion super arms order, as for how they pay for it internally, it is their own business, China only collects money and delivers.

And this order does not include submarines, after all, there are no submarines now, how can you sell something that you don’t have.

Xu Huasheng told Salman about the submarine in detail, especially the weapon configuration above. After hearing this configuration, Salman’s eyes were red, and he patted his chest to guarantee that as long as China builds such a submarine, money is not a problem.

In addition to arms orders, the cooperation intention orders for other projects are more than 30 billion US dollars, which is definitely a super order.

However, Saudi Arabia has paid for it, and there are some special requirements.

First of all, they have land-based versions of both missiles. China has to design mobile launch vehicles for them, so that these two missiles can be launched on land. Of course, the launch vehicles and radar vehicles will need to pay extra money at that time.

At the same time, half of the missile orders they ordered need to be produced and delivered on Saudi Arabia’s own production line. China needs to send professionals to provide various technical guidance, and the manufacturing standards must meet China’s production standards.

Not only missiles, but also missile boats.

According to Saudi Arabia's requirements, missile boats need to be produced in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will build a shipyard on the east coast. Saudi Arabia will pay for the shipyard. This shipyard will be responsible for the construction of 200 missile boats. The core components will be imported from China, such as radar systems, engines, etc., but Saudi Arabia hopes to produce other simple things by itself.

Saudi Arabia wants not only products this time, but also technology and industry. Through this batch of orders, it will establish its own missile manufacturing and shipbuilding industries.

Especially for shipyards, once the plan is really successful, they can not only build missile boats in the future, but also patrol boats and so on, and even small luxury yachts. Luxury yachts are very popular in rich countries like Saudi Arabia. If you can build it yourself, you can also make money from the shipbuilding industry in the future.

Shipbuilding is also considered heavy industry. If you can have a shipyard with good strength in the future, it will be of great significance to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will purchase the equipment of this shipyard from China, and the standards will also be based on China's standards.

After all the agreements were signed, the group and Xu Huasheng left Yanjing.

"Everyone, this is our Huasheng Group's mobile phone assembly line..."

Shenzhen, Huasheng Group's industrial park.

After completing the arms negotiations, Salman and his party did not go back directly, but came directly to Shenzhen to visit Huasheng Group.

In the industrial park of Huasheng GroupIn the park, these people visited the various production workshops of Huasheng Group. After the visit, these wealthy dog ​​owners were jealous.

One factory after another, one production line after another, the entire industrial zone was extremely busy.

Trucks kept coming in and out, and the various products dazzled these people. You should know that there are many production lines in the industrial park now, and many products can be produced.

Home appliance factories, mobile phone assembly factories, machine tool production factories, chip production factories, engine production factories, gearbox production factories, and various material production factories, etc.

This is simply a super factory with a complete set of industrial production systems. Any factory pulled out at random is something that these dog owners don’t have.

In the mobile phone assembly workshop, Salman and his party watched the workers assemble various parts into mobile phones one by one, and then the mobile phones passed various tests and were sealed and directly packed into huge boxes, and then swallowed their saliva.

These boxes of mobile phones, these are all money.

Just such a small mobile phone can be sold for 10,000 riyals.

Just such a small guy can be exchanged for one hundred and thirty barrels of crude oil. The current international crude oil price is around $22, and a mobile phone sells for more than $2,600.

A mobile phone can be exchanged for 130 barrels of oil, which is the premium ability of high-tech products. 130 barrels of crude oil require a truck to pull a truck.

Envious, these dog tycoons are so greedy that they want to move all these production lines to their own countries.

After leaving the mobile phone factory, everyone came to a factory next door.

"Everyone, this is a production plant of our Shanhai Automobile. At present, two production lines have been established and are in the trial production stage these days. All the equipment of these two production lines comes from our Huaxia Enterprise. At present, Shanhai Automobile has complete property rights to these two production lines. The maximum monthly production capacity of each production line is 10,000 units..."

Xu Huasheng led Salman and his party into Shanhai Automobile's automobile production plant in Shenzhen, which is also Shanhai Automobile's first production plant.

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