Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 958: : Go out in anger

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "I am General Cao Jun Lejin, who dares to go out and fight with this general!" Shouted imposingly.

Hearing the news of Cao Jun's fighting, the guards who were locked in did not show any fear. Several soldiers ran towards the gate, shouting as they ran, "There are enemy generals fighting, and there are enemy generals fighting." In the voice. Full of excitement.

After receiving Lu Bu's promise last night, Dianwei told the guards who were shut down that if he found enemy generals fighting, he should not only inform Lu Bu, but also inform him as soon as possible.

The defenders on Huguan are also looking forward to Dianwei’s action. The defenders in each county have already heard of Dianwei’s prestige, and naturally want to see it. The soldiers in the army have a strong fight between the generals. curiosity.

Lu Bu laughed when he heard the news of the enemy generals fighting outside the customs: "The enemy army really understands the idea of ​​General Dian. Benhou just promised General Dian yesterday, and today the enemy general is coming to fight."

Jia Xu laughed and said: "It is natural that General Dianwei beheaded to capture the flag. General Cao Jun led Le Jin to be considered a strong general, but if General Dianwei wants to behead him, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort. ."

Lu Bu nodded, and the state army scouts were very careful about the situation on the battlefield. They not only knew certain news about the enemy generals, but also had to understand the soldiers and horses led by the enemy generals.

"Follow Benhou to go to the pass and look at the style of General Dian." Lu Bu said: "It is not that simple to get a bargain from General Dian. "

Let's say that Dianwei ordered three hundred soldiers and hurried to the outside.

The generals also attached great importance to their own fame. There were 160,000 princes' coalition forces, and the Bingzhou army gathered in Huguan reached 50,000. This is a battlefield for more than 200,000 people, gathered here. Yes, it is also a well-known figure in the world. If he can emerge, his reputation will be greatly improved.

Why Hua Xiong is famous is because he fought and defeated Sun Jian with his troops, which made him famous.

The three hundred cavalrymen led by Dianwei are cavalry used as scouts by various ministries.

When Le Jin saw a tower-like brawny leading three hundred cavalry soldiers, he secretly increased his vigilance. The reason why he chose to be the first to fight was because he had the same idea as Dian Wei. Besides, the tiger and leopard rider followed him in the fight. Xu Chu was in the army, even if he was defeated, he would not worry about his life, and he could completely let go of his hands and feet on the battlefield.

The three hundred cavalry gradually slowed down, and placed their formations behind Dian Wei, with swords and spears in their hands.

"Who is the person who came, please report your name." Le Jin's spear pointed at Dian Wei Yao, and shouted imposingly.

Dianwei Yun replied vigorously: "I am the commander of the guards of the Jin Marquis, Dianwei, the enemy will not soon come forward and die!"

If Le Jin's shout is majestic, then Dian Wei's reply is extremely arrogant.

Le Jin is one of the leading generals in the Cao army. He has a strong position in the army. He has never suffered such humiliation. He kicked his horse in the belly and killed Dian Wei.

Dian Wei rides his horse to fight for Le Jin. The war horses under Dian Wei are carefully selected. Ordinary war horses are very difficult to withstand Dian Wei's words.

Although it was later that the horse was instigated, Dian Wei's speed was even better than that of Lejin after he charged up completely.

Xu Chu, who has been carefully observing the battlefield, frowned slightly. The Bianzhou Army cavalry who followed Dianwei's battle can only be regarded as average. If he fights against the tiger and the leopard, he is definitely not the opponent of the tiger and the leopard. He was a faint threat, this feeling rarely happened to Xu Chu.

Both halberds came out, the first move, Dian Wei directly used 70% of the strength.

The two horses are at odds with each other, and the double halberds go straight into their chests.

Le Jin shouted angrily. The spear in his hand steadily blocked Dian Wei's attack, but the force from the spear made Le Jin frightened.

The tiger's mouth was numb, and the hands holding the spear were trembling slightly. Le Jin knew that he had encountered a strong general in the Bingzhou army, otherwise he would not have felt this way in the first round because of his ability.

However, this situation was also deeply stimulating to Le Jin, and once again instigated the war horse to kill Xiang Dianwei.

There was a sneer at the corner of Dian Wei's mouth. It was only in the first round of the fight. He had already seen Le Jin's fictitiousness, so martial arts dared to shout outside the pot, if he couldn't be killed, what face would he have? In the army.

After ten times, Dianwei's left halberd directly slammed Lejin's spear, and his right hand halberd directly took Lejin's head with unmatched momentum.

Le Jin was shocked, and then he realized that Dian Wei hadn't tried his best before. At this time, the strength of the spear in his hand was old, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart if he wanted to use the spear to withstand all difficulties.

Xu Chu, who has been observing the battlefield, yelled: "Dianwei is so rampant!" Yanbi rode a horse to take Dianwei The cavalry of the Bingzhou Army who watched the battle showed anger, and the two sides on the battlefield were angry. The generals are not allowed to intervene in the fight, and Xu Chu's move is clearly based on the number of people bullying the less.

Dianwei snorted, and his right hand halberd blocked Xu Chu's long knife, cursing: "Shameless person, eat your grandfather's halberd."

The two broke apart when they touched, and Le Jin broke away from the danger, but Le Jin did not retreat, but instead drove his horse to Dian Wei.

The battle with Dianwei put him under a lot of pressure. Since Xu Chu went to fight, why didn't the two join forces to kill Dianwei. Although the methods were not bright, it was after all beheading each other's generals.

Closed, Lu Bu, who had been observing the battlefield situation, snorted coldly: "I didn't expect the princes' coalition forces to be so shameless that they would join forces to attack our generals. Are they really bullying the Bingzhou army?"

The generals beside Lu Bu also showed anger. If Xu Chu intervened in the battle between Dianwei and Le Jin and Le Jin did not fight, the generals of the Hezhou Army would understand that after all, no one wanted to die on the battlefield. Le Jin's ability to play shows that his position in the Cao army is not low.

"Huang Zhong, Yang Feng, and Zhang Xiu listened to the order, and led five hundred flying knights out of the customs with Benhou." Lu Bu commanded in a cold tone.

Li Yan, who was leading the Feiqi to go out of the city to help Dianwei, happened to meet Lu Bu and others who were angry from Guan.

Five hundred flying horses came out of the city, and the tiger and leopard horses on the opposite side immediately felt tremendous pressure.

For the flying cavalry of Bingzhou, as long as it is the cavalry of the princes, the princes have been committed to creating a cavalry that can be compared with the flying cavalry.

Compared to Feiqi's battle, what shocked the princes more was that Lu Bu appeared. The big "Lu" under the banner was not who Lu Bu was.

(End of this chapter)

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