Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 916: : Separation

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Now it is only the Bingzhou Army that can bring enough benefits to Ma Teng and Han Sui. Once there is a greater temptation to benefit, even if it is an ally , Will also go to the opposite.

Many generals witnessed the hearty battle when the Flying Bear Army went out in the Chang'an Arena. They had not seen the Flying Bear Army take action for many years, but no one in the court dared to despise the Flying Bear Army. It was under Dong Zhuo’s command. The most elite cavalry, for this cavalry, Dong Zhuo spent a lot of money, but eventually fell into the hands of Li Yu.

Guo Bin and Li Hao are really good to the Fei Xiong Army, mainly because the generals of the Fei Xiong Army are all unruly generations. After Dong Zhuo died, although these people reluctantly obeyed Li Ha's orders, they also secretly treated Li Hao. Weibo, in recent years, the Flying Bear Army in Guo Bang's hands has been faintly divided into two factions. Among them, the Flying Bear Army headed by Yang Ding supports Guo Bang. Regarding the situation of the Flying Bear Army, Guo Bang can only Looking at it this way, if the flying army were to be cleaned, it would be a great loss to one's own strength.

However, the Fei Xiong Army still obeyed Guo Bang and Li Hao's orders.

The victory of the Flying Bear Army was a great encouragement to the defenders. The Union State Army and the Xiliang Army outside the city brought great pressure to the defenders, especially the thunderbolt cars that kept throwing boulders over the past few days. The moat was filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Once the moat was filled up, Chang'an lost its first barrier.

Destroying fifty Perak cars cannot change the overall situation, but it allows the defenders in the city to see that they have the power to counterattack, so that the defenders can see the hope of victory, so that their morale will not become more and more under the offensive of the Perak cars. low.

Li Meng’s army is stationed at the south gate of Chang’an. This is also a place where Li Meng is extremely distressed. Because outside the south gate is the Bingzhou Army, there are flying knights displayed next to the Perak car, even if Li Meng wants to follow the flying bear army’s sneak attack, It is also difficult to achieve a miraculous effect. Feiqi is not comparable to the Xiliang Army's cavalry. In recent years, Feiqi has become more famous. The decline of the Xianbei on the grassland has a great relationship with Feiqi.

Although Li Chang sent a small number of reinforcements, the defenders did not have the power to counterattack at this time, and only the enemy's endless boulders.

Li Meng shook his head and didn't think about the annoying things. When he first occupied Chang'an, he still had certain ambitions. After all, Chang'an's geographical location is there. As long as he can take advantage of Hanyang and Jincheng, his strength will be He will be greatly improved, and even become a prince with a heavy hand. However, Ma Teng, the prefect of Hanyang, is more powerful than he expected. Let alone attacking Hanyang, he must always beware of the army from Hanyang. As time goes on, Li Meng's ambition was gradually worn away, he just thought about how to keep it safe in the troubled times, to be able to go on freely.

It is a helpless act to unite with Li Yi and Guo Bang. He knows what kind of people Li Yi and Guo Bang are. Don’t look at the harmony between the four. Once the enemy disappears, the two will show sharpness. Fang, but in terms of strategy, he is still too far behind the two.

Immediately after returning to the army, Li Chu, the commander of the personal guards, stepped forward and whispered: "General, there is a man who claimed to be an deceased general and went to the army to see him, but the general did not return, so he left a letter and left."

"Old man?" Li Meng asked in confusion, "Where is the letter?"

Li Chu handed over the letter.

Li Meng took a look at the letter in his hand, opened the letter, and after reading it briefly, he placed it on the table in front of him, and said lightly: "If this person comes again, he will bring him directly to this general."

"Here." Li Chu said with a fist.

After Li Chu left, Li Meng frowned. He wondered what the so-called deceased's letter meant, and important parts of the letter were covered by ink, but he was sure it was this letter. It came from the Bingzhou Army, because the letter mentions the Marquis of Jin.

Late at night, Li Meng fell asleep deeply, and a figure crept into the camp.

The next day, when Li Meng walked into the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and Li Hao and Guo Ben looked at them with different eyes.

"Could it be that General Li is going to join forces with Jin Hou to dedicate Chang'an? For these important things, General Li actually kept the secret from me. Isn't it a bit unjust?" Wang Fang coldly snorted.

Li Meng asked unclearly: "What is the meaning of General Wang's words? This general is stationed in the south of the city and has never slackened. Beware that the Union State Army is too late to attack the city. How can we talk about uniting with the Union State Army."

Guo Bang said: "Li Meng, when things have reached the point where they are now, you still have to deny this letter. Are you familiar with this letter?"

After Li Meng opened the letter and read it, he was shocked. This letter was just received last night, but he did not expect it to be in the hands of Li Lao Guo Bang. "This general is also very curious. After returning to the army last night~www said that there was a person who claimed to be the deceased of this general, and left after leaving this letter."

"Then why are many places in the letter covered by ink? Is it possible that General Li wanted to cover up?" Li Yu asked.

No matter how slow Li Meng's reaction was, he understood that the three of them distrusted him. Anyway, he was also a commander of the army. He was so angry that he hummed coldly and said, "This general is acting with a clear conscience."

"Have a clear conscience? Not at all, Jin Marquis is strong, and he is the great general of the big man. It can be said that he is the most prominent figure of the big man. If he can take refuge in Jin Marquis, General Li will have endless glory and wealth, right?" Wang Fang didn't. Said in a bad mood.

Li Meng said angrily: "Wang Fang, you don't want to spit your mouth. In order to resist the Bingzhou Army, the soldiers under this general have lost more than a hundred people. How can they talk about the union with the Bingzhou Army?"

"General Li, don't you want to tell the truth?" Guo Bang asked aggressively.

"This general is telling the truth, and the world can learn from it." After saying that, Li Meng was about to leave with a cold face.

"Don't leave Li Meng." Li Su shouted loudly.

Several soldiers swarmed up and pressed Li Meng to the ground.

Li Meng was furious, "Are the three of you doing this at such a critical time in Chang'an, aren't you afraid of the chills of the generals in the army?"

Guo Bin whispered: "There are thousands of soldiers under Li Meng's command. If Li Meng is put to death, it will cause confusion among the lieutenants. Don’t put Li Meng in the army temporarily and then send a general to command temporarily. The soldiers under his command."

Li Yi nodded, not because he didn’t believe in Li Meng, but at this very moment, everyone was straining their heartstrings, lest they would be attacked by the Bingzhou Army to break Chang'an, but at this time, they put their eyes in Li Meng’s army. I went to a slightly mysterious person to ask Li Meng to leave a letter.

(End of this chapter)

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