Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 871: : The situation in Chang'an

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! There are more than 30,000 soldiers and horses in the land of Sansuke. In fact, Li Yu Guo Bang and others are at odds with each other. It is said that Chang’an is controlled by Li Wei and Guo Bang, because among the strengths of Chang’an, the two have the strongest strength. Li Wei has about 8,000 soldiers and horses, and Guo Bang also has 8,000 soldiers and horses. People, like Li Meng, Wang Fang, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou and the like in the third place, they also have a lot of soldiers and horses in their hands.

Li Wei and Guo Bang are both Dong Zhuo's former men, but because of the conflict of interests, there are many contradictions between the two.

Zhang Ji and Fan Chou are in the Zuofengyi area, and they are also at odds with each other. Among them, Zhang Ji is stronger than Fan Chou, occupying a place west of Pinyang, while Fan Chou is east of Pinyang. ; Li Chang occupies the area of ​​Chang'an, Guo Bang is in the Baling area, and Li Meng and Wang Fang are in the right place.

Originally, Zhang Ji's occupation of the territory west of Pinyang Zuo Fengyi was indeed good. In addition, he was close to Hedong. Once his strength was sufficient, Hedong could be captured. Compared with Zuo Fengyi, Hedong was extremely prosperous, Dong Zhuo’s. The raid has reduced the population of the Sanshou Land by 90%. It is not that they do not want to expand their soldiers and horses, but that it is difficult to supply rice.

At that time, the strength of Hedong was not weak. Zhang Jiyouxin and Fan Chou jointly attacked Hedong and expanded the territory. When Yang Feng led his troops to Hedong, Zhang Ji wanted to attack Hedong jointly with Fan Chou and take the opportunity to expand the territory. The contradiction is too deep, and it ends up without a problem, so I can only sit and watch Yang Feng sit in Hedong.

What worries Zhang Ji the most is that Yang Feng turned to Lu Bu and became a general under Lu Bu. As a result, Hedong became terrifying, and Zhang Ji knew exactly what strength the state army had. At that time, how strong Dong Zhuo's troops were, and Lu Bu dared to provoke Dong Zhuo at that time, and when Dong Zhuo withdrew, he gave Dong Zhuo's army a fatal blow, and the looted gold and silver jewels robbed him of a small half.

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Ji could only put out his thoughts of attacking Hedong, and must always guard against threats from Hedong. Zhang Ji knew the importance of the land of Sansuke.

Jiguan is one of Chang’an’s barriers. After the Bingzhou army breaks through, they can attack Zuo Fengyi. Even if Cao Ren leads his troops to capture Henan Yin, there are soldiers guarding Hangu Pass. There is no need to worry about the threat from Cao Jun. Hangu Pass It is an important checkpoint in Chang'an. Even if it is in disrepair, it is far from being able to be captured by a mere tens of thousands of people. In this regard, Li Wei, Guo Bang and others are more assured.

After receiving an invitation from Li Zhang, General Zhang Ji left the matter to his nephew Zhang Xiu to deal with, and led a hundred cavalry to Chang'an. They were disturbed by the mobilization of the state's grain and grass.

Chang'an City is still so magnificent, but in disrepair for a long time, giving people a sense of vicissitudes.

The original palace of the Han emperor became the residence of Li Yu. It was said that it was the palace, but it was actually Dong Zhuo to deal with the officials of the DPRK. Niwu outside Chang'an City is the real strong place, but it is a pity for China. Xiong ignited the fire.

Li Zhang, who was in the top position, glanced around at the crowd and slowly said: "You must have heard about the news of the transfer of grain and grass in the state, and the state army has occupied the land of Hedong. I will lose the strength of the Jiguan. Attacking and internal discord will surely be broken by the Union State Army. At present, this general believes that the most important thing is to unite in one place and defend the third place."

Guo Bang did not object this time. "As General Li just said, not only the Bingzhou, but also the soldiers and horses stationed in Hanyang are also ready to move. According to the news from Liangzhou, under Han Sui's rule, the soldiers and horses are frequently mobilized."

"In this way, the situation we are waiting for is so critical. There are still tens of thousands of Cao troops in Henan Yin." Wang Fang was surprised. It takes a lot at night.

"If the situation were not so critical, this general would not invite you." Li Xi sighed, how energetic was when he broke Chang'an, it was because Niu Fu and Li Ru caused them to fall into the current predicament, otherwise they were in the hands. There is an emperor, what a prestige is to order the princes.

"In General Guo's opinion, what should I do?" Li Hao cast his gaze on Guo Bang. Although there are contradictions between the two, he is quite clear about Guo Bang's skills. In terms of strategy, Guo Bang has an outstanding point. .

Guo Pun frowned and thought for a moment and said: "The most important thing is the threat from Liangzhou and Hedong. The Binzhou army is strong and unstoppable. From the general's opinion, when you stick to Gaoling and Huaili, as long as you can withstand the attack by the Binzhou army, the rest Not a concern."

Li Yu nodded, Gaoling City is high and deep, and it is close to Chang'an. Once the battle in Gaoling is tight, Chang'an's soldiers and horses can also rush to help. Huaili's soldiers and horses are mainly to resist the threat from Liangzhou.

Seeing that Li Meng and Zhang Ji were still hesitant, Guo Bang said: "If Chang'an is attacked by the Bingzhou Army, have you ever thought about what will happen?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard They attacked Chang'an at the beginning and killed the Emperor of Han in the rebellion. There is only a dead end. Although the princes do not put the Han Dynasty in their eyes with the strength in their hands, they are still happy to do things that can earn a reputation for themselves.

"Can you send an envoy to Bingzhou to persuade Jinhou?" Li Meng asked.

Guo Bang sneered and said: "General Li is too naive. Who is Jin Hou? Chang'an is so important. Attacking Hedong is the land of Chang'an. If you were Jin Hou, how would you let Chang'an go?"

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Li Yi coughed lightly: "Since I am waiting to be united in one place again, there must be someone in charge."

Guo Bang nodded, "Just so, this general supports Li Yi as the leader."

The others also echoed this.

Li Lao gave Guo Bang a surprised look. This behavior didn't look like Guo Bang's style, but the advantages of commanding soldiers and horses were obvious, and they could preserve their strength to the greatest extent.

After leaving Chang'an and returning to Baling, Guo Bang secretly ordered someone to tell Beidi County to prepare soldiers and horses. Although Niu Fu and Li Ru were hiding in Beidi County, he learned about it accidentally.

Ma Teng wants to unite with Binzhou and give them a fatal blow. Guo Bang will not let go of the opportunity to clean up Ma Teng. If Li Ru's strategy is used to raid Hanyang, it is extremely likely to succeed. As for Beidi County The situation in Anding County between Hanyang County and Hanyang County is complicated and it is difficult to form effective resistance.

In order to capture Chang'an, many meticulous work went to Chang'an and other places. Naturally, the mobilization of soldiers and horses in the Sanshou Land did not hide Lu Bu's eyeliner. No matter how hard these people worked, Chang'an was in danger after Jiguan was breached.

(End of this chapter)

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