It was not until late that Xu Huasheng came out of the mysterious courtyard.

Looking at the license of the defense company in his hand, Xu Huasheng's mentality was completely different from before.

In the past, Xu Huasheng was worried that he would be caught by the West to sanction Huasheng Company for his arms business, which would affect Huasheng Company and his own layout.

But the old general's words today awakened Xu Huasheng.

The more you fear and the more you compromise, the less peace you can get. On the contrary, you have the right to negotiate only if you have a big killer in your hand.

If you dare to sanction my private industry, then I dare to sell advanced weapons to your opponents. For example, if you dare not let me sell base station equipment and electronic products in the United States, I dare to sell the most advanced weapons to your opponents.

If any of your other American brothers follow the United States to sanction, then Huasheng Group can use this strategy. If you, Britain, join in the fun, I will sell it to your opponents.

If you, India, dare to steal my money, I will also let you taste the power of the shit-stirring stick.

Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng suddenly felt that the carrot and the stick were really good. If we do business well, we will win-win. You make money and I make money too.

If you don't do business well, even if I only defend the basic base of my country, I can still make you suffer enough. Sometimes, you can do things that the Chinese government is not convenient to do. You are a private enterprise. China can't control the business of private enterprises. After all, we have to talk about free trade and democracy. We Chinese can't restrict our private enterprises from doing business.

What? Our private arms companies sell arms to your enemies? So what? Your enemies are not our enemies.

What? Our private arms companies sell weapons to countries sanctioned by the United States? What does this have to do with us China? The countries sanctioned by the United States are not sanctioned by us China. If you don't believe it, you can also sanction our private arms companies.

This pattern opened up all of a sudden.

Thinking about what happened today, Xu Huasheng sighed. It seems that the group of big guys also have this plan.

At this moment, Xu Huasheng had to admire these old predecessors. Their strategic vision was too great, and they could see very far, which ordinary people really couldn't compare with.

In the future, Huasheng's defense company may very well be a troublemaker in the world situation.

China will also have a very reasonable reason to explain at that time. You Americans can ignore China's opposition and make trouble for China. Why can't our Chinese private arms companies make trouble for you?

Free trade, America, did you choose it!

Back to the State Guesthouse, Xu Huasheng didn't feel sleepy at all.

What happened tonight made Xu Huasheng a little excited.

Unable to sleep, Xu Huasheng took out paper and pen and got busy.

The arms business is also a business. If you want to make your business stronger and bigger, you must learn to sell. If you want to sell your own products, you must have your own sales plan, and this plan must be able to impress customers.

Xu Huasheng was busy in the room, writing and deleting. At this moment, he took out some things for the future and summarized them.

After an unknown period of time, Xu Huasheng finally put down the pen in his hand and laughed at the plan he had sorted out.

He looked at the time and it was already past seven in the morning. He opened the curtains and it was already dawn outside.

After not sleeping all night, Xu Huasheng was not too sleepy.

After washing up, Xu Huasheng opened the door of the room and Han Ying was already sitting at the door.

"Hand in this report!"

Xu Huasheng handed the report directly to Han Ying and then went to the restaurant of the State Guesthouse for breakfast.

Han Ying took the report and made a phone call at the State Guesthouse. Soon someone came to the door of the State Guesthouse and took the report away.

An hour later, the report was placed in front of an old man.

The old man opened the report and was stunned when he saw the title.

"On the Equipment Positioning of Modern Blue Army Forces", this title made the old man stunned, and then he read it seriously. The more he read, the more solemn his expression became.

The old man read it word by word, sentence by sentence, and finally took out his notebook and wrote down his thoughts while reading.

The old man read a report of more than 2,000 words over and over for more than two hours.

After reading it, the old man took a deep breath and was shocked.

This report can be said to have completely overturned China's current positioning of the Blue Army. Looking at the title, I thought it was about equipment, but the content was about the development of the army.

Especially the development of the Blue Army, in the report, Xu Huasheng talked about his views. He felt that China should build a top-level Blue Army, which should have the most advanced weapons and equipment, the most advanced combat concepts, the most elite soldiers, and the best commanders.

In a nutshell, this Blue Army is the kingThe king of the blue army is directly benchmarked against the top elite troops of Western countries.

And this blue army is the whetstone of the red army.

At the same time, Xu Huasheng also put forward his own views on the large-scale exercise. He believes that the exercise should not have a script and should be truly close to actual combat.

There is no need to set a script for the red and blue sides, just give them a combat order. The rest depends on their respective abilities. Whoever is beaten will lose.

And the allocation of resources should give priority to the blue army.

In a word, the blue army is like krypton gold, with the most advanced weapons and equipment, the most elite troops, and the best resource allocation.

The red army is just the opposite.

If we use the Korean battlefield as an analogy, then the blue army is the elite US army, and the red army is the poor Chinese army.

Looking at the weapons and equipment listed by Xu Huasheng for the blue army in the report, the old man couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"If such a blue army is established, the red army with three or even five times the strength will probably not get any advantage..."

The old man couldn't help but sigh, but then his expression became serious.

The old man can see the advantages of such a blue army and such an exercise mode. Only by being closer to actual combat can the combat effectiveness of the troops be truly honed.

"Hello, it's me, notify them to hold a meeting of the highest-level general staff..."

The old man picked up the phone and made arrangements, and then asked someone to print a few more copies of the report sent by Xu Huasheng.

An hour later, in a conference room, the discussion on this report officially began.

When the participants in the meeting finished reading the report, they were also shocked by it one by one.

However, almost everyone felt that the blue army described in this report was very necessary to be established.

Build a modern blue army as a whetstone for the Chinese army. If China has such a blue army, it will be of great benefit to the construction of China's army.

But the only difficulty now is whether the blue army can obtain these advanced weapons and equipment? How much money will it cost to build this blue army? Who should be the commander of this army? How should this army be trained?

This series of questions is the most important issue to consider.

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