Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 564: Turn defeat into victory

More than a hundred bed crossbows were pushed to the front of the formation. Following the order of Cao Hong, more than a hundred bed crossbows were fired together. The powerful guns and arrows seemed to set off a storm and swept toward Lu Bu's army! Suddenly, the shield wall of Lu Bu's army was knocked open by the powerful force like countless gaps, and the officers and soldiers suffered heavy casualties!

Cao Hong saw that the bed crossbow disrupted Lu Bujun's line in one fell swoop, and he became excited. He immediately raised his sword and shouted sharply, "Brothers! Charge and break the formation!" Suddenly, the sound of war drums and shouts rang out, and Cao Jun's troops surged. On top, the momentum is soaring, as if overwhelming!

At this moment, a huge drum of war suddenly sounded loudly from behind. Cao Hong, who was commanding the battle, was very surprised. He couldn't help but turn his head to look, but he couldn't really see it in the night. Under the moonlight, he saw an endless wave of soldiers sweeping from behind, and the shadows could not see the end. of! Cao Hong didn't understand what was going on for a while? Suddenly, there were thrilling screams and screams from behind, as well as loud noises as if the tide had broken the dam, one after another. Cao Hong was shocked, feeling a little weird. At this moment, a general rushed to the front of Cao Hong and shouted anxiously: "It's not good General, it's Lu Bujun! Lu Bujun is here! A lot!!..." As if responding to his words. , A huge shout of exclamation came from the rear, and at the same time I saw that the rear team had collapsed and collapsed! Cao Hong's eyes widened, only in disbelief. For a while, he didn't know what was going on. !

After returning to his senses, he understood that he was in a dangerous situation. Although he didn't know what was going on, his instinct as a general told him that he must break through immediately, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. So Cao Hong raised his sword and shouted loudly: "Follow me to break through! Follow me to break through!"

But at this moment, a sturdy cavalry slammed into Cao Jun’s waist from the flanks under the leadership of the Titan Wen Chou, the iron hoof surged unstoppable, and Cao Jun’s officers and soldiers were knocked to the ground. Can't resist at all! The cold light flew, and the flesh and blood flew, Cao Jun was already unable to resist, the entire army was shaken! At this time, Yan Liang led the army to counterattack fiercely, and cooperated with the main force to attack Cao Jun fiercely. Cao Jun’s officers and soldiers only felt distraught on the left and right, the casualties were increasing, and the battle was getting more and more chaotic! Finally, as Wen Chou's cavalry went straight under the handsome banner, the entire Cao army collapsed completely! Cao Jun's officers and soldiers ran away, Lü Bu's officers and men chased like wolves, tigers and leopards! The battle has become a one-sided slaughter!


Cao Hong finally highlighted the heavy encirclement, looking back at the soldiers and horses around him, he found that there were only a few hundred horses left. Cao Hong was frightened and angry, and did not dare to stay. He led the defeated soldiers and rushed to the gate of the city, shouting loudly: "Open the gate! I am Cao Hong!"

Suddenly many torches lit up on the city wall, and then the city’s arrows fell like a rain, and the unprepared Cao Jun officers and soldiers were shot on their backs. Cao Hong also hit an arrow and quickly turned his head and fled in embarrassment. The group bypassed the city and fled towards the north. At this moment, Yingchuan County was lost, and he had to escape back to Xuanyuan Pass before making plans.

Suddenly, dozens of figures rushed out in front. Cao Hong was taken aback, and quickly restrained his horse. When he took a closer look, he found that the leader turned out to be Le Jin, and his heart of lifting suddenly dropped. Immediately an anger surged into his heart, he hurriedly asked: "Le Jin, why did you guard the city, but the enemy took the city away?" Le Jin showed shame, clasped his fist and said, "General Rongxin, Mo Jiang just returned to the city not long ago, but he suddenly received an emergency report saying that the enemy had climbed the city wall and entered and had taken the North City Gate. Mo Ji led his army to the North Gate and ran into the street near the North Gate. After fighting against the enemy brigade, our army was lost, and was rushed out by the enemy! The final general was only able to break out of the siege by a deadly battle!..." Cao Hong couldn't say anything when he heard his statement. I feel that the loss of Yingchuan County is all because of my eagerness for quick success.

Then an evil fire surged into my heart, and he couldn't help being annoyed: "What is going on? Didn't the main enemy force rush to rescue Lu Bu? Why did it suddenly appear and surround us?"

Le Jin frowned and said: "It seems that Chen Gong has seen through the general's organs and is scheming. He deliberately led the army to leave, just to make us feel that we have managed to attack their camp. In fact, Chen Gong's army did not stay away. It was just a distance away and then turned back! This caught us by surprise!" Then he clasped his fist towards Cao Hong and said: "General, the enemy will definitely take advantage of the situation to advance northward, I will quickly notify the general! Cao Hong nodded, waved his broad knife, and shouted; "Go!" Then everyone beat their horses and ran to the north.

