Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 956: :Tunbing Huguan

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Master, Tian Feng secretly said that the master has no way to govern the army, and the soldiers under his command are loosely disciplined. If you go on like this, you will lose the hearts of the people." Soundtrack.

Yuan Shao snorted coldly: "What a Tian Yuanhao, who actually said bad things about Ben Hou behind his back, and after Ben Hou led his army to break the Huguan, he would care about him."

"My lord, in fact, after our army has captured Hanoi, we don't have to give the land of Hanoi to Cao Cao. If we use it as our own, we can not only advance to Bingzhou but also send troops to Chang'an." Xu You said.

Yuan Shao's eyes lit up, "Zi Yuan's words are very good. How did Ben Hou not think of this level before, but Cao Mengde is not an easy one."

Feng Ji smiled and said, "Master, if we can break Bingzhou this time, our army will have a battle with Cao Cao sooner or later."

Yuan Shao nodded in agreement. Now Cao Cao occupies the land of Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou. Sooner or later there will be a battle between the two sides. It is impossible to let Cao Cao develop in the Central Plains like this, and Cao Cao is not a peaceful person, saying Jingzhou is uncertain about the next plan.

"However, the lord must not turn his face with Cao Cao at this time, and it will not be too late after the breach of Bingzhou." Feng Ji reminded that he agreed with Xu You's words.

"Order the generals of various ministries to restrain the soldiers under their command. Huai County is the county seat of Hanoi." Yuan Shao said.

Xu You's face was very good-looking. Originally, his purpose was to persuade Yuan Shao to restrain the soldiers under his command. Unlike Tian Feng's behavior, his approach not only improved his position in Yuan Shao's heart, but also used the opportunity to discredit Tian Feng. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As for Feng Ji, Xu You didn't care at all. In terms of resourcefulness, Feng Ji was much worse than him, but it was because of Yuan Shao's trust that he had a high position in Jizhou.

The Union State Army abandoned Hanoi, reducing a lot of pressure on the coalition forces. If the Union State Army defended the city firmly, even if the coalition forces could break through the city along the way, one would have to pay a high price.

Outside the Huguan, the army of the princes gathered a hundred thousand people within a few days. Looking at it from a distance, all the enemies outside the Huguan are densely packed, and you can't see the edge.

As an important checkpoint in Bingzhou, the terrain is a little worse than the checkpoints around Chang'an. After repeated repairs by the Bingzhou army, it is not easy to break through.

Located in Huguan between the two mountains, the enemy can only attack in one direction, which greatly reduces the pressure on the defenders. Regardless of the fact that there are many princes’ army, they can be put on the battlefield and attack Huguan. No more than four thousand people at most.

The army gathered in Huguan, and there were not a few cities lost by the state army. After these cities fell into the hands of the princes' coalition forces, the people who were unwilling to leave can be imagined.

The allied forces of the princes attacked the merged state, and the damage it caused to the merged state was bound to be huge.

In the Huguan, Lu Buduan sat in the upper position and glanced at the generals below. The generals gathered in the Huguan can be said to be the top talents of the Union State Army.

Dian Wei, Xu Huang, Huang Zhong, Xu Rong, Xiao Yan, Yang Feng, Wang Yue, and Zhao Shu are all pillars of the army.

"The army of the princes will launch an offensive on Huguan in a short time. The soldiers responsible for guarding the customs must not slack off. Huguan is an important barrier for Jinyang. If the Huguan is lost, Bingzhou will be caught in the flames of war." Lu Budao.

Everyone shouted loudly, their eyes full of scorching heat. For military commanders, war is a matter of promotion and military merit. As a member of the Union State Army, they are not afraid of war.

"Wenhe is responsible for strictly investigating the younger generations in the Huguan. If you don't give the princes a chance, you must not let go of the movements of the princes' army." Lu Bu said.

With the entry of the army of princes, the family in Hanoi became active again, and the things lost in the past were also taken back from the people.

"Hey." Jia Xu arched his hands.

"Master, the army of the princes is twenty miles away from Huguan, why don't we take a sneak attack." Dian Wei said suddenly.

Hearing Dian Wei's words, many generals smiled.

Jia Xu said: "The Dian general bravely won the three armies, but there are also many warriors and advisers among the princes. They will inevitably be more prepared for our army. A sneak attack is probably impossible."

Dianwei scratched his head and said, "If there is anything that needs to be done at that time, the military teacher should not forget my old Dian."

"Natural, natural." Jia Xu smiled and stroked his beard.

The atmosphere in the tent was a lot easier after Dian Wei said that.

"The princes' coalition has nearly 200,000 people, and there are many fierce generals in the princes army. Unsurprisingly, the princes will definitely send fierce generals to fight outside the Huguan. Then you should not be soft, and kill the generals of the princes' coalition. ." Lu Bu said.

"Don't worry, the final general will never be soft with the enemy. If there are enemy generals fighting, the final general will be the first to go." Hearing the fighting, Dianwei suddenly became excited.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Okay, then General Dian will be the first to go out, but what I want is that he will win the first battle."

"If you can't complete the task, I will come to see you at the end." Dianwei promised, patting his chest.

"What is the use of your head? What you want is the head of an enemy general." Lu Bu glared at Dianwei.

"Then the general will bring the head of the enemy general to see the Dian Wei hurriedly changed his words.

The generals saw that Dianwei was like a child and laughed. In the past, Dianwei was known for being stern in front of them. Especially Lu Bu's guards had the most profound experience. Their training volume was much stronger than that of ordinary troops. Times, and Dian Wei is also the guards who changed the law.

After following Lu Bu for a long time, Dian Wei has seen the training of flying eagles and shadow guards, and when training personal guards, he also added some new things.

"My lord, before, my subordinates were not thoughtful enough to lose their soldiers and soldiers on the battlefield in Hanoi." Xu Huang showed embarrassment, and his defeat in Hanoi brought a lot of turbulence to the Bingzhou Army. As the chief general of the army, Xu Akira has an unshirkable responsibility.

Lu Bu said: "Kongming will need to be more cautious on the battlefield in the future. After repelling the princes' coalition forces, he will perform meritorious deeds and rewards. Those who have passed will be punished."

"Here." Xu Huang clasped his fist. He knew that Lu Bu said this to give him a chance to make a contribution on the battlefield.

Outside the Huguan, the princes were all gathered in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. Without Cai Tao, the princes felt much more comfortable.

After all, Cai Hao came on behalf of the Han Dynasty, and in his words, he also expressed many times that he would be the leader of the vassal alliance. The princes knew exactly what kind of ability Cai Hao had. The reason why he tolerated Cai Hao was because he represented the Han Dynasty. Once the Huguan is broken, who will give the so-called Han Dynasty face.

The face of the Han room has long been lost in several turbulences. The reason why the princes put the Han room on their lips is because the Han room can bring them certain benefits.

The May Day holiday is coming. I wish you a happy holiday. During the holidays, the monkeys have some things to deal with, but we will guarantee four changes every day. I hope you can give more support to this book during the holidays.

(End of this chapter)

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