Rebirth: I Want to Surf

Chapter 42: Yao Wanwan Returns Home

February 9th, the twenty-eighth day of the lunar calendar.

Yao Yuan is about to experience the Spring Festival travel 20 years ago.

In the morning, he was carrying a suitcase, the old man was carrying a big bag, and each hand was carrying a big bag, and they hurried towards the BJ station.

Why bother?

Why bother?

Yao Yuan felt that he was surrounded by a group of the most mixed people in the world, all kinds of faces and smells came overwhelmingly, rubbing you into them unreasonably, instantly assimilating you.

"Is it good to take a plane, you have to scratch the surface."

"How much is the air ticket? You come here at a young age, and you don't know how to live at all."

"I saved some money."

"Then you can keep it, don't be fooled."


He didn't intend to reveal the truth for the time being, so he shrugged and squeezed into the waiting hall with his old uncle.

As soon as I entered, I lined up immediately, with the back of my head connected to the back of my head. I started to check the ticket when my feet were sore, and moved forward slowly. When I got to the platform, the old man ran away.


Yao Yuan chased after him and almost broke into the carriage. The old uncle was quick-sighted and experienced. He found a connection with room, swung the big bag, and quickly took out two horses and threw them on the ground.

Take your seat!

As soon as the Mazar was put on, a few people came over, glared angrily, and hurriedly looked for the next connection.

Well, it's like a war!

Yao Yuan was also out of breath, and sat down. The car is fast, so it will take another eight hours.

Not long after, the train started and rumbled out of the capital, starting a long or short, happy or sad journey in every passenger's life.

On the opposite side are a few skinny men with similar temperament to the old uncle, who can be seen as migrant workers.

The old man couldn't stay idle, and started chatting with others after smoking a circle. Yao Yuan sat on the saddle, reading magazines boredly, occasionally feeling the envious eyes of passing passengers.

When everyone has no seats, you own a Mazza, and you are a high-class person.

There is no online ticket sales these days, and the pre-sale period is not so long, so it is not easy to buy tickets. The north is centered on the capital city, and the south is centered on the coastal cities. Migrant workers and students from the surrounding areas flock in within a few days, enduring all kinds of unimaginable environments, all for one purpose:


This year, there are 130 million passenger traffic, intertwined on the railway lines all over the country, just for the touch of homeland that flows in the blood.

And the connection on the train has always been the happiest, richest, and most varied place in the world.

Those who come to smoke, those who push carts, those who hold instant noodle buckets to receive hot water, and those who wait at the door of the toilet waiting to pee, there is a constant flow of people coming and going.

The old uncle came back after chatting for a long time, and took out a few plastic bags from his bag, a pack of spiced tofu, a pack of chicken offal, some cucumbers and fruits, and he didn't forget a bottle of Niulanshan.

"Are you hungry? Eat something first."

"Have a marinated egg."

Yao Yuan picked out a hillbilly marinated egg, which seems to have come out in recent years, and he liked it very much at first, so he bought it and tried it if he had nothing to do.

"Uncle, what do you bring with you, big and small?"

"Go to various places to install sets, souvenirs sent by others, and I bought them myself."

"Where did you get the money?"

"Hey, I've given out a bonus!"

The old uncle held a cucumber, quite proudly, and said: "Isn't it the end of the year? Old Sun gave everyone some money, saying that last year's business was good. Two thousand for each person, and three thousand for me."

"What are you three thousand?"

"Good relationship, let's say I work hard, hey, this is for me in private, don't tell anyone."

I'm so bored!

"Then you earned..."

"Add all the messy things, a total of 6,500 yuan!"

"Six months?"

"Half a year, how is it, not bad?"

"Well, not bad not bad."

"Your aunt is reluctant to spend the money sent back every month. Finally, I have some spare money this year."

This method is actually very good. The uncle is outsourcing food and accommodation, and all the wages are sent home, and the aunt is also thrifty, so the money can be saved.


Yao Yuan opened his mouth, forget it, I still won't tell you that I just paid your son a huge sum of 50,000 yuan.

Just yesterday, the payment for January arrived in the account, no activities were carried out, and the harvest was stable. After erasing bad debts, there was still 630,000 yuan left, and the company's revenue exceeded one million!

This means that more than 100,000 mobile phone users have been harvested, and there are about 80,000 remaining users who have not been harvested. They are all found or bought from various channels.

Yu Jiajia deserves the most credit.

The company's strategy is sustainable fishing.

If you give a user 30 bucks and add a few businesses, the account must look good, but people will definitely cancel the subscription, and there will be not so much money when the payment is settled.

So this thing is a bit like a pyramid scheme, you have to keep looking for new phone numbers in order to continue the group sending.

And this year's sp competition will officially kick off.

Before Yao Yuan came back, he was already assigning tasks, bought several computers, rented better servers and bandwidth, and outsourced a technical project to make a new thing.

Let's talk about making money.

Yao Yuan and Yao Xiaobo's concealment is actually because they don't know how to tell their family, this thing needs to find a time.

The old uncle has been eating and drinking, he eats a lot, seeing that Yao Yuan is not interested, he let go of his arms, ate a large bag of dried tofu and chicken offal, and went down half a bottle of wine.

His swarthy face began to turn red, but he was in good spirits, which was a sign of drinking properly.

He cleaned up the trash, opened the bag again, and said, "By the way, I bought a lot of special products. Let's see how they look, right?"

"What specialty?"

"The specialty of the capital, your aunt has never been out of the province in half her life, give her a taste."

The old uncle scratched a few times, and first took out a box, which was preserved fruit. There were seven kinds in it, preserved apples, preserved crabapples, preserved dates, preserved Taiping, preserved apricots, preserved peaches and preserved pears.

"Uh, it's good!"

"I saw that there was nothing to buy. I can't buy a roast duck and take it home. It doesn't taste good."

The old man took out another box, which was Beijing Eight Pieces, a dessert made with eight kinds of fillings: jujube paste, green plum, raisin, rose, red bean paste, sugar, banana, and salt and pepper.

"How is this?"

"Uh, not bad, all good."

"That's fine, your aunt likes sweet things."

Well, you are not afraid of my aunt's throat...

Yao Yuan saw that the old uncle was in high spirits, so he didn't have the nerve to say, don't buy such fancy things in the capital, it's a scam!


After suffering for more than eight hours.

When it was just dark, the train slowly drove into Xiaocheng Station.

It only stopped for a minute, and a dozen people came down. Yao Yuan and the old uncle went down the passage and walked up the steps. There was no light for a short section, and they walked forward in the dark.


When a girl saw her relatives, she ran over first. Followed by a few more calls, one by one, like birds returning to their nests, muttering in their mouths, but they disappeared for a long time.

"Small it!"

"Small it!"

Yao Yuemin guarded behind the iron railing, jumped up and waved, Yao Xiaobo followed suit, Yuan Liping and the old aunt were having fun.

"Dad! Mom!"

The winter night is windy and cold, and the new year is approaching. Yao Yuan put aside everything in a moment, returned to his youth, and trotted over.

"Is it cold?"

"It's okay, there are many people in the car."

"Oh, let's go and eat, the restaurant is all booked!"

"Go home!"


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