"Chief, compared to being able to treat illnesses, I think it is more important to dare to treat illnesses."

In the villa, Xu Li looked at Director Yun and said seriously. This made Director Yun look solemn, and he gave Xu Huasheng a look, motioning Xu Huasheng to continue.

"The principle of daring to treat illnesses is that we cannot let our people become poor or return to poverty due to illness. It is very common for an illness to drain a family. Some diseases are not that our hospitals cannot treat them, but that the people dare not treat them. The fees are too high, and the family has such little income, how can they treat them?"

Xu Huasheng sighed, and this made Director Yun sigh as well, because this kind of thing is very common in China at present. Once you get a serious illness, many people choose not to see it. Some diseases can be cured with money, but it is precisely the people who have no money. How sad it is.

"So, Chief, it is urgent to establish universal medical insurance or universal social security. Now state-owned enterprises can pay social security, but private enterprises below cannot, small vendors cannot pay, and farmers cannot pay. Chief, is this fair? To put it bluntly, why can state-owned enterprises enjoy this treatment? Isn't this cultivating a privileged class? State-owned enterprise employees contribute to the country, don't farmers contribute? Farmers grow grain to feed city dwellers, and as a result, city dwellers have social security and pensions. When they retire, they can receive wages and live happily in their old age. But what about farmers? Don't farmers create value? Don't they pay public grain? Why can they only rely on their children to support them after retirement? Why can't they afford to get sick or even die? I think this is the greatest injustice for farmers. Let's talk about workers and farmers. In difficult times, farmers fed the whole country. Now there are benefits, why only workers have benefits, but farmers don't..." Speaking of this, Xu Huasheng felt very angry. Why should farmers be bullied? Workers create value for the country, but don't farmers do the same? How much public grain do farmers pay for farming every year?

Listening to Xu Huasheng's complaints, Director Yun's eyes were full of helplessness.

"Xiaosheng, if this matter is handed over to you, how would you handle it?"

Director Yun asked directly.


Director Yun's words directly confused Xu Huasheng. If it were me, how would I handle it?

"Public grain is counted as wages. Paying public grain for one year is counted as one year's wages, and social security is paid according to the standards of workers."

Xu Huasheng said directly.

"Then whose wages should be counted? How much wages is appropriate? You know that some places do not pay public grain. If it is really counted as wages, how much social security does the country need to pay for them every year? Will the public grain they pay be enough to pay social security after they sell it? Do you know how many farmers there are in the country? Do you know how much money the country needs to spend if social security is paid for all these people? Does our country have so much money?"

Director Yun's series of rhetorical questions made Xu Huasheng directly at a loss for how to answer.

"Xiao Sheng, we also know it's unfair. But what can we do? If our country has endless money, let alone paying social security for farmers. Even if we give them money every month, it's fine. But we don't have money, which is why we need reform and opening up now. Reform and opening up is to make money, and to develop the economy. Only by developing the economy can these problems be solved little by little. In the future, when we have money, let's not ask farmers to pay public grain. We have money and can directly subsidize farmers. There is no problem. But the premise is that we have money..."

Director Yun's voice was full of helplessness, and Director Yun felt uncomfortable because some things were too helpless.

China is too big, with too many people, and there are many things that need to be solved. Any small matter, if it involves billions of people, becomes a big thing. Poverty needs to be solved internally, and strong enemies need to be guarded against externally. In recent years, we have been threatened by the United States and blackmailed by the Soviet Union.

Fight the Japanese away and fight the civil war, fight the US military after the civil war, fight the old Americans and fight India, and then fight the monkeys and the Soviet Union. It can be said that this suffering country has not been stable for these years. It is not easy to have today.

Xu Li looked at Director Yun and felt that he had thought things too simple. This country is too complicated, and some things are not so ideal.

"But the universal health insurance you mentioned can still be done."

Director Yun looked at Xu Huasheng and said affirmatively. Xu Huasheng was not quite right. Only by establishing a perfect universal health insurance policy can the problem of daring to seek medical treatment when sick be solved to the greatest extent.

"Yes, Chief, even if universal social security cannot be realized. But universal health insurance should be realized as soon as possible. If you want to make people dare to seek medical treatment when they are sick, in addition to universal health insurance. I think there is another thing that needs attention."

Xu Huasheng's words made Director Yun curious again.

"That isAvoid excessive industrialization of the medical system. Once the medical system is over-industrialized, the hospital will become a business place. How can a medical system with the purpose of profit allow the people to afford medical treatment? Now many people in China are advocating free medical care abroad. Yes, some countries abroad do have free medical care. But do you know how those capitalists play it, Chief? "

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, and Director Yun looked at Xu Huasheng curiously.

"First of all, their so-called universal free medical care is not really free medical care. The medical expenses are paid by the insurance company, and the people need to pay a considerable amount of medical insurance to enjoy this policy. If you don't pay medical insurance, you still need to pay for medical treatment. Moreover, the so-called free medical care has an upper limit, such as a medical quota of 100,000 US dollars per person per year. After you use up this quota, you need to pay for the extra money yourself. Some countries also have restrictions on diseases. How much can be reimbursed for a disease at most, and you still have to spend money if it exceeds it. "

Xu Huasheng's words made Director Yun nod.

"Second, and the most pitfall is their medical appointment system. You have to make an appointment to see a doctor. For example, if you break your arm, you go to the hospital. They may check you first and say you need surgery. The point is, there are too many people who have surgery. They make appointments for a month or two months later, and then give you some painkillers and ask you to go home and wait. Chief, don’t you think this is cheating? Your arm is broken, and it will heal by itself in two months. What’s the point of coming for surgery? What if you don’t want to wait? It’s very simple. Go to a private hospital. If you go to a private hospital, you may be able to have surgery tomorrow, but you need to pay for it yourself. Chief, can you believe it? Public hospitals in many European and American countries do not have emergency rooms at night. If you get sick at night, you have to wait until dawn, or go to a private hospital... "

When Xu Huasheng said this, Director Yun couldn't help grinning.

"Also, medical expenses in European and American countries are very expensive. Many times when you are sick, your medical insurance amount is not enough, so you can only spend money yourself. In European and American countries, the medical system is industrialized, private hospitals, pharmaceutical giants, and insurance companies, their purpose is to make money. Do you want these people to do charity? Is it possible? Is it possible to provide free medical care with them around? Even if minor illnesses are free, they will make their money back if you get a serious illness once, unless you never get a serious illness in your life..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Director Yun laugh. Yes, these organizations are all for making money. Buyers are not as smart as sellers. They all want to make money. Where does the money come from? It must come from patients. As long as it is this model, the so-called free medical care is the biggest lie woven by Western capitalists.

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