Hector soon walked out of Dumbledore's office. Although Dumbledore said that he would take Hector to meet his old friend, it was obvious that Dumbledore did not intend to take him there now.

"I need to prepare in advance," said Dumbledore himself.

"In addition to Peter Pettigrew's matter, I will stay in Hogwarts for a while and will not go anywhere.

The next day, Harry and his friends received a note at the breakfast table at the same time.

"There's detention tonight," Harry said, looking at the note, and Ron nodded and commented on the arrangements for the detention while chewing his breakfast.

"Aren't young wizards not allowed to go out at night? It's so late at eleven o'clock, and Filch still has to arrange detention. I can't imagine what the old man will make us do."

His complaint did not cause any response. Hermione and Neville both thought that such punishment was reasonable. Even Harry, who always stood on Ron's side, was eating his breakfast in silence.

"Will you come with us?"

After being turned away by Harry, Ron could only turn around and find Hector, who was reading a newspaper and drinking oatmeal. Hector looked at Ron and shook his head.

"No, Ron," Hector said, forking a sausage from the tray in front of him.

"My detentions are different from yours - Professor Flitwick has done all of my detentions, including the next ones, so I'm most likely going to him."

"Ah, I wish I were like you," Ron absentmindedly poked at the bread on the plate.

"I'd rather go to Flitwick and get two detentions in a row than be in that old idiot's place."

But his complaints wouldn't change anything. After the lunch break, Hector said goodbye to Harry and the others and headed to Professor Flitwick's office for his detention.

"Oh, Hector, your detention this time is not in my place. Professor Flitwick's words made Hector's heart sink.

"Albus asked me to take your detention, so you should go to the headmaster's office - fortunately it's not that far."

Hector nodded, he said goodbye to Professor Flitwick, turned around and walked towards the headmaster's office.

The door of the headmaster's office was open, and the stone beast was not lying at the door. It seemed that since Hector prepared the list, it had never troubled him again. This made Hector feel very uncomfortable when he took out the list, and he felt like he was being fooled, but this was also a lot more convenient, he could go directly to the classroom, and there was no need to be so complicated as to report the names of the candies.

"You are here, Hector," Dumbledore sat on the couch, he looked very energetic. On Dumbledore's chest was not the familiar sugar jar, but the old wand.

"Are you ready to learn Apparition?"

Hector nodded and pulled out his wand from his pocket. He had thought of it on the way here.

"However, we still have to start with the follower phantom. Dumbledore stretched out his arm and motioned Hector to take it.

"I think the Forbidden Forest is a good place."

Hector put his arm around Dumbledore's shoulder, and with the familiar twists and turns of space, the two disappeared into the office together.

The two figures reappeared in an open space near the Forbidden Forest. Surrounded by dense woods, everything that happened here was tightly covered in its embrace. There were two large circles drawn on the open space, and the two large circles were far apart.

It seems that Dumbledore did prepare for his promise for a long time. Hector thought so, and this time the follower phantom was much better than any previous time. The dizziness was not so severe, and even the desire to vomit was not so strong.

"You have made a lot of progress, Hector," Dumbledore looked at Hector with a smile, and pointed at the two big circles.

"I think you must have known the spell of Apparition. Next, it is just a matter of falling accurately from this circle to another circle."Dumbledore stretched out his arm and continued,

"Do you want to feel it? If you are ready."

Hector shook his head. He was very confident in himself. Mastering spells was no joke. The reason he asked Dumbledore for help was to be safe. After all, learning to Apparate could really risk breaking arms and legs. Although he was confident, it wouldn't hurt to be cautious.

Dumbledore nodded. He was also very confident in Hector, but that didn't stop him from taking out a bunch of fresh dill from his pocket, as well as a large jar of potion with a label of dill essence and a large jar of blood tonic. Hector even found a large jar of bone spirit.

"Just in case, maybe you will need it."Dumbledore explained, and he also reminded Hector,

"Hector, remember three‘D’Principles, that is, goals, determination, and calmness. Focus your consciousness on the goal and make up your mind. You can turn around in place, which can help you feel your body. When you feel that your body is empty, move calmly."

"Isn't it true that if you don't get D in three attempts, you can just wait for the interest to be paid?" Hector muttered quietly, but he still listened to what Dumbledore said.

"Okay, wait for me to count to three, get ready, one, two, three!"

