"Hi, Xu, I haven't contacted you for a long time. How have you been?"

Prince Salman was very happy to hear Xu Huasheng's voice. The two hadn't contacted each other for a long time. However, Salman did not forget Xu Huasheng, but was very concerned about him.

Xu Huasheng's words in Saudi Arabia last time made Saudi Arabia gain a lot. After Xu Huasheng left, Saudi Arabia took the lead in self-examination in its own country. It was shocking to find out that many people in its own country had connections with Western countries, some were funded by Western countries, some had interests with them, and many people were brainwashed by the West.

Saudi Arabia attached great importance to this situation, and also quickly notified other Arab countries, especially those royal countries. During this period, these countries conducted investigations according to Xu Huasheng's suggestions and found many people, and these people were either transferred from their positions and marginalized, or disappeared mysteriously. This situation caused heavy losses to Western countries in their layout in the Middle East. The most important thing is that many Middle Eastern countries have become much colder towards Western countries after knowing the conspiracy of Western countries.

All of this made Salman full of gratitude to Xu Huasheng. If Xu Huasheng hadn't warned them, they really couldn't imagine what the future would be like. If the Western countries really completed the peaceful evolution, it would definitely be their nightmare.

So when he heard Xu Huasheng's voice again, Prince Salman was very happy.

"Prince, I'm fine during this period, except that I'm a little busy. I'm almost ready here, and I think our cooperation can start."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile on the phone.

"Really? This is great, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time, Xu, you must come to Saudi Arabia in person, this time I will treat you well..."

Prince Salman said with a smile, as if he and Xu Huasheng were friends regardless of age.

"Your Highness, I'm also looking forward to meeting you again..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, and the two talked on the phone for a long time before hanging up.

After hanging up, Xu Huasheng picked up the phone and made arrangements. He had to get some gifts. He went to Saudi Arabia empty-handed last time, so he had to give some good gifts this time. And these gifts are not just gifts, they also have some special missions.

China is busy. The Spring Festival is just over a month away. Many people hope to bring more money back home and feel proud when they go home for the Spring Festival.

Tenglong Construction Group is the name of Huasheng Construction after it became independent.

Now Tenglong Construction Group is definitely a large-scale construction group in China. It currently has more than 50,000 employees and thousands of large-scale equipment.

The main projects currently undertaken are basically Huasheng Group's projects. For example, the construction of the headquarters, the construction of the factory area, the construction of the building, etc.

The largest project currently under construction is in Pudong. Now the entire Lujiazui project has been transferred to the independent Xingda Real Estate, which is the original Huasheng Real Estate.

The amount of work in Lujiazui is very large and the construction period is relatively long. At present, the construction of the entire Lujiazui area has started in all directions, and the relocation work has also been completed.

The original residents of the Lujiazui area were relocated to Puxi. Xingda Real Estate directly bought a piece of land in Puxi, built a community, and directly resettled these people in Puxi.

Now the entire Lujiazui construction site is very lively, and it is bustling every day, with a prosperous scene. The Huasheng Bridge donated by Huasheng Group has also started construction. It is expected that the bridge will be completed and officially opened to traffic in two years.

The start of construction of this bridge has directly boosted the enthusiasm for investment in Pudong. After seeing the construction of the bridge, many wealthy people immediately smelled the business opportunities of Pudong's development and began to invest and develop in Pudong.

But their actions cannot be compared with Huasheng Group. Now Xingda Real Estate is rich and powerful, and Xu Huasheng has injected a lot of funds. Some projects that were originally planned to be done slowly are now directly started. When the entire Lujiazui is built, it will definitely become the most dazzling pearl in the whole of China.

And Tenglong Construction is very kind to its employees. In fact, most of Tenglong Construction's employees are migrant workers. These people used to work, and their jobs were not stable. They went wherever there was work, and they were often cheated by contractors or black-hearted bosses. They worked hard, but sometimes they couldn't get paid, and finally they could only suffer losses.

But after coming to Tenglong Construction, everything has changed. In Tenglong Construction, there are no contractors or big bosses. They only have regiment commanders, battalion commanders, company commanders, and squad leaders.

