The battle was over, and the battle was over.

As expected, this transport team had another accident, still on the same road, and was annihilated by Kuvas again, and the morale of the human rebels who had won many victories rose.

They have made great progress from being timid at the beginning to taking the initiative to attack now. The next step is to take down the Yuanye Mining City.

There are 5,000 soldiers in the Yuanye Mining City, and more than 1,000 soldiers have been killed by the human rebels, so the next step is to deal with more than 3,000 soldiers. However, if they stay in the city, Jiang Tong will have to trick them out. Field battles are much easier to fight than siege battles.

But the city lord didn't believe it, thinking that it was still the bandits who did it, so he led all the people to go out and wipe out the arrogant bandits.

He probably couldn't find the bandits. On the one hand, he would definitely be attacked by Jiang Tong and his men, and on the other hand, the bandits had already been wiped out during the military training. All the thorn elf villages near the Wilderness Mine City were all slaughtered, and the human race needed to release their anger.

This time, it was not Kuvas who faced the city lord, because Kuvas's troops could not be the opponent of this group of soldiers. With a military formation of 3,000 people and hundreds of cavalry, the soldiers led by Kuvas were completely defeated after a few rounds of attacks.

This time, there would be no sneak attack, but a direct confrontation, using death to select strong soldiers. Jiang Tong thought so. After this battle, the Wilderness Mine City would be taken down, and there would be more than 100,000 human beings in it, which could be used to replenish the troops.

There are many humans in this world. They are the second most populous race. After all, they give birth once a year and can enter the estrus period all year round. Their numbers can increase quickly. The thorn elves give birth once every two years, while the beastmen give birth very quickly, several times a year.

However, the beastmen have serious internal friction. Various beast-headed people attack each other. Otherwise, the thorn elves can be exhausted by relying on their numerical advantage.

Jiang Tong led his 10,000 people to wait for them in the plain area where they must pass. They just simply lined up, with spearmen in front to prevent the impact of their cavalry. Fortunately, the mining city behind did not have too strong troops, and their cavalry was just the light cavalry formed by the city lord privately.

The city lord looked at the dark mass of human army in front.

"There are actually humans who dare to resist us. It seems that I have wronged those guys, but I will avenge them."

The city lord is now shocked and angry. He is shocked that the human army appeared near his territory, and he is angry because these ants dared to resist the rule of the great thorn elves. It is unforgivable.

"Alexandre Dumas, lead the cavalry to charge them, let them see the power of the Thorn Elf cavalry, and kill these rebellious humans."


A tall and handsome Thorn Elf stepped out.

"Cavalry, follow me to charge."

Under his command, the Thorn Elf troops rushed towards Jiang Tong's troops. Not to mention the lethality of the cavalry, but their visual impact was very strong.

Dust flew, the earth shook, and the fierce eyes of the Thorn Elf cavalry holding long swords even scared some of the spearmen in front to retreat a few steps.

But Jiang Tong was prepared.

"Spear throwers, get ready."


Thousands of spears were thrown and shot towards the cavalry. These Thorn Elf cavalry looked at the rain of spears from the sky, and they thought of their mothers.


There was the sound of bones breaking, and the thorn elves cavalry were pierced by spears. At least half of the thorn elves died in this wave. They were not the heavy armored cavalry of the Thorn Elf Empire. Even if the leather armor could block the first spear, what about the second and third spears?

However, for these surviving thorn elves, there was another way waiting for them, the horse pit, a powerful weapon against cavalry. They just rushed to the front of the human soldiers and fell into the horse pit. Some lucky ones jumped over the horse pit, but were pierced by the spearmen in front.

As for Dumas, he was split by Jiang Tong along with his horse.

The city lord saw that his cavalry unit was gone in more than 20 minutes, and he became angry.

"Charge the whole army and kill them all."

In this world, the thorn elves and the beastmen went to war, and the legions charged. There were rarely any tactics. Every time it was a bloody grinding wheel. The victory of the war was determined by weapons or numbers, and at most there were some changes in the military formation.

"Human revivalists, for the future of humanity, charge and kill the thorn elves on the opposite side. A single spark can start a prairie fire. Charge."

Kuvas's troops are not here, but he

He also joined the battle, after all, he was the only leader among these humans.

In this battle, Jiang Tong did not follow the charge, but returned to the command platform at the back to watch the battle between the two tribes.

As soon as they came into contact, blood and flesh splattered, weapons broke, and screams rang out.

The smell of gunpowder from the war began to spread across the battlefield. The human soldiers had to fight three to one, and they were easily cut off.

Kuvas held a big knife and cut off the several thorn elves who besieged him, and then went to the city lord on the opposite side.

Although the city lord had no command ability, he had practiced for more than a hundred years and was the lord of a city. His strength was not comparable to that of ordinary leaders, but his actual combat ability was a little weaker.

Kuvas was suppressed by the city lord riding a big horse and retreated step by step. There were more elites among these thorn elves than among the human race. If it were not for the effect of Jiang Tong's title, these human soldiers would have a chance of breaking through in the battle, otherwise there would be no fight.

Several generals of the thorn elves gathered around. Although the generals behind the thorn elves were useless, they were still quite capable. There was no absolute useless in the world. It just depended on who they were compared with.

War was the most difficult way to train soldiers. Although the human uprising army had more and more deaths, the survivors became stronger with the passage of time. This was Jiang Tong's method of training soldiers.

A general's success was built on the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers. Similarly, the success of a strong army required the elimination of more soldiers.

Kuvas had a breakthrough, from the leader level to the commander level. The difference in strength was only one word.

He killed a general of the thorn elves with a knife, then snatched his horse and rode on it to fight with the city lord.

Jiang Tong could feel the power of luck strengthening on Kuvas, and the luck of the human race gathered on him. If there were a few more such events that changed the fate of the human race, Kuvas would be able to completely become the son of luck of a race.

While Jiang Tong was thinking, Kuvas had already killed the city lord and rushed to kill.

After the death of the city lord, the thorn elves collapsed and began to flee.

"Don't let any thorn elves escape, kill them, pick up weapons, and attack the wilderness mining city with all your strength."

Kuvas held the head of the city lord in his hand, roaring, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes, and his fighting spirit became stronger and stronger.

The human rebels chased the fleeing thorn elf troops and fought all the way to the wilderness mining city. Jiang Tong led Kuvas's troops to chase.

March into the wilderness mining city.

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