Hector held his breath and focused all his attention on the circle in the distance. He listened to Dumbledore's orders and tried to feel the calm feeling that Dumbledore mentioned.

After Dumbledore counted to three, Hector turned around on the spot.

It didn't take him long to feel his body suddenly become lighter - this should be the feeling of nothingness.

The only two thoughts in Hector's mind were the destination and the need to go to the destination.

The space around him quickly twisted, and Hector was folded up with the space he was in.

This feeling was much easier than following the phantom, just like a person who is carsick only gets carsick, and will feel much better when it's his turn to drive.

Hector's body appeared in the circle drawn by Dumbledore, just right. The feeling of apparition was great, without any dizziness at all. Hector even enjoyed the empty, ecstatic feeling at the beginning.

"Did I succeed?" Hector looked at Dumbledore, who was standing next to him, his eyes narrowed into slits as he smiled.

"I'm afraid so, Hector, it was a success at once, no body parts fell off, not even a hair." Dumbledore waved his wand, and the bottles and jars on the ground stood up from the ground and automatically ran into Dumbledore's package.

"You need to practice more, Hector, until you become proficient, but I believe you won't need these anymore."

Hector nodded. He had been practicing Apparition the whole afternoon, and the distance he moved gradually became longer. Dumbledore had unlocked most of the anti-Apparitions in the Forbidden Forest at once, allowing Hector to feel the charm of Apparition.

Learning was far from over, Dumbledore said. Learning Apparition was the first step, and how to apply Apparition to combat was even more important.

But of course not today.

Today's practice was enough to exhaust Hector.

He also drank a few sips of magic enhancement potion to try the effect - indeed, it was very good.

The magic returned to his body quickly, and the upper limit of the magic he could accommodate was also significantly improved.

However, Hector discovered something more important - the magic power did increase, but Hector could not mobilize it.

It should be because he was too tired.

The magic power was not obedient and just stayed where it was.

When they returned to the Gryffindor common room from the headmaster's office, Harry and the others were ready to set off. It still took some time to get from the Gryffindor tower to the entrance hall.

"Good luck to you." Hector sat down on the sofa in the common room.

"Well, I hope your blessing is useful."Hermione responded to Hector, and several other young wizards nodded stiffly. No one could have imagined how Filch would arrange this confinement, but it was conceivable that tonight was destined to be not so easy.

Hector didn't have so many worries. Quirrell had been dealt with by Dumbledore, so Quirrell, who was supposed to appear tonight to hunt unicorns, would naturally not appear. To be honest, Hector was going to collect some unicorn blood at first, so that he could experiment with its power the next time he encountered a villain hidden in Hogwarts, and maybe he could even put some debuffs like the unicorn curse on our Lord Voldemort.

It's a pity that Quirrell is gone, and Dumbledore has no reason to bear the curse to murder a unicorn, so Hector's idea can only end in vain.

When Harry he���When he dragged his tired body back to the dormitory, the sky in the east was already slightly white, and Hector had fallen asleep long ago. However, the noise made by those little guys was really loud. Hector heard them shouting something in a daze. It sounded like the confinement tonight was not as smooth as Hector had thought.

"Snape didn't steal the Philosopher's Stone for money, he stole Voldemort to revive the stone - the magic of the Philosopher's Stone can bring him back to life!" Harry's voice was loud and angry.

"Ferran told me that someone once hunted unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, and that person drained the unicorn's blood - and unicorn blood can prolong a person's life. Although there is a curse, what use are these curses to Voldemort?"

""Harry! Don't say that name!" Ron lowered his voice, his voice still trembling a little."Maybe the centaurs just lied. They never want anyone to go to the Forbidden Forest. Besides, Harry, nothing happened tonight, nothing!"

"What? I can only wait here for Snape to steal the Philosopher's Stone, and then Voldemort comes here and kills me directly?"Harry sounded very excited, and he didn't think about what he said at all.

"You know that's not what I meant!" Ron also became excited. Even so, he still deliberately suppressed his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard by Voldemort.

Then the dormitory became quiet. They seemed to be too tired, so they didn't continue on this topic. Moreover, blaming each other would not work. It would be better to take a good rest. The long dispute made their throats dry and sore. Harry and the others didn't plan to wash up, and hurriedly climbed into bed to rest.


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