Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 908: : Capture the Lord of the Black Ice Platform alive

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Qin Guang and Zhu Gongdao also launched an offensive against Qin Tian. With the three of them, the situation on the scene was extremely for Qin Tian. unfavorable.

After the number was combined, Qin Tian had three wounds on his body. Although it was not deep into the flesh, blood was constantly flowing out.

The three of them glanced at each other, without any hesitation, they killed them again.

With more and more wounds on Qin Tian's body, and the continuous flow of physical strength, Wang Yue keenly seized the fighter opportunity, bullied himself, hit the hilt, and knocked down the long sword in Qin Tian's hand. Between Qin Tian's neck.

"If there is any trespasser, you will not be forgiven!" Wang Yue shouted.

With a violent shout, the people who were in the fierce battle were attracted over. When Qin Tian, ​​who was full of blood, fell into Wang Yue's hands, the Iron Eagle Swordsman hesitated. In the past, the thought they were instilled was that even if the leader fell In the hands of others, you can't be swayed by the enemy, but now it is the owner of the Black Ice Platform who has fallen into the hands of Wang Yue. What should they do.

Qin Tian snorted coldly: "Iron Eagle Swordsman obey the order, kill!"

Qin Tian's order caused the Iron Eagle Swordsman who paused to raise the long sword in his hand again, and the black ice platform master's order must not be violated.

Lu Bu nodded secretly. This Qin Tian was indeed a human being. Under such a situation, he dared to let the assassins under his command take action, and didn't want the people of the Black Ice Platform to be restrained.

"Other assassins, don't need to stay alive." Lu Bu said coldly. From the actions of these assassins, it can be seen that even if Qin Tian ordered them, they could choose to die without hesitation. Even if such an assassin was caught, it would be difficult for them to die. Get more useful things from them. At this time, he has the young master of the black ice platform in his hand. As long as he can pry the mouth of the young master of the black ice platform open, why can't he find the lair of the black ice platform.

But the Black Ice Platform has broken the Momen, and there are definitely not a few hidden treasures. If it can be obtained, the military strength of Binzhou will once again be upgraded to a new level.

At Lu Bu's order, the Iron Eagle Swordsman suffered. Without the leader of Qin Tian, ​​the Iron Eagle Swordsman was in a panic even though he was elite.

Qin Tian closed his eyes weakly. He couldn't bear to see that the most elite Iron Eagle swordsman in the Black Ice Platform was ruthlessly killed. He had been in charge of the Black Ice Platform for many years. For the first time, he felt that he was a failure, even if he had been dealt with repeatedly. He didn't take the news that Lu Bu could succeed, he didn't take it to heart. If he made a move, he would surely succeed, but the reality has dealt a painful blow to him.

For a long time, Qin Tian opened his eyes slowly, and shouted: "Let down all your weapons!" Even if he was cold-blooded, he couldn't bear the iron eagle swordsman being slaughtered like this.

After a brief period of hesitation, the iron eagle swordsmen who were at war put down their long swords one after another, and the Union State Army also stopped after receiving Lü Bu's order.

Lu Bu did not have the joy of victory. How many flying eagle soldiers and shadow guards died because of this battle against the Black Ice Platform, especially the flying eagle soldiers. That was one of Lu Bu's surprising methods of winning. On the battlefield, flying eagles The soldiers have repeatedly made meritorious deeds.

The battle in the He family came to an end, and there were only 63 of the two hundred Iron Eagle Swordsmen left at this time, and each of them was more or less injured.

As soon as the fighting ceased, Lu Bu ordered Qin Tian to come up with an antidote. He knew exactly what kind of person Hei Bingtai was. Everyone had poison on their weapons.

Seeing the silence in the arena gradually restored, He Lizhen climbed out of the dead pile with a needle stick. Looking around, the hall was full of corpses, dense and shocking. It was extremely difficult for him to survive this battle. Yes, suppressing the shock in his heart, He Li hurriedly moved the body beside him.

After all, He Yu is a bit old and has been held down by the corpse for such a long time. Why did Li Yi help him to gradually recover after a long time.

Then, supported by He Li, he came to the side of Lu Bu and saluted: "He Yu, the head of the He family, has seen the Marquis of Jin."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Patriarch He has some means, but the Hei Bingtai has left a secret path in the He family, but the He family has not discovered it."

He Yu was so old and refined that he naturally heard the dissatisfaction in Lu Bu's words.

"Jin Marquis, this matter is the fault of the He family, but the He family also paid a heavy price for it." He Yudao, who accompanied Lu Bu in the hall were all important figures of the He family. After the battle, how many people survived is still unknown, and now they can only rely on Lu Bu. Through this incident, He Yu also saw the terrible place of the black ice platform in Lu Bu's mouth.

Originally, according to He Yu’s plan, once Lu Bu had a conflict with the people of the Black Ice Platform, the people of the He family could hide in the houses on both sides. Unexpectedly, the people of the Black Ice Platform appeared from the rooms on both sides. The appearance of the ice platform was unexpected by Lu Bu, and it also cut off the possibility of the black ice platform retreating.

"The Assassin who helped Benhou to clear the Black Ice Platform this time, Benhou is not an ungrateful but the same sentence, as long as the He family can follow the rules." After Lu Bu finished speaking, he turned around. Leave.

He Li and He Yu looked at the soldiers who were busy cleaning the battlefield. They didn’t know how to describe their feelings. Should they be lucky to have gained Lu Bu’s trust, or why the family’s miserable situation and sadness, but there was no surveillance from the Black Ice Platform. After that, He Li felt a lot easier.

Outside the He family, there were a total of three thousand soldiers, and there were also many soldiers in the houses of the surrounding people. This was also to prevent the assassins of the Black Ice Platform from fleeing after the assassination, in order to be able to destroy the Black Ice Platform. All the assassins were caught in one swoop, and this time the Union State Army was really upset.

In particular, Jia Xu hated the assassins of the Black Ice Terrace. At the beginning, he guarded Jinyang, but the important task of the assassins assassinating the Hou’s Mansion took place under the eyelids. Although Lu Bu did not return to Jinyang, Jia Xu was held accountable for this incident, but Hei Bingtai's actions successfully angered Jia Xu.

The Bingzhou Army’s gain this time was also huge. None of the 200 Iron Eagle swordsmen who participated in the assassination escaped. Qin Qu, who was responsible for intelligence in the Black Ice Platform, was also dead on the spot. The owner of the Black Ice Platform, Qin Tian, ​​was captured alive. Even if the price paid is a bit high, it is still worth it. Sometimes the enemy hidden in the dark is the most terrifying.

Back in the army, it was late at night. After the doctors who accompanied the army simply bandaged Qin Tian's wounds, they sent Qin Tian to the army account.

Lu Bu sneered and said: "How arrogant the Black Ice Terrace was when he assassinated the Lord, but I don't want the young master and master of the Black Ice Terrace to fall into the hands of the Lord one after another."

"Since the general was captured by the Jin Hou, he has only one death. What is there to be afraid of, but I have thousands of assassins on the black ice platform. Does Jin Hou think he can resist it?" Qin Tian did not show any weakness.

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(End of this chapter)

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