Soon after, Le Jin Cao Hong rushed to the location of Pound's ambush and joined Pound. Immediately the two generals informed Pound about the loss of Yingchuan County. Pound was shocked but felt that the fighter had not been lost. He believes that the enemy must rush to assist Lu Bu after a big victory, and after the big victory, he will inevitably give birth to a heart to underestimate the enemy. It can be said that the opportunity is better, and he can still ambush the enemy here to reverse the situation. Cao Hong agreed with Pound's judgment, but Le Jin opposed it: "What the general said is not unreasonable. But it is not feasible at this moment. I think Chen Gong can judge that our army is a strategy of besieging the city and fighting aid, and judge our Yingchuan County. The defenders will go out of the city to raid their camp, how can they not think that our army will ambush them halfway?..." Pound and Cao Hong couldn't help their expressions when they heard Le Jin's words. The two were not stupid, so naturally they knew Le Jin. It makes sense. Le Jin continued: "Now our army is newly defeated, morale is low and the army is unstable! It is very dangerous to put the army here! You should immediately raise your troops and retreat before the main force of the enemy is coming. !"

Pound couldn't help but nodded, frowning and said, "General Le Jin said it is very true!" Cao Hong frowned, but did not speak. Pound turned his head and shouted at the generals around him: "Immediately pass the order, the cavalry will block the enemy, and the rest of the army will immediately retreat!" The generals took the order and hurried away.

After listening to Pound and others’ narration, Cao Ren’s complexion changed several times. He was both annoyed and depressed. He couldn’t help but sigh: “This Chen Gong’s ingenuity is really scary! If Mr. Guo Jia can come here, he might be able to deal with him, but ......" He shook his head, and put these thoughts behind him. Now it is urgent, not the time to sigh.

Le Jin couldn't help holding his fist and said: "General, Yingchuan County has been lost, and the enemy's main force will be here in an instant. You should return to Xuanyuanguan right away!" Cao Ren couldn't think of another way, although he felt that he had given up capturing Lu Bu once alive. The great opportunity is very regrettable, but the matter is over, there is no other way but to immediately shrink the line of defense! At this point, he decisively ordered: "If the order is passed down, the troops will immediately start to pull out and return to Xuanyuan Pass! Pound commander-in-chief cavalry is responsible for breaking the queen!" The generals clasped their fists and promised.

Ai Lang was looking at the map in the big tent and thinking about the current battle situation. Ma Chao, Ma Dai, Huang Wudie, and Sun Ren were all standing by, seeming to be thinking about their minds.

Suddenly, Ma Yunlu rushed in. Everyone heard the footsteps and looked towards the door. Ma Yunlu clasped his fist towards Ai Lang and said, "Master, the enemy is pulling out camp and retreating!" Ai Lang's eyes lit up and he hurried out of the big tent, and everyone quickly followed. A group of people hurriedly came to the top of the mountain and looked down at the bottom of the mountain. Sure enough, they saw the people surging down the mountain and they were retreating from camp. Ai Long said with great joy: "Damn! Old Chen must have succeeded!" Then he shouted to Ma Chao: "Meng Qi, immediately gather all the soldiers and horses, and attack with me!" Ma Chao clasped his fists and promised and rushed down.

Before long, the battle drums roared on the hill, and Ai Lang and Ma Chao led nearly 20,000 cavalry troops down the mountain and stormed the rear team led by Pound. The two sides fought back and forth under the mountain, causing the world to change colors. Just when the two sides fought inextricably, the main force led by Chen Gong finally appeared on the battlefield, rushing straight towards Cao Jun from the flanks, like a wave sweeping across the sky, the scene is extremely magnificent. Pound's troops were already struggling to fight, and now they were suddenly killed by the main force of Lu Bu's army, no matter where they could withstand it, they were immediately rushed to the ground. The officers and soldiers fell into the violent tide of opponents. Seeing that the situation was not good, Pound did not dare to love the battle, and quickly led the cavalry to retreat. Ailang and others led the warriors in pursuit, as if they were trying to vent all the frustrations they had suffered these days.

The cavalry led by Pound and Ailang suddenly met and divided, and fierce fighting broke out. Pound's troops fled all the way north, while Ailang and others pursued endlessly.

When the sky dimmed, the cavalry led by Ailang and others had already arrived in front of a precipitous pass, watching Pound led the remnant soldiers to retreat into the pass.

Ai Lang led the Chinese army near Boguan, and looked up, on the eaves of Jianchengguan, three characters were written in dragons and phoenixes—Xuanyuanguan.

Hummer Ma super beat the battle, chanting challenges. However, Xuanyuan Pass was closed, and the soldiers at the city pass ignored Lu Bu's challenge at all. Ma Chao yelled and cursed for a long time, but Xuanyuanguan was silent. Ma Chao had to turn his horse's head and ran back to Ai Lang, angrily scolded: "These guys are determined to be a turtle!" Ai Lang laughed and said: "Since they are afraid of Mengqi, let's Just send a female general to fight!" He said and looked at Ma Yunlu who was immediately aside. Ma Chao couldn't help smiling, and clasped his fist to Ai Lang: "Big brother wise!" Then he rushed to Ma Yunlu: "Yunlu, did you hear what the big brother said?" Ma Yunlu did not speak, and rushed out of the army with his legs clamped in his belly Until the city pass.

The Cao Jun officers and soldiers on the wall saw Ma Chao retreating shortly after a female general came out. At first, they were taken aback, and then all of them were filled with anger, just thinking that the enemy was too deceiving and despising them! Send a girl to challenge!

Ma Yunlu shouted loudly: "My master said, you trash cowards are not worthy of being a celebrity player, so let this woman come to you for a while!"

I like rebirth, I am Lu Bu. Please collect it: ( Rebirth I is the fastest literary update written by Lu Bu.

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