"Mr. Clinton, in fact, China and the Soviet Union are completely different. The Soviet Union has a strong military force, advanced technology, and the Warsaw Pact. They can go head-to-head with us. What does China have? China can't even make a good car, let alone warships and airplanes. What can China use to compete with us in the United States? Is China worthy of being our enemy?"

At Clinton's house, Sam asked with a smile. This sentence made Clinton laugh.

Yes, what does China have? There are no warships, no airplanes, no missiles, and even a good car can't be built. The economy is terrible, and there are only three or two poor friends. Can such a country be an enemy of the United States?

In Clinton's view, this possibility does not exist at all. In addition to the large population, Clinton can't think of any advantages of China.

"Mr. Clinton, China is poor and backward, with a large population. The average monthly wage of their workers is even less than $100. Their country does not pose any threat to the United States. I think we should greatly improve our relationship with China so that we can use their cheap labor to make money for our American companies. The reason why our Wosheng Group can succeed is because we take advantage of China's cheap labor. Otherwise, how can we compete with Japanese and European brands? Without this advantage, we can only watch the money that should belong to our American companies being earned by the damn Japanese and Europeans. Mr. Clinton, this money should belong to us in the United States. Now there is more money that originally belonged to us in the United States that has been earned by Europeans and Japanese. This is unforgivable. And now, we only need to give the Chinese people a little bit of food, and all this money will come back..."

Sam's words were like the temptation of the devil, and they hooked Clinton's heart little by little.

Xu Huasheng had long instilled in Sam a win-win cooperation idea, and now Sam also began to instill this idea in Clinton, and spoke with facts. Wosheng Group is currently the best example of cooperation.

Just give China a little bit of benefit, and China can help the United States get back its own money. Not only can it get back its own money, but it can also get money from other people's homes.

Clinton is very clear about what this in and out represents.

"Sir, our boss said that if you really want to participate in the election, you will definitely not be able to compete with President Bush in terms of experience and performance. Our boss suggests that you can compete in a different position and focus on developing the domestic economy and people's livelihood. President Bush has his advantages, but you have an advantage that he cannot match."

Sam's words made Clinton raise his head suddenly and look at Sam with curiosity. Looking at Clinton's eyes, Sam smiled.

"Our boss said that your biggest advantage is that you are young and handsome. You are younger than President Bush, more handsome, more charming, and more popular with young people. You can play to your strengths and better please young voters. Many young people don't care about the Soviet Union at all, nor do they care whether our army wins wars abroad. What they care about is whether they can find a better job? Will their income be higher? Will their medical expenses be cheaper? Will their medical insurance be lower..."

As Sam spoke, Clinton's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his mind suddenly became clear.

Yes, I can work hard on this. Avoid Bush's advantages and play to my strengths.

I can never beat Bush in terms of governing experience and achievements, but I am younger than Bush and can get along with more young people. After all, who among the young people wants to be friends with an old grandfather?

"Mr. Clinton, our boss said that if $50 million is not enough, our boss can add another $50 million, a total of $100 million. Mr. Clinton, to be honest, my boss is the most generous person I have ever met in my life. If it weren't for him, I would still be a Walmart buyer. Our boss is from a commoner background, and he has a better impression of people like us from commoner backgrounds, which is why he supports you..."

Sam's words made Clinton's heart fly completely. If 50 million is not enough, then another 50 million, what a big investment.

An investment of $100 million, such sincerity also touched Clinton.

"Mr. Sam, thank your boss for me, please tell him that if I can be elected president, I will definitely work hard to improve the relationship between the United States and China, which is good for the people of both countries..."

I can't refuse it, I really can't refuse it.

One hundred million US dollars in campaign funds, no one can refuse this money. Not to mention Clinton himselfEven the entire Democratic Party couldn't refuse it.

"Mr. Clinton, I hope you can successfully enter the White House next year. Even if you fail next year, it doesn't matter. Our boss said that you are still young and he will support you in the future..."

After completing the task, Sam had a smile on his face.

Although Sam didn't understand why Xu Huasheng had to bet on Clinton, he had to do what Xu Huasheng told him to do.

Sam knew that Xu Huasheng could make him the president of Wosheng with just one sentence, and he could also make Sam step down from the position of president of Wosheng with just one sentence.

Sam and Clinton talked for a long time. When Sam left, Clinton's face was full of excitement at home.

How could he not be excited about 100 million US dollars in campaign funds? Although there were only 50 million US dollars in the early stage, 50 million US dollars was also a super huge sum. With this campaign fund, the party competition funds were almost settled.

No one could get so much campaign funds before winning the party competition, but he could do it.

If he wins the competition within the party, he will have 100 million US dollars in campaign funds. Even if there is no other campaign funds, this 100 million US dollars alone is enough to compete with Bush.

For Clinton, running for president is actually for his own interests. As for the national dream, this needs to be discussed after becoming president.

In the United States, the president is just a job, a job that benefits his party supporters.

"Honey, you look very happy today, what happened?"

In the evening, when Hillary came home and saw Clinton, she couldn't help asking.

"Honey, I have good news for you..."

After Clinton told his wife Hillary about Sam's visit today, Hillary also widened her eyes.

100 million US dollars, my God, someone is willing to give 100 million US dollars to support her husband's campaign for the US presidency, this is simply God's eyes.

Not to mention that the 100 million US dollars is supported by the Chinese rich, even if it is supported by the Soviets, Hillary feels that she can't refuse.

What's more, the money was nominally paid by the Wosheng Group, so there was no problem at all. As for what they wanted after the election, it wasn't too much. It was just to improve the relationship between the two countries and allow them to do business safely. Is this a difficult request? With 100 million US dollars, it's not difficult at all. It's really not difficult. Not to mention doing business with China, even improving relations with the Soviet Union can be done.

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