Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 935: : Zhao Yun attacked Longguan

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lv Bu smiled after hearing this: "Before this is the negligence of the Hou, if you have not told this, you will note that Zhao Yan is under the command of the Hou. Definitely will not attack Chang'an."

Jushou was even more in awe of Lu Bu's methods.

The next day, Zhao Yun led 10,000 Bianzhou troops and headed towards Longguan, while Lu Bu ordered 20,000 soldiers and horses to return to Bingzhou two days later.

When the troops were dispatched, there were more than 60,000 troops. Those who went out on the battlefield were damaged, and the troops remaining in Chang'an and the San Auxiliary cities reached more than 36,000.

Jia Xu seemed to see that Lu Bu's mood was a little heavy, and said in a low voice, "Master, it may be difficult for the princes to unite in one place."

"Wen He doesn't have to comfort Ben Hou anymore. Even if the princes join forces to attack Bingzhou, Ben Hou will fight to the death. Liu Biao is self-righteous and thinks that he can break through Bingzhou with the help of the princes." Respect.

Jia Xu understood Lü Bu’s thoughts and observed Lü Bu’s past behaviors. He did not respect the Han Dynasty, but he did not go too far. He attacked Dong Zhuo. Lü Bu was one of the princes. When he attacked Yuan Shu, Lü Bu did a lot and even committed crimes. The danger, and then wiped out Xianbei, the generations of Li Lao and Guo Bang in Chang'an, all the princes shouted and beat them. When Lu Bu captured it, it attracted the princes’ jealousy. Is this just because of Lu Bu’s identity? .

However, as a strategist, Jia Xu is not afraid of difficulties, and he hoards a large amount of grain and grass in the state. In addition, the state is stable and the grain and grass are sufficient for a long time. At that time, it will be determined whether the princes are stronger or The military strength of Binzhou is even greater.

"If the soldiers and horses of the princes dared to invade Bingzhou, the subordinates will fight for this old life and will also defend Bingzhou." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu's nodded. In Bingzhou, Jia Xu also put a lot of effort into it, and would never allow the princes to destroy it.

Let's say that Taishici came to Longguan as a pioneer of the army. After seeing the topography of Longguan, even with Taishici's mind, he couldn't help but breathe in air, Longguan can definitely be called Xiongguan.

The defender in Longguan was Ma Teng's second son, Ma Dai. Ma Dai's martial arts belonged to the middle and upper ranks in the army. Although the Fei Xiong Army accidentally attacked the Perak Che when attacking Chang'an, Ma Teng still trusted him.

In Longguan, there were fifty thunderbolt chariots. Ma Teng believed that with the help of thunderbolt chariots, he could resist the attack of the Bingzhou army. In fact, Ma Teng did not expect that Lu Bu would dare to send an army to attack Longguan at this time. .

Looking at the rigorously organized Union State Army outside the Guan, Ma Dai didn’t take it to heart. There were two thousand soldiers in Longguan, which seemed to be very small. It was more than enough to withstand the attack of the Union State Army. Only a thousand people can be thrown into the battle against Longguan, which is determined by the unique topography of Longguan.

"General, the Bingzhou army outside the pass is very arrogant, why not lead the troops out of the city to sweep their prestige." The deputy general said.

Hearing the words, Ma Dai immediately thought of Ma Teng's advice, and had to stifle the idea of ​​going out to fight. "The Union State Army cannot be underestimated, especially the Cavalry of the Union State Army, which is three points more powerful than the Flying Bear Army under Dong Zhuo."

The lieutenant said: "Hearing is empty. How can I know which one is strong and which is weak without testing?"

"Hmph, what happened in the army is what the general said. He ordered the soldiers to step up their patrols and beware of the combined state army. Without the command of the general, no one can go to the customs to fight." Ma Dai's tone was a little unhappy.

Seeing Ma Dai's bad tone, the lieutenant hurriedly clasped his fists. In the army, the Ma family had absolute rule, and Ma Teng's eldest son Ma Chao had the highest prestige in the army.

Tai Shici was fighting outside the Guan, but seeing Ma Dai did not fight, he set up a camp five miles away from Longguan to build siege equipment, but he knew that Lu Bu was really angry this time, even if such things were put in any one. The generals will not give up easily.

Ten days later, Zhao Yun led an army of tens of thousands to arrive. Although Longguan was dangerous, Zhao Yun was determined to capture Longguan. At the same time, he also understood the importance of Longguan to Chang'an.

From Lu Bu’s actions, Zhao Yun could feel that Bingzhou must have changed. Otherwise, Lu Bu would not leave Chang'an so quickly. At the very least, he had to wait for the situation in Chang'an to stabilize completely, and he had prepared for a long time to attack Chang'an. , This also makes Zhao Yun even more eager.

The next day, there were thunderbolt carts outside Longguan, and beside the thunderbolt cart, there were a thousand Lieyang archers and a thousand flying horses. This was also the main force of Lu Bu's cavalry in Chang'an.

Before the Bingzhou Army began to tackle the problem, Ma Tengjun who was in Longguan felt tremendous pressure. There were two hundred Thunderbolt cars that were shut down. If these Thunderbolt cars were to throw the boulders onto Longguan, how destructive it would be.

Ma Dai shouted: "Aim the Thunderbolt car outside the city. If the Thunderbolt car of the Union State Army is within immediately."

The closed Perak riders became busy immediately. Although the closed Perak car gave them a huge pressure, they also have a Perak car, and they have the advantage of Longguan, which will have a longer range.

Ma Dai is not as optimistic as the Perak riders. Of the fifty Perak cars that are closed, only 26 can reach one hundred and sixty steps in range, and the rest have a range of only 130 steps. The terrain advantage, perhaps the range of the Thunderbolt can reach longer, but it is difficult to destroy the closed Thunderbolt in a very short time.

Zhao Yun gave an order, and two hundred Perak cars came slowly towards Longguan, and stopped at a distance of 200 steps from Longguan. The Perak riders prevented the blocks of boulders properly, and only waited for the general's order. He threw the boulder towards the city wall.

"Let it go!" Hao Meng shouted loudly.

These Thunderbolt riders have been carefully trained, and their cooperation is far beyond the ability of the temporarily formed Thunderbolt riders in the Ma Teng Army.

When Ma Dai saw the Bingzhou Army's Perak car stopped at a distance of 200 steps from Longguan, he realized that it was not good. At this time, he suddenly understood why Lu Bu would have a range of 160 steps when attacking Chang'an. The Thunderbolt was handed over to Ma Teng and Han Sui altogether. It turned out that there were even longer-range Thunderbolt vehicles in the Bingzhou Army. He was sure that these Thunderbolt vehicles had a range of more than 220 steps.

Such a discovery made Ma Dai cold sweat on his back, and how powerful a Thunderbolt car with a range of 220 steps would have.

Two hundred boulders shrouded towards Longguan, and the guards who closed only felt that Longguan was trembling slightly under the attack of the boulders.

The unprepared defenders were hit by the sudden boulder and wailed in a pool of blood. Only then did they discover that their Thunderbolt car hadn't thrown the boulder at all.

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