Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 893: : Zhao Yunyu Zhang Xiu

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The people in the convoy stared at this scene dumbfounded. Originally, when facing the enemy cavalry, their army seemed a little passive. If the enemy came to the cavalry team at this time, it would be completely dangerous.

Zhang Xiu, who was struggling with Ji Ling, noticed this scene, but the secret path was not good. He knew very well what was going on in Gaoling City. Most of the cavalry left behind were defeated generals with no combat effectiveness. Judging from it, this cavalry has the lowest number of 2,000 men.

Zhang Xiu retreated deliberately. He had already affirmed that this was a trap deliberately set by the Bingzhou Army. From the very beginning, he was calculated by the Bingzhou Army. Even the chief general in the army might drink alcohol deliberately.

Amidst the billowing dust, one person rushed out, armed with a bright silver spear, and a white horse in silver armor and white robe, which was so conspicuous on the battlefield.

"Don't get out of an enemy!" Zhao Yun shouted loudly, and he rode his horse to kill.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was so brave, the Xiliang cavalrymen evaded when Zhao Yun arrived. The flying cavalry who followed Zhao Yun showed the scimitar in his hand.

"Feiqi?" Zhang Xiu's eyes tightened. Although he had never fought against Feiqi, he had heard of everything about Feiqi. This was what caused the brave Xianbei cavalry on the grassland to flee.

The flying eagle flag flutters in the wind, like an eagle that wants to spread its wings and soar.

"Jin Hou sent cavalry to come, brothers kill!" Ji Ling shouted when Zhang Xiu didn't come forward.

Although the soldiers of the Binzhou Army were suppressed by the Xiliang cavalry, they maintained a tight formation.

The Xiliang cavalry who really fought with the Union State Army are absolutely unforgettable for the strength of the Union State Army. Especially when facing the cavalry, the pikemen have the indomitable momentum, although many pikemen did not cause damage to the cavalry. But their aura deeply affected the Xiliang cavalry.

Pikemen have a restraining effect on the cavalry, but this kind of restraint is only for the real elite. Ordinary infantry can’t face the cavalry charge without being indifferent. As long as they show a little fear, it will be difficult to play their due role in the confrontation. Effect.

The stubborn battle of the Binzhou military won the awe of the Xiliang cavalry.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, Feiqi directly tore the formation of the Xiliang Army with a hole, swung the scimitar, and a famous cavalry fell off the horse.

Everyone in the Bingzhou Army knew how powerful the flying cavalry was. When they saw that the cavalry came to support them as flying cavalry, Ji Ling was relieved. Now there is a trapped camp in front of the army, and there are flying knights on the left and right sides. The cavalry of the Xiliang Army had to flee to the rear if they wanted to escape, and the speed of the flying cavalry was well-known among the cavalry.

The horses used by the flying knights are carefully selected, and the scimitar is forged from 100 steels. It is also good in defense. It can be said to be a nightmare for the enemy on the battlefield.

"Retreat!" Zhang Xiu reluctantly gave the order to retreat. The situation on the battlefield is very unfavorable for the Xiliang Army. If it is dragged down like this, once the flying horse is allowed to complete the encirclement, it will be difficult to get away.

Zhang Xiu's sharp marksmanship led the cavalry to flee while fighting, but also opened a path from the battlefield.

How could Zhao Yun let the Xiliang army go so easily? The order he received was to completely defeat this cavalry. Otherwise, this cavalry would be a huge disaster. Food and grass have an extremely important position in the army. If embroidery succeeds, it will be a big blow to the morale of the Union State Army.

The Xiliang army fled in embarrassment, and the people in the convoy uttered bursts of excitement. They were the people of the state and had confidence in their soldiers. Even when the Xiliang army was killed, few people fled.

"General, Feiqi is catching up." The lieutenant glanced back and shouted out of breath. Today's battle has changed the lieutenant's perception.

Anyway, this is the first time that the lieutenant has seen infantry on the battlefield that can stop the cavalry’s charge, and can also make the cavalry pay a heavy price. If today’s battle hadn’t been for the presence of a trapped camp, Xiliang’s cavalry would have already defeated the enemy. The formation was torn apart, but it was precisely because of the trapped camp that caused thousands of cavalry to return without success, and now they have to face the enemy's cavalry chase and kill!

Zhang Xiu frowned slightly. If he was shocked by being in the camp, Feiqi brought him shock, especially the scimitar in Feiqi's hand, which left a deep impression on him. The Xiliang cavalry in front of Feiqi was like a joke.

What made Zhang Xiu even more surprised was that the flying cavalry, which was better in defense, faintly surpassed his cavalry in speed.

The distance of ten miles is fleeting, but the speed of the flying cavalry and its own cavalry are gradually getting In terms of riding and shooting, the Xiliang Army has a unique place, but it can’t cause too much to the flying cavalry. Troubled.

After fighting and fleeing just now, the cavalry of one's own side has been a little exhausted. If it develops in this situation, it will probably become entangled with the flying cavalry.

"A hundred cavalry will retreat with this general, and the rest fled in the direction of Gaoling. Remember not to return to the city." Zhang Xiu warned that choosing to return to Gaoling at this time is the most unwise approach, and the state army has tens of thousands. The defense against Gaoling must be very strict, and the Binzhou army's control of the battlefield situation is terrible. I am afraid that the group will be known to Lü Bu before they reach Gaoling. At that time, it will be the real danger. No matter how arrogant Zhang Xiu is, I don't think I can rush into the city with the remaining cavalry.

If you continue to wander on the battlefield, as long as the method is right, even if there is a flying cavalry chasing, you can't easily find the trace.

"Here." The lieutenant clasped his fists and said, leading the cavalry to continue to flee, while Zhang Xiu's cavalry who followed Zhang Xiu gradually slowed down.

Zhao Yun naturally noticed this scene of the Xiliang Army, snorted coldly, and led the cavalry forward. He would not let go of these cavalry.

Zhang Xiu noticed Zhao Yun when he was carrying out a sneak attack before and when the state army was on the line. The main reason was that Zhao Yun's clothes were too conspicuous on the battlefield, making it difficult for people not to notice.

"The thief is going to die!" Zhang Xiuyuema shot and killed him. In terms of marksmanship, he asked himself that he would not lose to Zhao Yun.

However, after the fight, Zhang Xiu was shocked secretly. Zhao Yun's marksmanship gave people a sense of continuity, not only fierce but also continuous. Zhang Xiu knew that he had encountered masters with guns, and at the same time was surprised by the number of warriors in the Bingzhou army. Ji Ling, who fought with him, was not weak in martial arts, and he didn't expect to meet a general with such superb marksmanship in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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