
“Video game console?”

When Liu Weidong went out to buy a pack of cigarettes, he suddenly found a sign called an electronic game console next to the canteen.

He looked at it curiously and muttered:”I didn’t realize there was an electronic game console here before. Has a new one opened?”

“No, it only opened in the past two days. I heard that it is different from other electronic game arcades. It has introduced new equipment and purchased the goods from Hong Kong Island.”

The owner of the canteen is an old acquaintance with Liu Weidong.

“oh? Is it different from other arcades? Then I’d like to take a look.”

As he said that, he took out his money and bought a pack of cigarettes, and Liu Weidong walked to the next door.

It was blocked by a curtain.

Liu Weidong opened the curtain and walked in, only to see an oversized color TV in front of him showing that he had never At the bottom of the game he had played were two young children, about thirteen or fourteen years old, holding two handles.

At this time, Huang Mao, who had combed his blond hair, glanced at him at the front desk, and then He said calmly:”How long will you play?”


Liu Weidong thought for a while and said:”How to calculate it?”

“RMB 5 for an hour and RMB 4 for an hour over three hours. Huang Mao said lazily.

“I’ll come for that one hour.”

Liu Weidong took out 5 yuan and handed it over.

“Take your ticket, second row inside.”

Taking the card, Liu Weidong nodded, and then walked inside.

It was a small deck, about 4 square meters.

Two benches, and a small color TV.

In addition, there was a keyboard and a There was a pile of things that looked like cassettes.

However, this keyboard was different from the keyboards he had seen before. It had an extra slot.

After looking at the slot, Liu Weidong looked at the cassettes on the side and understood what was going on..

He randomly selected a cassette and inserted it into it.

At the prompt, Liu Weidong started playing.

After playing, he became addicted.

Until Huang Mao came to call him and said that the time was up.

Only then did he come back to his senses and said:”One hour arrive?

Huang Mao rolled his eyes and said,”It’s been an hour and two minutes now.””

Looking at the characters on the color TV who were about to pass the level, Liu Weidong gritted his teeth, took out another 5 yuan and handed it to Huang Mao,”One more hour.

Huang Mao smiled when he saw the money and said with a smile:”Okay.””

Then, he walked away with his butt.

But Liu Weidong continued to fight.

After Liu Weidong passed the level, he had played for 3 hours and added 2 times in the middle.

He spent a total of 15 yuan.

Before leaving, Liu Weidong paid attention After a while, there were almost eight devices in the entire game hall.

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They were all full.

He calculated an account. Even if it was operated for ten hours a day, and each device was calculated at 4 yuan an hour, there would be almost 320 in one day. Yuan.

This is only an average of 4 Yuan an hour.

Many people like him���It costs 5 yuan to play for two or three hours.

Excluding electricity and rental fees, you can earn around 250-270 in a day.

So much for one day.

Wouldn’t that cost seven or eight thousand yuan a month?

That’s 90,000 yuan a year?

My dear, I didn’t expect this FC game arcade to make so much money in a year?

Liu Weidong himself was shocked.

Ninety thousand yuan.

Even in Pengcheng, the forefront of reform and opening up, it was a huge sum of money.

Many clothing stores may not be able to make so much money in three years.

I didn’t expect that this small game arcade could make so much money.

I just don’t know where these devices come from and how much one costs.

This problem doesn’t concern him.

Soon, he found a manufacturer selling this equipment in Electronic Street.

After asking around, I found out that this is a”New World Learning Machine!”

It is used to learn computers and practice typing, and is not a specialized game machine.

Liu Weidong doesn’t care about game consoles or not.

What he cares about is how much this device called”New World Learning Machine” costs. Liu Weidong was shocked when he learned that the selling price was 238 yuan and 3 cassettes were given as gifts (1 learning card and 2 game cards.) In his opinion, this equipment would cost three to four hundred yuan no matter what. After all, an FC game console costs three to four hundred yuan. It makes no sense that this game console that can type and program only costs more than 200 yuan? It happened that he had more than 20,000 yuan in his hand, which was his savings in the past five years. He didn’t dare to buy more, so he just bought 5 pieces of equipment. He spent 1,300 yuan, of which 110 yuan, he bought 10 cassettes. It was originally priced at 15 yuan each, but the boss saw that he bought 5 units at once, so he thought the price was cheap and sold it to him. After agreeing on the delivery time. Liu Weidong returned to his old apartment and simply renovated it into separate small rooms, separated by wooden boards. Later, he took out 18,000 yuan and bought five small color TVs. It has to be said that in the early 1990s, color TVs were very expensive. A small color TV like a 17-inch one costs close to 3,000 yuan, and a 21-inch one costs more than 4,000 yuan. Imports are more expensive, ranging from seven to eight thousand to tens of thousands. In addition, Liu Weidong also started a canteen, selling drinks, instant noodles, cigarettes, etc. in the store. Because he found that many people played for several hours, and many people bought water or even instant noodles during the trip. Mosquitoes are also meat, so he also opened a canteen. A week later. That’s how Liu Kee Electronic Game Room was established. In fact, there are many people like Liu Weidong who have discovered business opportunities. But not many dare to invest like this. After all, the equipment is not expensive, but the cost of color TVs is expensive. A few thousand yuan for one is still a large expense for many people. On the first day, Liu Weidong earned 315 yuan and 75 yuan in snacks, totaling 390 yuan. After deducting various costs and expenses, he made a net profit of about 310 yuan. The next day, the net income was 330 yuan. On the third day, the net income was 316 yuan. On the fourth day, I earned 282 yuan. On the fifth day, income was 360 yuan


A week later.

When Liu Weidong calculated his income for the week in detail, he was shocked.

Seven days a week, the net income was 2,215 yuan.

I earn more than 2,000 yuan a week.

Liu Weidong was frightened.

If this continues, won’t the monthly income be close to 9,000 yuan, and the annual income will be less than 100,000 yuan?

One hundred thousand a year…

Liu Weidong trembled all over.

It feels like I’m in a dream.

If the scale is further expanded, wouldn’t it cost 200,000 a year? this…The speed of making money is too fast.

Liu Weidong couldn’t help but take a deep breath….

Ps: The fifth update with more than 11,000 words is complete….Finally, I didn’t make a mistake.

The story will reach its climax tomorrow, and there will be six updates expected.

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