Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 906: : Each shows his magical powers

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At this time he noticed the information that Dian Wei and Qin Qu, Qin Qu is in charge of the Black Ice Platform, Qin Guang is naturally no stranger, if so If Qin Qu can be eradicated, it would be a great loss to the Black Ice Platform, and the Black Ice Platform is not profitable, because their intelligence is extremely powerful and can be described as pervasive.

Qin Qu felt a cold back, but did not turn his head. Instead, he ducked to the side. After seeing Qin Guang behind him clearly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Guang, you shameless person, you have betrayed the Black Ice Terrace. "

Qin Guang sneered, "Hei Bingtai is ruthless and unrighteous. Why can't this general betray? Instead, it is Qin Qu. You have to be careful of your own life. Do you think that today's plan is very strict? If you join the state army as an enemy, you must have the consciousness of annihilation of the entire army."

Qin Qu was shocked. From the news he received, Lu Bu had no defense against the Black Ice Platform. Moreover, when the He family invited Lu Bu at this time, it seemed not so obtrusive. What's more, there were sharp tools such as the fish intestine sword to lure, but what was in front of him. The situation does not give him more time to think.

Dian Wei glanced at Qin Guang gratefully. If it was normal times, someone dared to attack his enemy, he would definitely be unhappy. However, at these critical moments, the Iron Eagle Swordsman had the upper hand. The longer the delay, the more he would do to him Disadvantageously, he is the leader of the personal guards.

The injured Qin Qu suffered from the joint efforts of Dian Wei and Qin Guang. Originally, one Dian Wei was enough for him, not to mention the assassination masters like Qin Guang.

The wound on his back gradually caused Qin Qu's internal strength to be lost, and Dian Wei grasped Qin Qu's omission after Qin Guang's blow, picked the halberd with his right hand and swiped the halberd with his left hand.

Dianwei used 90% of his strength in this attack, but seeing Qin Qu who was still at ease, blood was flowing in his neck, and his left hand halberd cut Qin Qu into two parts, and his death could no longer be miserable.

Qin Qu's death caused a lot of shock among the Iron Eagle Swordsmen. The intelligence of this operation was provided entirely by Qin Qu, and he was an important figure in this operation.

Dian Wei's double halberds trembled and smashed into the Iron Eagle Swordsman. This time Dian Wei shot in anger. Every move contained 90% of the strength. Under absolute power, even though the Iron Eagle Swordsman was good at teaming up, Under Dianwei's powerful force, there were also heavy casualties. If Dianwei was a fierce general on the battlefield, then Qin Guang was a ghost, but any iron eagle swordsman who was driven away by Dianwei could not escape Qin Guang. Long sword.

Qin Guang was originally from the Black Ice Terrace, and has a deep understanding of the skills of the Black Ice Terrace Assassins. The art of combined attack is not a big deal in front of him. As long as Qin Guang finds the omissions, he can set off among the Iron Eagle Swordsmen. It's bloody.

As more and more shadow guards and flying eagle soldiers entered the hall, corpses could be seen everywhere in the narrow hall, and the flying eagle soldiers used their powerful combat power to make the iron eagle swordsman retreat.

Qin Tianxu shook his sword and stepped to the side. He took the time to take a look at the battlefield. He couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. The entrance of the hall was completely occupied by flying eagles and shadow guards. It is foreseeable that more and more soldiers will come in. Among them, if Lu Bu cannot be killed as quickly as possible, the situation will develop in favor of Lu Bu. Although the iron eagle swordsmen of the Black Ice Platform are elite, they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Behind Lu Bu is The entire united state army.

At this time, even if Qin Tian wanted to retreat, it was not that easy. Wang Yue and Zhu Gongdao would not let Qin Tian leave easily, otherwise they would let them put their faces in front of Lu Bu.

After Qin Tian signaled to the iron eagle swordsman on the side, more than a dozen iron eagle swordsmen came to Wang Yue and Zhu Gongdao without hesitation.

Wang Yue let out a cold snort and swung the long sword in his hand several times, but all the assassins rushing towards him fell to the ground.

However, Zhu Gongdao gave birth to the heart of comparison. After walking around the iron eagle swordsman, six iron eagle swordsmen fell down like Wang Yue.

Qin Tian's complexion changed slightly. This was the most elite assassin on the Black Ice Platform. However, in front of Wang Yue and Zhu Gongdao, he still looked too weak, and the combined attack technique seemed a little fragile in front of absolute strength.

However, Qin Tian would not change his determination to assassinate Lu Bu, because at this time, there was no personal guard beside Lu Bu. A person carried the Xuanyuan sword in the upper position, giving people a weird feeling, like fighting and killing in the hall. He is irrelevant.

Even though it was rumored that Lu Bu was very powerful, Qin Tian didn't believe it. His most powerful technique was assassination. As long as he could get close to Lu Bu, he would have the confidence to behead him.

The iron eagle swordsman's reckless charge indeed entangled Wang Yue and Zhu Gongdao, and Qin Tian also took advantage of the trend to come to Lu Bu's side, sneered, Qin Tian strode towards Lu Bu vaguely.

Lu Bu snorted coldly, Xuanyuan Sword blocked Qin Tianzhi’s sure blow. If UU reading talks about the battlefield charge, Qin Tian is still far behind him. It’s just a group of assassins hiding behind the scenes. He However, the battlefield fierce general, how many enemies on the battlefield fell under his halberd, while on the battlefield, Lu Bu was never injured. This is not only a proof of strength, but also an extremely keen observation of the situation on the battlefield.

Qin Tian was a little surprised by the failure of one move, but the long sword in his hand suddenly changed its direction and drew towards Lu Bu's neck.

Xuanyuan Sword blocked Qin Tian's long sword and swiped it to the left. An iron eagle swordsman fell softly to the ground.

"Hou Jin, it seems that this general underestimated you." Qin Tian said slowly.

Lü Bu coldly snorted: "Your skill is indeed amazing, but it's too long-winded. If you don't really see it, Ben Hou will definitely think you are a chattering old woman. As an assassin, you have so many words. , It’s not a good habit."

Qin Tian frowned, anyone who knew him would know that this was a prelude to Qin Tian's anger.

The long sword headed towards Lu Bu at an extremely tricky angle. The seemingly unremarkable sword could be said to be Qin Tian's most powerful move.

At this time, Wang Yue and Zhu Gongdao had already solved the assassin's blocking, and they also saw this sword.

Zhu Gongdao's brows trembled. In this trick, he saw that it was not only tricky, but also varied. It can be said that no matter how Lu Bu defends, Qin Tian's attack will definitely be stormy.

"Huh!" Lu Bu shouted angrily. How could he fail to see the danger of Qin Tian's sword, and he wanted to win with strength, and he wanted Qin Tian to understand that in the face of absolute power, no matter how exquisite his moves are Futile.

"Ding!" The two swords intersected and made a clear collision, but Qin Tian's long sword was smashed by Lu Bu.

Wang Yue and Zhu Gongdao looked at each other, bullied themselves, and stopped giving Qin Tian a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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