Chapter 204: Take it as a warning: The Soviet Union is a negative example for China

A special banquet started so plainly. Several old people were very talkative. While eating, they asked about Xu Dafei's affairs in the Soviet Union. In particular, how Xu Dafei dealt with Soviet officials in the Soviet Union, these people seemed very interested.

After listening to Xu Dafei's various bribery methods in the Soviet Union, everyone's eyes gradually became solemn.

"The Soviet Union collapsed not because of a strong enemy, but because of internal destruction."

An old man couldn't help but say.

"Commander, I agree with this. During my time in the Soviet Union, I really saw how corrupt they were. Officials protected each other, and ordinary people couldn't even afford bread, but they were extremely extravagant every day. Many Soviet officials sent their children and families to Western countries. They themselves made a lot of money in the country. The most terrifying thing is not that one person does this, but that almost everyone does this. They think that being an official is to make money, and why should they be an official if they don't make money. Making money, giving gifts, becoming a higher official, and making more money, this is their goal..."

Xu Dafei couldn't help but say this, which made everyone's expression more solemn. They looked at Xu Dafei one by one and asked him to continue, because these things are valuable experiences.

"Chief, the most terrifying thing is that they have a systematic collapse of corruption. Officials from various departments in many places are in groups and united in corruption. It is useless for ordinary people to report it, because the supervision departments are all corrupt. You report in the morning, and the report letter will be in the hands of the person you reported in the afternoon, and then you will be retaliated. They combine politics and business, black and white, and ordinary people can only be treated as sheep to be slaughtered at will. There are also some of their state-owned enterprises, which are called state-owned enterprises, but in fact they are private enterprises of Soviet dignitaries. All the important departments are their own people. Many of them are fathers as the boss, sons as the second, and relatives and friends are all senior executives in this enterprise. They have turned state-owned enterprises into family businesses and desperately make money. The annual report of the enterprise is in the red every year, and the workers can't even pay their wages, but these people are making a lot of money in their pockets, and then they get the money abroad through money laundering channels..." At this point, Xu Dafei opened up and relaxed a lot. Xu Dafei also felt a lot in his heart. He really learned a lot in the Soviet Union! "There are also some people who, under the guise of shareholding reform, turned state assets into their own assets at very low prices. Things that were originally worth 100 million rubles were directly bought for 1 million or even 100,000 rubles, which is shocking. Although the Soviet Union has collapsed now, many people in the Soviet Union are making a fortune. They dare to do anything for money, selling weapons, resources, and national intelligence. There is nothing they dare not do. If you are not in the Soviet Union, you can't imagine how shocking it is. If they were not so corrupt internally, I am afraid that I would not be able to buy back any of those things..."

Xu Dafei told all the internal situations of the Soviet Union that he knew. It has been more than a year since Xu Dafei started to contact the Soviet Union. During this period, Xu Dafei spent a lot of money in the Soviet Union, contacted many officials, and understood their ways of playing.

After hearing what Xu Dafei said, everyone's face was terribly solemn, because they thought of China. The Soviet Union was an epic negative example for China, because China and the Soviet Union were similar in many ways. What happened in the Soviet Union could also happen in China, or something was happening.

"Chief, in fact, this situation also exists in our country. It's just that it's not as serious as in the Soviet Union now. But with our development, with our economic take-off, with more and more money in our hands, if we don't keep a close eye on it, these things will probably become more and more serious, because there are too many temptations. Just the methods used by my uncle, some people in the country can also use them on our people, and they can even do better than them..."

Xu Huasheng said in a low voice, and everyone felt murderous after hearing this.

"Chief, with the advent of the Internet and mobile communication era, it will be more difficult to control public opinion because of the convenience of the Internet and mobile communication. In the past, when there was no such thing, the local government could cover up an incident. But after the advent of the Internet era, what happened in the previous second can be seen by the whole world in the next second. In the future, mobile phones will have video recording, photography and Internet access functions. In the past, such things were hidden in the dark, and most people could not see them as long as the lights were not turned on. But with the advent of the Internet, it is like a lamp that illuminates these things. If these dirty things are not cleaned up, it will definitely affect the credibility of our government in the future.Once the credibility is lost, it will be difficult to regain it. If foreign capital is deliberately guided at this time, many people will hate the country and think that China is inferior to the West in every way. In this way, the talents we have worked hard to cultivate and the wealth we have worked hard to earn will flow to the West in large quantities. The West has always regarded their so-called values ​​such as equality and freedom as the most useful weapon. The disintegration of the Soviet Union this time is actually related to this to a large extent..."

Xu Huasheng interrupted and briefly talked about the future. China has the same problems as the Soviet Union, so we should learn from them. Now many things are still in the embryonic stage and are easy to clean up. If left alone, these things will be like viruses, inflaming China and finally forming pustules. If you want to treat them at that time, you will need to spend more energy and experience more losses.

In the room, several people started chatting, mostly asked by several old people, Xu Huasheng and Xu Dafei said.

Xu Huasheng described what will happen after the advent of the Internet era. Now the Internet era in China has arrived ahead of schedule, and And the future development will be much faster than the original time and space. The 2G era, 3G era, 4G era, and 5G era will come earlier and faster than before.

Mobile communications and the Internet will make the world smaller, information faster, and the whole world more transparent.

Information spreads quickly in the Internet era. After many things are posted on the Internet, they will quickly become hot events and public opinion. If someone deliberately guides them, it will cause serious consequences.

Xu Huasheng's words made everyone ponder for a long time.

"Come on, eat, if you don't eat, the food will get cold..."

An old man suddenly said with a smile, and this made everyone stop discussing in unison, and did not continue to talk, because everyone knew that these issues could not be discussed clearly in a short time.

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