Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 947: : Accepted

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lv Bu frowned slightly and said: "Zizhong, there are still five days before the end of the Jinyang Chamber of Commerce, maybe the merchant’s grain and grass just haven’t been escorted over. That's it."

"It is estimated by my humble position that even when the chamber of commerce is over, the food and grass raised will not exceed 2.5 million shi." Mi Zhu said.

Lu Bu looked at Mi Zhu puzzledly, how confident Mi Zhu was when he received the task, and he has always trusted Mi Zhu's ability. According to Mi Zhu's new song, he shouldn't say frustrating words at this critical moment. That's right.

"For food and grass matters, do your best." Lu Bu said.

"My lord, I happened to meet a person in the city today in the humble position, who was willing to support the state of 500,000 stones, grains and grass, and he didn't take any money, but that person had a request, and the humble position didn't dare to call the shots without authorization." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu was happy, and he was definitely a friend who was able to support Bingzhou with 500,000 stone, grain and grass for free at this time.

"I wonder what conditions does this person have?" Lu Bu questioned.

Gu Yong said: "From the point of view of his subordinates, the conditions proposed by this person are extremely favorable for Bingzhou. If the lord attacked Jizhou in the future, it would still have a surprising effect."

"Just as Master Gu said, this person is absolutely sincere to Bingzhou." Mi Zhu agreed.

Seeing that Jia Xu, Gu Yong, and Mi Zhu were all speaking for this person, Lu Bu became more curious about this person, and both Jia Xu and Gu Yong felt that this could be done. He said without hesitation: "Benhou has agreed to his terms. Let him come and see Ben Hou."

The three looked at each other and said in unison: "The lord is wise."

Looking at the smiles on the three people’s faces, Lu Bu suddenly realized that something was wrong. Could it be that the three of them had deliberately concealed something important and failed, thinking of the conditions that the person had requested before, but Jia Xu did not answer, and hurriedly asked: "This person’s What are the conditions?"

Jia Xu calmly said: "Lord, the person who went to Jinyang is from the Zhen family. He wants to marry the daughter of the Zhen family to the lord."

Lu Bu's complexion changed slightly, and he coldly snorted: "Good, you Jia Wenhe, you actually cheated Benhou again."

Jia Xu hurriedly saluted and said: "Please punish the lord, the subordinates think this is beneficial to Bingzhou."

Gu Yong and Mi Zhu also rushed to plead guilty. Lu Bu usually feels gentle, but no one dares not pay attention to Lu Bu's attitude.

Lu Bu was silent for a moment and said, "I can't agree to this matter."

"The lord is a general, and he should keep his promises." Jia Xu said.

Lü Bu was a little helpless when he heard this. He was caught by Jia Xu and the other three. Lü Bu was very disgusted with such kind of marriage with interests. Although he had the intention of admiring beautiful women, he did not notice. Unwilling to marry a woman who has never met, this kind of marriage, which obviously has an exchange of benefits, makes Lu Bu even more dissatisfied.

"My lord, the Jizhou Zhen family can come to take refuge in such a difficult time in Bingzhou. It is enough to show its sincerity. If you refuse, it will establish an enemy for the Bingzhou. If Yuan Shao receives the Zhen family's full refuge, one will lose strength. It is even more unfavorable for Binzhou." Jia Xu persuaded.

"Promise for the time being." Lu Bu said.

"The lord is wise." Jia Xu arched his hands.

"Wenhe, in the future, you can no longer conceal this kind of thing in advance, even if the state is in a critical condition, the benefactor does not need this kind of support." Lu Bu said.

"Hey." Jia Xu arched his hands.

This is also the way that Jia Xu decided to act after discussing with Gu Yong and Mi Zhu. He knew that Lu Bu would not easily agree, and if he deliberately did not tell Lu Bu the conditions, depending on his position with Gu Yong and Mi Zhu in Lu Bu's heart, perhaps Lu Bu would They did not listen to the conditions and agreed. Once agreed, even if Lu Bu complained, he would not easily regret it. After all, after arriving at Lu Bu's position, he had to consider his prestige even more.

After leaving Lu Bu's room, Jia Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and Lu Bu was furious, making the general of the Union State Army feel terrified.

"Thank you for this time." Mi Zhu saluted. Lu Bu was angry, which also shocked Mi Zhu, and Jia Xu just saw the sacrifice made by the Zhen family in Jizhou just now.

Jia Xu waved his hand and said: "As long as Bingzhou can survive this crisis, what's the fear even if he is crushed."

Gu Yong and Mi Zhu were in awe when they heard this. These were the courtiers of Bingzhou, who were willing to sacrifice their lives for everything in Bingzhou.

"You two have to take care of yourself in the city recently. On this occasion, the princes will definitely not let Bingzhou remain so stable." Jia Xu reminded.

After Lv Bu’s strong suppression of Binzhou’s family, they are all honest. However, no one can guarantee whether these families sincerely want to live in Binzhou. Once the Binzhou is in danger, they will jump out of the secret. The damage to the state is huge.

After returning to the Fuzhong, Mi Zhu saw Zhen Yu who was waiting anxiously.

Zhen Yu knows that the Zhen family attaches great importance to this matter, and the Zhen family seems to be very powerful in Jizhou. In the eyes of the real senior management, the Zhen family is nothing but a businessman. The officials paid a lot of money, and the last time the Zhen family transported a large amount of grain and grass to Bingzhou, it was enough to make the Zhen family pay a heavy price.

The Zhen family’s behavior this time can be said to be extremely risky. If it succeeds, the Zhen family’s gains will be huge. Once they fail, they will be greeted by the anger of the princes, even if the Zhen family is a hundred times stronger. It is also difficult to bear such anger.

"Master Mi, what happened to that?" Zhen Yu asked in a low voice after entering the room.

Seeing Mi Zhu nodded, Zhen Yu was overjoyed, and said, "Thank you, Master Mi, for your accomplishment. The Zhen family must be unforgettable."

Mi Zhu said: "This success is due to military divisions. If it were not for military divisions, this matter would definitely fail." Then he explained in detail how Jia Xu planned and asked Lu Bu to agree to it.

Zhen Yu said sternly: "In any case, the Zhen family will remember the kindness of the Mi family and the military teacher in the future."

"The matter of grain and grass cannot be delayed any longer. The princes of all parties want to take advantage from Bingzhou. Even if many businessmen deliberately transport grain and grass to Bingzhou, they don’t have the courage. Hold the handle." Mi Zhu said.

Zhen Yu smiled and said, "Master Mi, don't worry, the Zhen family will not be caught by Yuan Shao. Before entering Jinyang, these grains and grass have been shipped to Huguan in batches."

Mi Zhu was surprised. In this way, regardless of whether the Jin marquis agreed to the Zhen family's conditions, the Zhen family would contribute grain and grass to Bingzhou, which shows that the Zhen family followed Lv Bu with determination.

"This matter will be truthfully reported to the Ming Dynasty Marquis." Mi Zhu said.

Zhen Yu smiled slightly and was very satisfied with Mi Zhu's actions, otherwise Lu Bu would always feel threatened. When dealing with characters like Lu Bu, he must always be cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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