A group of people got off the car and walked into the base. The entire base was extremely well-prepared. They had to pass through several doors, and the thick iron doors could not be blown open by bombs.

When everyone passed through the last door and came to the underground base, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

A super big guy stopped in the huge swimming pool. The visual impact at close range was very strong, especially in this small underground space.

Huang Xuqiang and several other submarine experts widened their eyes and trembled when they saw the big guy in front of them.

"Is this 949?"

Huang Xuqiang asked in disbelief, his voice trembling a little.

"Mr. Huang, yes, this is a 949, a complete 949..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile. Hearing this, Mr. Huang's eyes moistened all of a sudden. He walked forward quickly and walked directly to 949 through the floating bridge.

When he came to the hull of 949 and looked at the huge hull, Mr. Huang burst into tears.

The same was true for several other submarine experts. They followed closely behind Mr. Huang, and the excitement in their eyes could no longer be expressed in words. In their eyes, this is the best treasure in the world.

Type 949 nuclear submarine, this is the most advanced nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine in the world.

Although China has its own nuclear submarine, the technology is not a little bit worse than that of Type 949, but the gap is several streets, a gap of heaven and earth.

Huang Lao and his team are the most clear about the gap between China's nuclear submarine and Type 949. That's why they are so excited.

Trembling down to the interior of the nuclear submarine, looking at the huge space inside and the various complex instruments, Huang Lao and his team couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Okay, okay..."

Huang Lao wiped his tears. With this nuclear submarine, they don't have to rely on a toy to guess. With this submarine as a reference, they are confident that China's nuclear submarine technology will advance by leaps and bounds. One day, China will be able to build its own Type 949, or even a nuclear submarine more advanced than Type 949.

The other people also slowly came to the submarine. Looking at this huge submarine, everyone sighed.

"The gap between us and the Soviet Union is still huge. We have to recognize these realities. Our country is still poor and backward..."

An old man sighed, and everyone nodded.

There is no harm without comparison. Only by comparison can we know how big the gap is. Although China also has nuclear submarines, the displacement is only four or five thousand tons.

And this big guy in front of us has a displacement of more than 18,000 tons, which is completely not at the same level. There is no way to compare the combat effectiveness. If China's nuclear submarine is an adult who has just turned 18 years old.

This nuclear submarine is a fully armed special soldier.

The group entered the interior of the nuclear submarine and visited it for a long time before leaving here. Huang Lao and several other submarine experts did not leave, but stayed in the base to study the 949.

"This time we have gained a lot."

After leaving the base and coming to a conference room, an old man said with a smile, and the others also laughed. Yes, this time we really ate a lot of night grass, and we were full. I don’t know how long it will take to digest the food we have eaten in the past two days.

"Yes, this time we have gained more than just a 949. The various weapons loaded on the 949 are also what we don’t have at present. For example, the heavy anti-ship missiles on it have a range of 500 to 600 kilometers. If we absorb the technology, it will have a huge role in promoting the technological development of our country’s anti-ship missiles. There are also various torpedoes, anti-submarine missiles, etc., which we don’t have..."

In the conference room, a group of people began to discuss.

This time the harvest is huge. Not only is the 949 a treasure, but every weapon and equipment on it is also a treasure. Absorbing these technologies is enough to improve China’s military technology by several levels. Especially the naval equipment, which really absorbed and digested the technology of 949, is a leap forward for China's underwater nuclear strategic force.

"There are many good things. How do you think 949 should be handled? Should it maintain combat effectiveness and be used as a weapon, or should it be dismantled for research?"

The old man in the lead couldn't help asking, and this made everyone silent. Obviously, both opinions have supporters.

"Chief, I think we should ask our young comrade, after all, he bought the things. After all, this thing is still someone else's thing now."

One person directly suggested, which made everyone look at Xu Huasheng.

"Comrade Xu, tell me your suggestion, this thing is bought by you."

The old man said with a smile, which made Xu Huasheng laugh.

"Everyone,Chief, I think it has to be dismantled. After dismantling, research the technology and design concepts. Although we have temporarily lost a Type 949, after our research, there will be more Type 949s in the future. We have absorbed the technology, and we can not only build our own cruise missile nuclear submarines, but also our strategic missile nuclear submarines. These technologies are all the same. Technology is the foundation of a country. We cannot make a country strong just by buying equipment..."

Xu Huasheng directly expressed his opinion.

Dismantle, must be dismantled.

Although this thing has deterrence, there is only one.

Dismantle and study the technology, reverse research and development, turn this thing into its own thing, and then add its own technology, China can build a more powerful nuclear submarine, a nuclear submarine that is more in line with China's national strategy.

Its In fact, Xu Huasheng had a bold idea in his mind. If China built its own 949 and equipped the Chinese version of 949 with the submarine-launched Dongfeng 17, wouldn't it be exciting? Submarines equipped with hypersonic missiles can directly threaten the US aircraft carrier battle group from thousands of kilometers away.

If there is a saturation attack, the US aircraft carrier may not be able to withstand it. You know, 949 can carry 24 missiles. 24 Dongfeng 17s, even if they can't destroy the aircraft carrier in battle, at least they can make the aircraft carrier lose its combat effectiveness.

"I agree with Comrade Xiao Xu's opinion. Only when we master the technology can we feel at ease. We have the technology, as long as we have money, we can build as many ships as we want and build them in any way we want. I think that not only 949 should be dismantled, but also the aircraft that Comrade Xiao Xu got, the missiles, and the torpedoes should be dismantled..."

An old man in military uniform said directly, and the others nodded.

Yes, only when you master the technology can you feel at ease. When you have the technology, you can build whatever you want. If ten are not enough, build twenty, and if twenty are not enough, build fifty or one hundred.

Everyone in the conference room discussed it and soon reached a consensus.

This thing must be dismantled, and dismantled as soon as possible, and studied as soon as possible. The scientific research forces of the whole country should be mobilized to conduct research and make major technical breakthroughs, so as to build China's super nuclear submarine as soon as possible to defend China.

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