Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 922: : Capture Yang Qiu and seek stability

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In front of the two armies, Yang Qiu, armed with a long spear, shouted prestigiously: "I am Yang Qiu of Anding County, who would dare to come forward and fight this general."

The fighting general in front of the formation is definitely a great encouragement to the morale of the army, and Yang Qiu is also determined to defeat the enemy when the enemy is not stable, and dare to fight him in Anding County. How can he? Will be soft.

After receiving Li Ru's signal, Niu Fu greeted him with a shot of horses. There were few battles and Niu Fu retreated. When Yang Qiu saw this, how could Yang Qiu easily let Niu Fu go, and drove his horse towards Niu Fu.

Niu Fu, who was riding his horse to escape, suddenly turned his horse's head to kill Yang Qiu. The situation changed so fast that Yang Qiu didn't react for a while.

Niu Fu's swordsmanship was originally exquisite, and although Yang Qiu's martial arts was great, he did not reach the point where he could defeat Niu Fu so quickly. At this time, the battlefield between the two was so close to Li Ru's army.

Under Li Ru's order, several cavalry rushed forward and rushed towards Yang Qiu. Yang Qiu, who had been suppressed by Niu Fu, was defeated under the siege of several cavalry. He slashed at Niu Fu's horse and fell off his horse. Helped to capture the cattle.

Speaking very slowly, in fact it is very fast. From Yang Qiu's fight with Niu Fu to Niu Fu's defeat, Yang Qiu chased him, and Niu Fu counterattacked the cavalry siege. It was just a moment's effort. Yang Qiu's team was too late to rescue Yang. Autumn.

There was no main general in the army, and Yang Qiu Junzhong suddenly seemed a little flustered. Li Ru commanded the army to attack, and he had an advantage in number, and the enemy lacked a main general, and soon occupied the city gate. surrender.

In the prefect's mansion, Yang Qiu had a cold face. He didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of Li Ru and the others. Before he could use his martial arts, he was captured by the enemy by such slanderous means.

"General Yang is dissatisfied?" Li Ru asked with a smile.

"Huh, shameless villain, what a hero to win with such a means." Yang Qiu scolded.

Li Ru laughed and said: "You and I are the enemy. As the saying goes, if you win or lose, you lose. Why do you need to find a reason for your failure? Now that the official has captured Linjing, this is an indisputable fact."

"You dare to release this general and fight again." Yang Qiu glared at Niu Fu. He really didn't expect Niu Fu and Li Ru to be so insidious.

"General Yang is about to get angry, and the officer will personally lead the attack on Anding County. Could it be that General Yang thinks that he can hold Linjing will not succeed." Li Ru's tone was full of confidence.

Yang Qiu was taken aback for a moment before he had time to look at Li Ru, but seeing a hideous wound on Li Ru's face made Li Ru, who was originally elegant, a bit gloomy and terrifying.

"Huh, that's not necessarily." In this kind of thing, Yang Qiu naturally wouldn't show weakness.

"If you are willing to take refuge, this official wouldn't mind telling your true identity." Li Ru smiled. Yang Qiu had a good reputation in Anding County. If he hadn't led the army to come, Anding County would definitely be Yang in the future. The autumn world.

When Yang Qiu heard these words, he fell into a long period of contemplation. He knew that the time had come to choose. If he didn't choose to take refuge, he would only die or be imprisoned for a lifetime. After choosing Li Ru, it meant that he would be attached to others in the future. .

But Yang Qiu didn't want to die now, he was still young, and there were still many things he hadn't done, and he was a little curious about Li Ru's identity.

"This general is willing to take refuge in adults." After thinking for a long time, Yang Qiu solemnly saluted.

Li Ru stepped forward and lifted Yang Qiu up and said, "If General Yang can take refuge, why can't he make the county safe and secure."

These words made Yang Qiu extremely useful. He himself is a person with certain ability, and what he has been thinking about all these years is to plan An Ding County.

After retiring everyone, Li Ru slowly said, "I wonder if General Yang Qiu knows the Marquis of Jin?"

Yang Qiu smiled and said: "Who in the world does not know the name of the Marquis of Jin." After speaking, Yang Qiu stared at Li Ru in a daze. At this moment, he suddenly mentioned the Marquis of Jin, recalling the true identity that Li Ru had just said. Understand the identity of Li Ru.

"As General Yang thought, this official is indeed under the command of the Marquis of Jin. He was ordered by the Marquis of Jin to govern Beidi County. The Marquis of Jin led an army to attack the rebels in Chang'an. Presumably General Yang already knew about it." Li Rudao.

Yang Qiu didn't know how to describe his feelings at this time. Anyway, he was taking refuge. He suddenly realized that he was taking refuge in the world-famous general. He suddenly felt a sense of fortune.

"The adults are destined, and the humble duty will definitely be followed to help the adults sweep Ping An Ding County." Yang Qiu's tone is also a little excited, he knows that from today onwards, he and Li Ru have a closer connection.

Li Ru nodded with satisfaction. From Yang Qiu's behavior, it can be seen that he is a smart man, and he is relatively young in the Bingzhou army and needs support. Although the officials of Bingzhou are peaceful, in Li Ru's opinion It is definitely not that simple. If there is not enough support, there will be many restrictions in Bingzhou in the future.

"Now that General Yang understands the true identity of the officer, let's talk about how to pacify Anding County." Li Ru asked with a smile ~ ~ Yang Qiu said without hesitation: "With the strength of our army, we will directly attack the counties and cities. That is to say, wherever the army goes, it is not yet watching the wind."

"Soldiers are a big deal. Wouldn't it be better to be able to avoid the loss of soldiers by going to war." Li Ru frowned slightly.

Yang Qiu was silent for a long time and said: "Originally, the humble position was preparing to attack Pengyang, and then slowly trying to do it. Now we occupy the four cities including Linjing, and we only need to occupy Chaona and Gaoping, and Anding County will belong to Jinhou. The Qiang people are rampant in the land of Sanshui, and it is extremely difficult to conquer it."

Li Ru nodded. He occupied Linjing and other four cities in half a month since he was out of the army. Even he did not expect this speed. If Yang Qiu is more cautious and sticks to Linjing City, he wants to take Linjing. It still takes a lot of effort to break through. As for the Qiang people near Sanshui, Li Ru hasn't moved their minds for the time being.

The Qiang people have been a disaster for Liangzhou for many years, and they are a force that cannot be underestimated. In order to put down the Qiang people's rebellion, the Han Dynasty also invested a lot of troops, and it was only after the Yellow Turban rebellion that there were almost no soldiers available.

Li Ru knows that Lu Bu needs to be stable Anding County and Beidi County, and this is in line with Lu Bu's next plan.

"How much does General Yang know about Chaona and Gaoping?" Li Ru turned his attention to Yang Qiu.

"Cao Kun, the county magistrate of Chaona, has some tactics. He has about two thousand soldiers and horses in his hands. However, Cao Kun is a literati after all. He is not very good at running the army. He can control Chaona mainly because the Cao family in Chaona city is relatively powerful. There are also Yu and Yao families in Chaona City, which are also powers that should not be underestimated, while Gaoping City has three thousand troops. Gaoping City is controlled by Hu Ju, who was originally the leader of the bandits. After occupying Gaoping, It is even more recruiting, but it is cruel, so that there are not many people living near Gaoping." Yang Qiu said.

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