"Mr. Salman, our Huasheng Group has developed a new type of photovoltaic power generation panel with higher light energy utilization rate and longer lifespan, which can be laid on a large scale. You can build one or even several super photovoltaic power plants in your country to meet your country's electricity needs. In addition to the construction cost, the later power generation cost of photovoltaic power stations is almost zero. With a one-time investment, the entire photovoltaic power plant can operate for hundreds of years without any problems. You have such a large land area and such good solar energy resources. Let alone laying all of them, even if you lay one-tenth, the annual power generation here will not be used up by you, not to mention the entire Middle East and Africa. At that time, with the power transmission technology, you can even sell electricity to other countries in the world to make money, and hold the power of other neighboring countries in your own hands. At that time, whoever disobeys will be directly cut off from their power. Think about it, isn't it very cool..." Xu Huasheng said with a smile. Salman swallowed his saliva when he heard this plan. Is it really possible? Can the technology really be realized? Looking at Xu Huasheng's expression, it seems that he is not joking. If so, Salman is really tempted. "Prince, with electricity, many problems can be solved. Isn't your country short of water? Then build several large desalination plants on the seashore. Our Huasheng Group also has such technology. Use solar power to desalinate seawater, so the water problem will be solved. With water, agricultural safety can be easily solved. Use modern planting methods, build technology greenhouses, adopt soilless cultivation technology, root drip irrigation technology, etc., even deserts can be turned into fertile fields. At that time, not only can we grow food, but also vegetables, fruits, etc. As long as the scale is large enough, we can not only be self-sufficient, but also sell to neighboring countries to make money. Completely solve your food security problem. How important is food security? Prince, you should know it very well, right?" Xu Huasheng asked with a smile, and Salman nodded. He was naturally very clear about food security. Every year, more than 80% of Saudi Arabia's food needs to be imported from abroad. If there is really no food to buy one day, the Saudis will starve to death. "This is an industrial zone. With electricity, we can build large refineries and chemical plants, which is more convenient. You have a lot of oil, and oil can be used in many ways. It can not only refine various oils, but also make various petrochemical products. With these products, the corresponding downstream products can also be made. We in China also have the technology..."

"This is an underground transportation system. The surface environment in Saudi Arabia is harsh, but it doesn't matter. You can build underground transportation lines, similar to subways. Who stipulates that subways can only carry people but not goods? Building an underground transportation system not only facilitates transportation, but also is the best place to take refuge if a war breaks out. Moreover, it can be connected with other neighboring countries to form an Arab economic zone dominated by you. Perhaps in a few years, this will become the world's third largest economy after North America and Europe. If you have enough influence, you can even launch the Arab yuan to integrate the entire Arab world..."

Xu Huasheng began to draw a blueprint for Salman.

Photovoltaic power plants, desalination plants, greenhouse agricultural parks, large industrial parks, underground transportation systems, Arab economic zones, Arab yuan, Arab integration...

This blueprint made Salman's eyes widen and his hands tremble. Can this really be realized?

"Prince Salman, Saudi Arabia has the largest land area in the Middle East and the best economy. You should have a strong industrial and agricultural foundation to achieve self-sufficiency in industry and agriculture and even external supply. Only in this way can you be the big brother. Although you have oil now, you can sell oil to make money. But you can't just rely on selling oil to make a living. Have you ever thought about what to do if one day your oil can't be sold? We have an old saying in China that people who don't think about the future will have immediate worries. A country should be more like this. We can't just consider the present, but also consider things a hundred years later, two hundred years later..."

Xu Huasheng looked at Prince Salman and asked, which made Salman stunned. Oil can't be sold? How is this possible?

"Do you think it's impossible? In fact, nothing is impossible. With the development of technology, everything is possible. Even the fact that oil cannot be sold in the future is inevitable. Our company has developed a battery with a very high energy density. If this battery is used to make electric cars, they can run 400 to 500 kilometers. In the future, with the development of battery technology, the energy density of batteries will be higher and the life span will be longer. By then, electric cars will be able to run 1,000 kilometers or even more than 2,000 kilometers. Prince Salman, if all cars in the world use electricity in 50 years, what do you think will happen to the global demand for oil?How much demand is there? How much oil can you sell in Saudi Arabia? If that day comes, what will you do in Saudi Arabia? "

When these words came out, Salman's face changed drastically.

If that day really comes, what will Saudi Arabia do? If there are no other products to sell, and oil is sold less, and there is no money to be made, what will Saudi Arabia do? Will the mountain be eaten up? How long can it be eaten?

At this moment, Salman panicked. The anxiety sold by Xu Huasheng really made him panic completely.

"Prince Salman, money in the bank is just a piece of paper. Your money in Western banks is just a string of digital symbols. To put it bluntly, if your money becomes more in the future, what will Western countries do if they see that you are so rich and want to rob you? The solution is also very simple. Just find a reason to say that you are harboring terrorists, or that you have weapons of mass destruction, and then jointly beat you up, and then freeze your assets in their countries. What can you do then? "

"By that time, do you think Western countries will give you justice? Look at what Iraq is like now? You should be thankful that the oil price is not so high now. If the oil price really soars to more than $100 or even more than $200 a barrel, when you make a lot of money, you will be a child holding a mountain of gold in the eyes of Western countries. Then you will see whether they will rob you. They are a group of robbers. As long as you can't protect yourself, they will rob you without negotiation. You Saudi Arabia has also been a colony and experienced hardships. You should know what the so-called credibility of the West is like? In many cases, their credibility is like farting. Whether you obey it or not depends on whether you can hold it back..." Xu Huasheng's words made Prince Salman's heart completely panicked, and he had a strong sense of crisis in his heart. Looking at Prince Salman's expression, Xu Huasheng laughed. The great blueprint plus the anxious sense of crisis, I don't believe you are still indifferent.

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