The new situation is getting worse.

Currently, there are seven seas and eight continents in the Dongtian World.

The seas are the Atlanta Sea, the Haibo Sea, the Dongling Sea, the Teya Sea, the Shark Sea, the White Ice Sea, and the Deep South Sea. These seas were determined during the Siren period and named after the king of the Atlanta Kingdom.

The eight continents are Calidoa Continent (Central Continent), Geglinwu Continent (Eastern Continent), Dark Continent (Western Continent), Nukado Continent (Southern Continent), Storm Continent (Western Continent), Sky Continent, Volcano Continent, and Zhonghai Continent.

The Sky Continent is in the northeast corner of the world, the Zhonghai Continent is between Calidoa Continent and Nukado Continent, and the Volcano Continent is in the southwest corner.

The data of the world now is like this.

[World: Cave World lv39 (World Level is Slowly Improving)]

[Heavenly Dao: Jiang Tong]

[World Area: 549558w Square Kilometers (Expanding)]

[World Specialties: None]

[World Cultivation System: Dao System, Wizard System, Belief System, Knight System, Magic System...]

[World Description: A small world with a regular star, forming an internal cycle of the world, with perfect rules and many intelligent creatures. It is a newborn world protected by the law of the void, which can absorb chaotic energy and achieve self-sufficiency of internal energy. The world is expanding. The world has reached the third level, and the root of chaos has been notarized. The world has just entered the middle-level world, and the protection of the root of chaos is being strengthened.]

[World Power: 5378.556 ounces (three decimal places have been omitted)]

After the world was promoted, Jiang Tong's speed of obtaining world power was significantly accelerated, but he also had to thank the selfless contributions from the reincarnations and the contractors.

According to the current ratio of the continent to the ocean in the Dongtian World, it is 4:6, and it was 5:5 before. After the world was promoted, the expansion speed of the ocean was much faster than that of the continent, so the continent accounted for 40% and the ocean accounted for 60%.

So now the continental area of ​​the Dongtian World is 219823.2w square kilometers, among which the Central Calidoa Continent occupies the largest land area.

Among them, Calidoa Continent occupies 38474w square kilometers, Nukado Continent occupies 26475w square kilometers, Storm Continent occupies 21456w square kilometers, Geglinwu Continent 20566w square kilometers, Dark Continent occupies 19658w square kilometers, Volcano Continent occupies 14655w square kilometers, Zhonghai Continent occupies 12236w square kilometers, Sky Continent occupies 11588w square kilometers, and the rest are occupied by various small continental islands.

Don’t underestimate the overlords on the continent. They only occupy part of the continent. The Kingdom of Heaven on Calidoa occupies less than one-tenth of the continent. If it weren’t for the teleportation array and teleportation tower from the wizard civilization, even traveling would be a hassle. It would take five years for Xuan Tianzun’s power to reach the [Neutral·Headless City] of the Northern Barbarians.

It must be said that Jun’s appearance has promoted great development. Legends say that the array and teleportation tower were invented by him. It is also with these things that the Wizard Empire can rule nearly 40 million square kilometers of land and is still expanding.

However, because the construction of these things requires a lot of resources, they are generally only available in big cities. Some small places don’t have such things. The orders of the Wizard Emperor can only reach the major regions. In those towns, the orders of some manor masters are still effective.

Let's talk about the origins of civilizations of each continent. The civilization of the Gelin Wu Continent originated from the Witch Doctor Valley, which is the ancient witch culture; the civilization of the Calidoa Continent all originated from the Tian Tribe civilization. Whether it is the Northern Barbarians or the Kingdom of Heaven, they all worship their ancestors; the civilization of the Storm Continent originated from the ancient Yang Tribe civilization, also known as the Fire Seed civilization, the first tribe in the world to use fire, and they have a passion for fire in their blood; the civilization of the Nukado Continent has two sources, one is the Megalith Civilization and the other is the Beast Civilization. One likes to settle down and the other likes to be nomadic; the civilization of the Dark Continent originated from the Sea Tribe. The Sea Tribe civilization has influenced us to this day. Now the most active people on the ocean are still from the Dark Continent. They love adventure and try to conquer the ocean.

As for the three newly born continents, there is no source of civilization. They are influenced by various civilizations of the old continents. Without the precipitation of history, they have become a hodgepodge, but they also have a different flavor.

The werewolves of the Volcano Continent established the Volcano Kingdom. They encountered merchant ships of the Sea Kingdom and later sold the special mineral of the Volcano Continent, Volcanic Iron, at a low price in exchange for some knowledge of the Sea Kingdom. The merchants of the Sea Kingdom exchanged precious minerals for knowledge that was hundreds of years behind, so many merchants of the Sea Kingdom began to travel to the Volcano Continent and helped the werewolves build a City of Fire for business. They gained the friendship of the werewolves.

And after years of development, the population of the werewolves reached more than three million, among which many geniuses emerged. They went to the Sea Kingdom to study through merchant ships of the Sea Kingdom, and the exchange between the Volcano Continent and the Dark Continent began.

Ji Kun, the king of the Sea Kingdom who enfeoffed the countries, had died in the Central Two Hundred and Forty Years. Now his son Ji Xu is in power. His son lost control of more than a dozen principalities enfeoffed by the Sea Kingdom, and his many calls were rejected.

When the naval war between the Sea Kingdom and the Fire Continent broke out, only three principalities obeyed the call, which made the Sea Kingdom and the Fire Continent tie, lost a lot of resources, and boosted the arrogance of the Fire Continent.

The Kingdom of Chu built by Xia Hongdao became popular after the death of Alexander the Great and began to expand continuously. Xia Hongdao enfeoffed hundreds of meritorious officials, and the influence of the Kingdom of Chu reached more than 10 million square kilometers.

The sphere of influence of the Holy Empire shrank rapidly, and then split into many holy countries. Only the last territory of the original Knight Kingdom was still under the control of the Holy Empire. After the death of Alexander the Great, his general Luger was elected as the new leader, and the imperial system was changed to the elder system. Luger existed as a great elder, and after Luger took office, he tried to imitate the two emperors to start the continental expedition, and then Xia Hongdao annihilated 100,000 elite cavalry at the first stop. The last vitality of the empire was exhausted in that battle.

"Huh, I'm so tired, damn it."

Fu Bo was panting, and there was a giant dragon that was burned by electricity in the distance.


The dragon swooped down on Fu Bo again, and the ground was cracked by the strong wind from the dragon's wings. Fu Bo's Lei Ze form was still very small compared to the dragon, only about one-third the size of the dragon.

"The thunder domain roars."

Fu Bo once again stimulated the thunder accumulated in his body, turning it into a thunder curtain covering the dragon.

The snake and the dragon have been fighting for more than three months. The nearby creatures were killed and injured, and the ground was torn into pieces, leaving no grass.

Just when Fu Bo thought he could stop fighting when he killed the dragon in front of him, the dragon turned around and ran away, and Fu Bo's big move was halfway accumulated.

"Ni Ma..."

Fu Bo's singing came from the Lei Ze.


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