"Prince, the products produced by this factory are the products we give to Wosheng..."

In Shenzhen, Salman and his party were inspecting the factory of Huasheng Group accompanied by Xu Huasheng.

After leaving Yanjing, the party came directly to Shenzhen. Looking at this advanced production line, Prince Salman was shocked.

Especially seeing Wosheng products coming off the production line, he was too familiar with these products. In order to buy these products, he had directly sent planes from the United States to Saudi Arabia.

He thought these products were high-tech products from the United States. At that time, he also sighed that the United States was still the United States, and only the United States could produce such advanced products.

I didn't expect the truth to be so dramatic. These products were not produced by the United States, which has the most advanced technology, but by China, which is famous for its poverty and backwardness.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Salman would never believe it was true. How could China produce the most advanced home appliances in the world?

But now, the facts are in front of us.

Wosheng's products are produced in these places, and they are the environmentally friendly products of the Huasheng brand. Not only Wosheng, but also the low-end Robertson brand is produced by Huasheng Group.

And the earning power of these products is very strong. The profits of these high-tech products may not be lower than the profits of selling oil at home. Moreover, this kind of company will develop sustainably, the technology will be constantly updated, and it will make money continuously in the market.

Salman and his party visited the entire industrial park. Looking at this busy and prosperous industrial park and the workers with smiles and hope on their faces, Salman was also very impressed.

Lamenting that although Saudi Arabia is rich now, it does not have such a large industrial park.

Xu Huasheng took Salman to visit the industrial park, the headquarters of Huasheng Group, and the dormitory area of ​​Huasheng Group.

He also saw the new solar panels of Huasheng Group, learned about their performance, and determined the feasibility of photovoltaic power plants.

Everything he saw here at Huasheng Group overturned Salman's perception of China. At the headquarters of Huasheng Group, there is no sense of poverty and backwardness at all. Many things here may not be available in Saudi Arabia.

Finally, Xu Huasheng took Salman to a factory in an industrial park.

After entering the factory, everyone came to a factory building. When they walked into the factory building, Salman was attracted by a car in the factory building.

In the middle of the empty factory building, there was a red sports car parked. This red sports car was different from all the sports cars he had seen.

The whole red sports car looked very beautiful, and the streamlined body seemed to come from the future.

When he saw this sports car for the first time, Salman, a middle-aged man in his fifties, actually had an impulse to buy it immediately. This thing was too beautiful.

Looking at Salman's appearance, Xu Huasheng laughed.

This car was the purpose of Xu Huasheng bringing Salman to Shenzhen. Selling anxiety cannot be done by words, but he must see the real thing.

The appearance of this sports car is the 488 sports car launched by Ferrari in 2015. If such an appearance is taken to this era, isn't it a science fiction product?

The most important thing is that this car is still a pure electric sports car.

When he learned that Prince Salman was coming, Xu Huasheng drew the design drawings of various parts of the car overnight.

Xu Huasheng had countless car design drawings and various design concepts in his head. With his terrifying brain, Xu Huasheng completed the design of this car in just one night and directly designed it into an electric car.

The entire Huasheng Group Research Institute was also very fast in production. In just a few days, this car was hand-made. Regardless of the cost, with the current capabilities of the Huasheng Group Laboratory, this is not difficult at all.

Moreover, this car is not just a showpiece. The chassis of this car is full of lithium batteries. The lithium battery Huasheng Group has already had, and now has registered a large number of battery patents around the world.

However, the current battery density cannot be compared with the battery in a few decades. The battery pack carried by this car is only 42 degrees of electricity, which is already the limit.

But this is enough. After all, this car is not for sale. This car is not even a prototype. It is just an emergency test product to fool Salman.

"It's so beautiful, Xu, is this the sports car produced by your company?"

Salman came to the front of the sports car, looked at the red paint, touched the texture of the car, and had a look of love in his eyes.

"Yes, Prince Salman, this is just an engineering prototype. Not only that, it is also a pure electric sports car, which is equipped with our latest developed lithium battery. The capacity of its battery pack isThe amount is 42 kWh, and the range of this car is more than 200 kilometers..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, and Prince Salman became completely curious after hearing this.

After looking around, he really didn't see the engine. Xu Huasheng opened the door and invited Prince Salman to get in the car. The interior was very simple and there was no design language, but it didn't matter at all.

Salman sat in the co-pilot, and Xu Huasheng started the car himself.

The expensive LCD screen lit up without any sound.

When the car slowly drove out of the factory, Prince Salman's eyes lit up.

Xu Huasheng drove the sports car and started to test drive it in the huge factory. Soon Prince Salman couldn't stand it anymore, so he changed seats with Xu Huasheng and drove the sports car himself. .

The performance of this sports car cannot be tested for the time being. For this car, being able to run at present is a huge success. Even if Salman wants to test the performance, Xu Huasheng doesn't dare to do so. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome.

But even so, Salman had a lot of fun. It was his first time to play with an electric car. After playing for a long time, Salman got out of the car reluctantly.

His bodyguards were relieved to see Salman get out of the car. Not only were they relieved. The researchers at the Huasheng Institute were also relieved.

Damn, although this car can be driven in theory, it has not undergone any quality tests. If something goes wrong, they can't bear the responsibility.

"Xu, when will this car be mass-produced? "

Salman couldn't help asking as he looked at the electric supercar, and his expression became serious. Because he remembered what Xu Huasheng said in Yanjing.

If all cars use electricity, then the global oil consumption will definitely be greatly reduced. And this reduction is a disaster for a country like Saudi Arabia that relies almost entirely on oil exports.

"Prince Salman, at most ten years, this electric sports car can definitely be put on the market, and the range will not be less than 500 kilometers. According to the law of technological development, at most twenty years, electric cars will appear on a large scale in the global automobile market. And traditional fuel vehicles may become toys for a few people in thirty years. This is the inevitable law of technological development. You must know that the global oil reserves are limited, but electricity is unlimited. You just tried this car yourself. According to the characteristics of the motor, after it is mass-produced in the future, its performance will definitely crush fuel vehicles. No matter from which angle you look at it, fuel vehicles will be completely eliminated in fifty years, because I can't think of any reason why fuel vehicles can still survive in fifty years..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile. Hearing this, Salman became more anxious.

Fifty years, only fifty years left. He will most likely be gone in fifty years, but his descendants will still be there, and the Saudi royal family will still be there. He dare not imagine what Saudi Arabia will become if it continues to sell only oil and oil can no longer be sold in fifty years.

Looking at Salman's expression, Xu Huasheng secretly laughed in his heart. It's right to be anxious. How can this business grow without anxiety?

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