Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 861: : The excited Huang Zhong

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! This time he did not refuse Lu Bu’s kindness. Sometimes it is much more convenient to act with a certain identity. In Bingzhou, he can rely on technology. Few people get official positions.

"Thank you Jinhou." Hua Tuo stood up and arched his hands.

"From now on, in front of Benhou, don't call yourself any more grass-roots people." Lu Bu laughed.

Hua Tuo handed over and said that he knew that his destiny would have been inseparable from Bingzhou from now on, which was completely different from the previous white body.

If it were to be kept in the past, Hua Tuo would definitely not accept Lu Bu’s words, but the situation was very different. Jinyang Medical Center’s position in Hua Tuo’s heart became more and more important, and it had become an inseparable part of Hua Tuo. Tuo will return to the state to a large extent.

Not long after they walked into the medical hall, Huang Zhong, who received the news, rushed in with excitement. When he saw Lu Bu in the medical hall, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "I will see the lord at last."

"Han Sheng came in a hurry, don't know what happened?" Lu Bu asked.

Huang Zhong clasped his fist and said: "Lord, I heard that Mr. Hua is returning to Jinyang and is treating Dog, and he is finally worried about Dog's condition, so he came."

"This is a matter of reason. Mr. Hua should go to treat Huang Xu first. There is nothing wrong with Benhou going to the hospital." Lu Bu said that Huang Zhong was able to go to Bingzhou because of Huang Xu's illness, which is enough to see that Huang Xu is in Huang Zhong's position in mind.

In the Bingzhou Army, Huang Zhong performed very well. If Huang Xu can be cured, Huang Zhong will be more steadfast in the Bingzhou Army.

"Thank you Lord." Huang Zhong clasped his fist.

Hua Tuo also agrees with Lu Bu's practice. Hearing this, he did not refuse, and directly took the two to Huang Xu's residence.

Compared to the fragile appearance when he had just arrived in Bingzhou, Huang Xu at this time seemed a lot more energetic, and his complexion was ruddy.

"Xu'er, what were you doing just now?" Huang Zhong scolded when he saw the things in the courtyard, and then realized that Lu Bu was on the side.

"Does the little general practice martial arts in the courtyard?" Lu Bu asked with a smile.

There was a little bit of sweat on Huang Xu's forehead, and he hurriedly saluted: "Thanks to Jin Hou, the Cao Min has nothing to do in his residence, so he got these things."

"It's okay, it's okay." Lu Bu smiled: "It's really a tiger father without a dog!"

After the three of them entered the room, Hua Tuo's brows stretched out after taking Huang Xu's pulse.

"Huang Xu's condition has gradually stabilized, and he only needs to prescribe another medicine, and he will be cured within half a year." Hua Tuo said.

Huang Zhong stood up excitedly when he heard the words, "Thank you, Mr. Hua, but Mr. Hua will be driven in the future, Huang Zhong will not hesitate to put his liver and brain on the ground."

Huang Xu gently pulled Huang Zhong's clothes. After all, Huang Zhong is a general under Lu Bu's command. If he speaks such words in front of the lord, if he is a narrow-minded person, he will surely bear hatred in secret.

Huang Zhong also wakes up from his excitement, and he loses one after another because of Huang Xu.

Hua Tuo said: "General Huang doesn't need to do this, this is what the doctor should do."

After Lv Bu and Hua Tuo left, Huang Xu didn't regain his steadiness. "Father, will children be able to practice martial arts in the future?" During his time in Jinyang, he mostly went to Jinyang Academy.

"How did you learn in the school? You will practice martial arts until your body is completely healed, and break your leg for your father." Huang Zhong scolded.

"Baby knows." Huang Xu shrank his neck. He knew that Huang Zhong had paid a lot for his illness. Now that he saw the hope of recovery, he naturally didn't want to make any mistakes in the middle.

"Mr. Hua's feelings must be kept in mind. If Mr. Hua has something to do in the future, we must not shirk it." Huang Zhong exhorted.

"The boy understands that it's just the words his father said in front of Jinhou today, lest he would make Jinhou unhappy." Huang Xu worried. He also heard about Huang Zhong in the army, as long as his father can have a better future. , He felt that everything was worth it.

Huang Zhong smiled and said: "If Xu'er thinks so, it would be too small to underestimate the lord. After Xu'er serves under the lord, he will understand what he said as a father."

Huang Xu nodded as if he didn't understand, he was even more looking forward to things after healed. His original martial arts was not weak, but his body was worn down because of the disease. He thought of serving Lu Bu and his face was thick. Smile.

"Jin Hou, Cao Min, this time out for a humble position, because of fate, he will save a strong man, who is quite brave. If Jin Hou does not give up, let this person serve under Jin Hou." Hua Tuo said.

Lu Bu said: "Since Mr. Hua recommended the talent, there is no reason to use it, I don't know where this person is now?" Hua Tuo can bring people to Bingzhou and recommend them to others, which shows that Hua Tuo is interested in Bingzhou.

"This person is now in the hospital." Hua Tuo said.

After a while, a slightly thin person walked in.

Lü Bu looked at the person carefully and nodded secretly. Judging from the walking posture, this person must have some abilities is slightly thinner only because this person is more than eight feet tall.

"Boom, this is Jin Marquis." Hua Tuo said.

Zeng Di respectfully bowed, "Cao Min Zeng Di, whose words are shining, Yanzhou Shanyang, who has met Jin Hou."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "It's really extraordinary, so let's follow Benhou from now on."

"Here." Zeng Di said with a fist.

After leaving the medical hall and returning to the prefecture, Lu Bu left Zeng Di alone. Judging from his behavior in the medical hall just now, Zeng Di is definitely not a nameless person, and his manners give people a refined feeling. .

"I don't know who your Excellency is, what do you intend to go to Bingzhou?" Lu Bu said straightforwardly.

It seems that Lu Bu would have expected this question a long time ago. There was no surprise in Zeng Di's expression. After a moment of silence, Zeng Di slowly said: "Zai Xia really wants to work under Jin Hou, of course, I also want to get back what belongs to Xia Xia. thing."

Lu Bu wondered: "Get back what belongs to you?"

"Yes." Zeng Di nodded. "If Jinhou promises, he will definitely obey Jinhou's orders in the future. If not, he can only leave Bingzhou and go to other places."

"I don't know what you are talking about? How to agree." Lu Bu frowned slightly, and felt a little unhappy. From Zeng Di's tone, he didn't feel the respect he deserved. Instead, Zeng Di was sitting on an equal footing with him.

Zeng Di said: "This matter is important to the next, and we must ensure that nothing is wrong before we can say it."

"In that case, you can leave by yourself." Lu Bu coldly snorted, embarrassed by an unknown person.

Zeng Di was silent again. He was not sure whether the princes he met next time would be as good as Lu Bu, and Hua Tuo had a life-saving grace for him.

"Jin Marquis, here are the people of Momen." Zeng Di slowly said, seeing Lu Bu's tone firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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