Rebirth: I’m Lv Bu

Chapter 32: Capture Hangu Pass

Soon after, I saw that more than 10,000 officers and soldiers had arrived at the city gate. The leaders were really Chen Gong, Zang Ba, and Zhang Liao. And Lu Bu, who Xu Rong cared about the most, was dragged by the five-flowered tie with his Beatles and looked very much. Embarrassed, where is the awe-inspiring appearance before.

Xu Rong was surprised, and immediately ordered the door to be opened and closed. He personally led thousands of officers and soldiers out of the city to meet Chen Gong and others. He clasped his fists and smiled: "Mr. and the two generals have done such a great work, not only to save their wealth and life, I believe that both Guo and Li. I will not treat you badly!"

Chen Gong smiled and said, "Guo and Li are just wolves and beasts, how can I wait for them to defect to them!"

Xu Rong was taken aback, and asked in a puzzled way: "How about sir...?"

Chen Gong suddenly shouted: "Do it!"

Xu Rong hadn't reacted yet, that Zang Ba had already cut the unsuspecting Xu Rong in half with a knife in his hand, and then the generals led an army to disperse the thousands of men and horses brought out by Xu Rong into the city. The defenders in the city pass suddenly saw their general killed. The enemy army had already penetrated the city pass, panicked and fled in all directions. Lu Bujun easily dispersed the defenders of Hangu Pass and occupied Hangu Pass. Immediately, the officers and soldiers of the Lu Bu Army led the hundreds of thousands of people to Hangu Pass to camp and rest.

In the Chengguan, Ailang praised excitedly: "Mr. Gongtai is really a clever plan! I thought Xu Rong was a big problem and difficult to solve, but I didn't expect it to be solved without any effort!" The generals couldn't help but cast their hands on Chen Gong. Look to admire.

Chen Gong smiled and clasped his fists and said: "The general has won the award! If the general is not willing to compromise himself, the next strategy will not succeed!" It turns out that the'Lu Bu' who was tied down under the city gate is indeed Ailang, Xu Rong. I knew Lu Bu. In order to make Xu Rong defenseless, Ailang had to really tie herself up as if she was **** by his subordinates' mutiny. Sure enough, Xu Rong was shrewd, but after seeing such a scene, he was convinced that he came out to meet him in person. In the end, Ai Lang and the others easily killed him and captured Hangu Pass.

Ailang waved his hand and said boldly, "If he can win, it doesn't matter if my husband has tied me again and again!" The generals couldn't help laughing.

Ailang asked Chen Gong, "Sir, Yuan Shao's site is after Hangu Pass. Can we go to him immediately?"

Chen Gong shook his head and said: "No. First, we haven't notified the other party, I'm afraid that entering the other side's realm rashly will cause unnecessary conflicts; secondly, the general surrendered in this way, and it was a bit self-defeating."

Ailang didn't know what to do, blinked, and saw Chen Gong clasped his fist and said: "General, I want to go to Luoyang to meet Yuan Shao first, and get in touch with him, then come and invite the general to pass."

Ailang felt that there was nothing wrong with Chen Gong’s proposal, so he nodded and said, "Well, we will wait for Mr. Hangu Pass." Then he asked, "When is Mr. going to Luoyang?" Chen Gong said, "It's not right. Later, I will leave immediately." Then he said: "General, after I leave, if Xiliang soldiers attack Hongnong, the general must not hesitate and must lead everyone into Yuan Shao's realm immediately." Ailang points Nodded. It turned out that although Ailang brought most of the troops and all the people to Hangu Pass, he still left five hundred guards in Hongnong. It is not so much a guard as an outpost of the army. Once they find that the Xiliang army has been killed, they will immediately report to the army and the people at Hangu Pass.

Later that day, Ai Lang returned to the backyard of the government office and saw Mrs. Lu Bu and Diao Chan. He couldn't help holding the two women's delicate hands and said guiltily: "Oh, I'm not capable, so you two are scared!" The two women smiled softly. , Mrs. Lu Bu said softly: "What the husband said! The husband is a hero, who can be compared to the world!" Diao Chan nodded with approval.

Ellen was so touched, he only felt that these two women were so good, and couldn't help but put them in his arms. Then she thought of her daughter, and couldn’t help asking: “Where is Lingqi?” Madam Lu Bu heard her daughter’s name, her eyes immediately revealed the brilliance of maternity, pointed to the bedroom not far away, and said: “Lingqi has already The maidservant fell asleep." Ai Lang got up and went in to see her daughter.

It is said that Chen Gong only took one entourage and rode down Hangu Pass and headed towards Luoyang. The Hangu Pass of the Han Dynasty and the Hangu Pass of the Qin Dynasty were not in the same place. The Hangu Pass of the Qin Dynasty was near Hongnong, while the Hangu Pass of the Han Dynasty was in Xinxiang, Henan Province, only a hundred miles away from Luoyang to the east. the distance. Therefore, Chen Gong went on his way and saw Yuan Shao in the main hall of Luoyang Palace the next morning. At this moment, Yuan Shao's style is like a new emperor.

Yuan Shao asked Chen Gong: "I heard that Lu Bu wants to surrender to me?" His words were quite arrogant.

Chen Gong clasped his fist and said: "Ming Gong sits in Luoyang, and his ministers are like clouds and fierce generals like rain. My general has admired him for a long time and is willing to lead his troops and more than 100,000 people to serve Ming Gong!"

Hehehe! A person in the hall suddenly sneered. Chen Gong looked at the sound and recognized Tian Feng, the famous counselor under Yuan Shao's account. I saw Tian Feng sneered and said, "Chen Gong, you said so nicely. I think it was Lü Bu who came to my family's lord at the end of his life!"

Chen Gong smiled indifferently, and said: "Mr. speaks like this, it shows that I have no experience!"

Tian Feng was furious and shouted: "What did you say?"

Chen Gongchao Yuan Shao clasped his fist and said: "My general had to leave the switch, but the defeat in Guanzhong was because Wang Yun intended to use Guo and Li to check and balance my general and leaked military secrets to him! Prior to this, the Xiliang army Although several times with our general, but our general has won three battles and three victories, so that they retreat and Bansuguchi dare not move! The heroic might of my general is evident!" Yuan Shao nodded when he heard this. Yuan Shao had already learned about the war situation in Guanzhong during this period.

Chen Gong faced Tian Feng and asked: "My general is such a hero, but what did your husband say that my general is dead end? Doesn't it make Mr. Tianxia Renxiao arrogant and ignorant?" Tian Feng couldn't refute Chen Gong's remarks, his face was very ugly.

Chen Gong said to Yuan Shao: "My general can be compared to Xiang Yu, who was struggling to pull the mountain out of the world! If Ming Gong has the help of the general, why can't he not smooth the world!" Yuan Shao was greatly moved.

Chen Gong continued: "Of course, if Ming Gong listens to the slander and refuses to accept my general, my general will have to go to Liu Biao!" Upon hearing this, Yuan Shao quickly said: "Liu Biao is mediocre and incompetent, how can he become Lu Fengxian? Lord! You can go back and tell Fengxian, if he wants to come, I will use it again, and I will never treat him badly! I will assign Xingyang to him as a place to station and raise the army!"

I like rebirth, I am Lu Bu. Please collect it: ( Rebirth I is the fastest literary update written by Lu Bu.

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