Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 851: : Planning

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The soldiers above the camp went to sleep all the time, without realizing that the danger was approaching.

The obstacles in front of the camp were being cleared at an extremely fast speed. Zhu Bao saw that the Xuzhou army was as negligent as Chen Deng expected. He was overjoyed. He gestured to the cavalry behind him, and the five hundred cavalry rode their horses. Xuzhou army killed.

The sound of galloping horses awakened the Xuzhou sergeant who had fallen asleep. After the soldiers above the camp responded, the cavalry had already rushed into the camp.

"Enemy attack!" The camp suddenly fell into a panic. Many soldiers woke up from their sleep and ran out of the camp before they could wear armor.

The camps were lit one by one, making the soldiers in the camp even more chaotic.

After receiving the news of the enemy's raid, Chen Deng hurriedly asked: "See how many people are there in the enemy?"

"My lord, the camp is pitch black, and there are about a thousand enemy troops in the shadows."

Chen Deng coldly snorted: "The incompetent, the enemy has only a thousand people. The cavalry is ordered to block the enemy, and the rest of the generals gather the soldiers and horses and trap the enemy to death in the camp."


The cavalry led by Zhu Bao did not love fighting. He just smashed in the Xuzhou military camp and returned to the city. What this raid was to dampen the enemy’s vigor. When the Xuzhou Army’s cavalry reacted, the enemy was already out of sight. Traces.

Chen Deng was very angry. Last night, he told the generals in the army to guard against the enemy's sneak attack. He didn't expect that the generals below would just take his words as deaf ears and behead the generals in charge of patrolling the night. Chen Deng never belittled because he was a literati.

Hua Xiong’s leader was not stationed with Chen Deng. He maintained a certain amount of vigilance against Chen Deng. Seeing that the enemy really attacked the camp at night, Hua Xiong was shocked in a cold sweat. The secret road was dangerous. Chen Deng had two things. More than 10,000 people were so flustered by the enemy's surprise attack. If this situation were put on him, it would not have a very good result.

Zhu Bao succeeded in assaulting the enemy, and Zhu Shu was extremely excited. This was a long-faced thing, and he looked at Chen Gong with a hint of respect.

For five consecutive days, the Xuzhou Army did not attack the city, but was building siege equipment. Zhu Shu directly threw aside the battle book sent by the Xuzhou Army. The number of soldiers was at a disadvantage and the level of the soldiers could not match. The Xuzhou Army, he didn't think that a simple victory could defeat nearly 30,000 Xuzhou Army.

"Mr. Chen, the Xuzhou Army is building siege equipment, and it will attack the city in a few days. Your husband may have a good strategy for destroying the enemy." Zhu Shu cast his gaze on Chen Gong.

Chen Gongdao: "At present, the most important thing is how to hold Yanxian County. As long as Yanxian County is not lost, there are so many enemy troops and it is difficult to sustain the food and grass, so the troops will definitely withdraw."

"Mr. Chen, behind the Xuzhou Army is Cao Jun. It is rumored that Cao Jun's thunderbolt car can throw boulders from under the city to the city, which is extremely powerful." Zhu Shu said worriedly.

"It's okay. If the Xuzhou Army has such a sharp weapon as the Thunderbolt, it will definitely be placed outside the city. It can be seen that Cao Cao has not given such an important thing to Chen Deng. Even if Cao Cao supports the Thunderbolt, there is no need to worry, just a cavalry. Burning a big fire can burn the thunderbolt car." Chen Gong's tone was full of confidence.

Zhu Shu said, "Mr. Laochen will be there then."

Although the momentum of the Xuzhou army's attack on the city was very strong, the defending army had tens of thousands of soldiers. With 30,000 soldiers and horses, they wanted to conquer the city guarded by 10,000 people. It was difficult. After several days of siege, blood stains were everywhere on the walls. , And after the Xuzhou Army paid a higher price, it also filled the moat.

Although the defenders were negligent in training and benefited from the city, after the initial panic, they gradually adapted to the Xuzhou army's siege, and looked at the enemy with less fear than before.

"Master Chen, according to the current situation, even if Yanxian is broken, our army will consume almost the same amount. I don't know when Shanyanghou’s Thunderbolt will arrive." Hua Xiong asked, the war is now in this situation. , He already had the idea of ​​withdrawing troops. After a few days of siege, his soldiers lost a thousand people.

Chen Deng said: "General Hua don't need to be anxious, the car will arrive soon."

"If the Thunderbolt can't arrive, this general will not send one soldier or one soldier." Hua Xiong snorted coldly.

"Could it be that the general wanted to defy Shanyanghou's order and fail." Chen Deng asked with a bad face.

"Using Shanyanghou to suppress this general, will Mr. Chen think that this general will be afraid?"

Compared to the low morale outside the city, the situation inside the city is much better. Zhu Shu has also eased from the initial tension, and he has not paid much attention to Chen Gong, because he came from Chen Gong to offer policy after the attack on Xuzhou Army. , There is no other strategy, it is inevitable that Zhu Shu will be a little despised.

Zang Ba was puzzled upon seeing this situation: "Why don't you help Donghai to repel the enemy as soon as possible?"

"General, if it is too early to repel the Xuzhou Army, it may cause Cao Cao to be jealous and lead the troops to attack the East China Sea. By then, does the general think the East China Sea can be defended?" Chen Gong slowly said, "Is there no East China Sea Prefect Zhu Shu? Too much capacity might as well let Cao Jun consume his strength for the future."

Zang Ba understood what he said. At this time, there is nothing to consider for allies. He and Zhu Shu are allied because they have a common enemy. Once the enemy retreats, the two will become a competitive relationship. They are neighbors and do not want each other to sit. Big.

Chen Deng and Hua Xiong were in a deadlock, and the attack on Yanxian was temporarily put on hold.

Although Hua Xiong was not afraid of Chen Deng, he was afraid of Cao Cao and didn't dare to really offend Cao Cao. He led hundreds of cavalry soldiers to fight outside the city, shouting and cursing constantly.

After the news of Hua Xiong's fighting outside the city spread to the city, Zhu Shu said angrily: "Hua Xiong led a hundred people to fight outside the city. General Zhu, the officer ordered three hundred cavalry soldiers to go out of the city and defeat him."

After the successful sneak attack on the Xuzhou Army, Zhu Shu did not pay much attention to Chen Deng. In his opinion, the Xuzhou Army was not good enough, and even treated Zang Ba and Chen Gong with no respect.

Chen Gong didn’t care about this. What he wanted was not only to repel Cao Jun, but also to make Zhu Shu pay a certain price. Although Langxie was good, it was still a bit small. If it could make Zhu Shu lose more, Donghai He became Langxie's vassal and had to obey his orders.

The existence of the East China Sea is a barrier to Langxie, and this barrier is better controlled in his own hands.

Sun Guan on the side whispered: "I wish Shu Hao to be rude, how eager the general and Mr. and the cavalry were when they came to the rescue, but now they are this face." Although Chen Gong is a literati, he is not. Use strategy to convince Zang Ba's generals.

Zang Ba stared, "Don't talk nonsense."

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(End of this chapter)

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