The entire internal employee structure of Tenglong Construction is directly based on the structure of the military. No matter where you come from, as long as you come to Tenglong Construction, you are a formal employee.Sign a formal employment contract, apply for a unified bank card, wear a unified work uniform, use a unified tool, and sleep in a unified dormitory.

Then you will be assigned to different shifts according to your type of work, and the shift leader will lead you to work. Carpenters have woodworking boards, tilers have tilers, and plumbers have plumbers. The entire division of labor is very clear and regular. After arriving at the construction site, everyone just needs to do their own work.

Salaries will never be delayed, and they will be paid directly before the salary payment time every month. Not only that, if you want to send it back to your hometown, you can also entrust the company, and the company will handle it directly for you. If there happens to be an office of the company in your hometown, then you don’t even have to pay for the postage, just let your family pick it up, and the branch office there will pay the salary on your behalf.

At present, private enterprise social security has not been implemented nationwide, so the company cannot pay social security for them. When social security is implemented nationwide in the future, the company will also pay social security for them uniformly.

Moreover, compared with other companies, Tenglong’s system is very flexible, especially the employee leave system. If you have something to do, you can directly take a long vacation, and your salary will not be deducted for taking the vacation. You can come back to work after finishing your work. The salary here at Tenglong Construction is calculated according to working hours. You will get one hour's salary for one hour's work. Remember it in detail.

However, in terms of internal management, Tenglong Construction has very strict management. You must wear neat equipment when going to work, you are not allowed to drink alcohol when going to work, and fighting, gambling, taking medicine, etc. are strictly prohibited.

Especially gambling, taking medicine, gambling, if you are caught once, you will be severely warned, and you will be kicked out of the company and will not be hired again the second time. Taking medicine is even more severe. If you are found, you will be kicked out of the company, and there will be no tolerance.

In addition, the company's management is actually semi-military management, with unified dormitories, unified clothing, and unified canteens. Usually, everyone really doesn't need to go out and spend money.

The reason for this rule is very simple. It is not easy for these people to make money. It is all hard-earned money. Xu Huasheng doesn't want these people to lose all the hard-earned money they have worked hard for in the end after playing a few cards.

Such rules and regulations are indeed effective. At least the tens of thousands of employees of Tenglong Construction can basically save money. As long as they don't spend it recklessly, there will be no problem in getting their families out of poverty after working for a few years. Although the company's rules and regulations are a bit strict, the money given is indeed much more than other construction sites, and it is guaranteed.

So now many people want to join Tenglong Construction. As long as they hear that Tenglong Construction is recruiting, many employees will quickly call their relatives and friends to join the company.

In the past few days, Tenglong Construction has become lively.

The reason for the liveliness is that Tenglong Construction is going to organize a group of workers to go abroad to work, and registration is entirely voluntary. It was originally close to the Spring Festival, and many people were ready to go home for the New Year after working for a while. After all, they have been busy for so long and miss home. Chinese people pay the most attention to reunion during the Spring Festival.

But after the company announced the overseas salary standards, many people were tempted. Because the salary is too high

At present, the average salary of these migrant workers in Tenglong Construction is two yuan per hour. If they work ten hours a day, they can earn more than six hundred yuan a month, which is already quite high in China. You should know that many civil servants only earn more than two hundred yuan now, otherwise there would not be so many people who want to come to Tenglong Construction.

But if you look at the salary of going abroad now, it is also calculated by hour, which is also two yuan, and it is also six hundred yuan a month. But this six hundred yuan is not RMB, but US dollars. According to the current exchange rate, one US dollar can be exchanged for more than five RMB, which means that they work ten hours a day abroad and can earn more than three thousand RMB a month, which is five times the salary in China, and they are provided with food and accommodation, and the round-trip air tickets are paid by the company.

This is one year of work abroad, and five years of work in China. Who wouldn’t be tempted by such a salary?

The only drawback is that you are not allowed to ask for leave to return home unless there is something extremely urgent. However, this drawback is not a big deal considering the high salary. So when this notice was issued, many people quickly contacted their families to discuss the matter and signed up in the hope of being selected to go abroad and make a lot of money.

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