Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 830: : Taishi Ci's Archery

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The two of you come and I go together, and in a blink of an eye, Guan Hai feels a little anxious. Seeing Tai Shici more and more courageously fought and retreated, he was the main general of the Yellow Turban army. It would be too much to die in the hands of an unnamed general. Aggrieved.

"Who is you?" Guan Haiyue asked.

"Donglai Taishi Ciye." Taishi Ciyan killed Guan Hai.

The soldiers on both sides had long been fascinated, and they were proficient in the sword technique, while the Taishi Ci double halberd was superb. Cheng Su, who had been looking at the battlefield, was also a little surprised. Although he heard that Taishi Ci was brave and brave, he had no idea. To Tai Shi Ci was so powerful, Guan Hai's reputation is unknown in Qingzhou, but Tai Shi Ci can occupy a clear advantage.

"Well, there is such a fierce general in the army, so why can't you repel the remnants of the Yellow Turban." Kong Rong said with a big smile.

Cheng Su didn't look very good when he heard this. He was the chief general in the army. The more powerful Taishici's martial arts, the more it could affect his position in the army, and he didn't realize the danger of Beihai at this time.

With a flick of a stab, he just left the horse.

Tai Shici put away the double halberds, did not chase them, and shouted, "Who would dare to go forward and fight?"

The Yellow Turban generals looked at each other, no one dared to step forward.

Guan Hai was angry and shouted: "Capture Kong Rong alive, kill!"

The Yellow Turban Army immediately moved. They had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. Naturally, they would not be afraid that there were only a few thousand people in the Northern Navy.

Tai Shici snorted coldly, took out the bow and arrows, but three arrows appeared on the arrows, and shouted angrily, the bow was like a full moon, and the arrows were like shooting stars, taking the three cavalry straight ahead.

The three yellow turban cavalry fell, and the surrounding yellow turban army looked at Tai Shici with more awe. In the yellow turban army, most of the horses that can ride on the war horse are generals, while the other generals can shoot three people with one arrow. , Such martial arts have surpassed their cognition.

The two armies fought for a while, and the army retreated into the city, and Guan Hai also retreated. He looked at Juxian no longer as easy as before. He said that it was borrowing food, but it was an excuse for him to attack Beihai.

"Ziyi defeated Guanhai today and killed three Yellow Turban generals. He was the first to take the lead." Kong Rong laughed, and did not care about Cheng Su, who had a low expression on his side. The literati had a natural psychological advantage when facing military generals. , This is difficult to change.

"This is a matter of the humble position." Tai Shi said with a fist. Since coming to the army, he has shown his martial arts for the first time.

Leaving Kong Rong's mansion, Cheng Su coldly hummed, "General Taishi is so majestic."

Tai Shici did not respond and left with Yang Feng.

"The general is so capable, and he will definitely be able to get reused in the Bingzhou army." Yang Feng said with joy. He knew that Taishici's archery skills were superb, but he didn't expect to be so powerful.

Tai Shi said kindly: "There will be a large number of capable people in the Union State Army. Don't underestimate the heroes of the world."

Many soldiers and horses were broken, and Guan Hai was still depressed before the battle. The next day, Guan Hai ordered the army to attack Juxian County.

Juxian County is the Beihai State Administration. The city is four feet high and the moat is wide, but the Yellow Turban Army cannot bear the large number of people. In just five days, the moat was filled and the Yellow Turban Army also paid in the process of filling the moat. It's not a small price.

The Yellow Turban Army’s methods of attacking the city were extremely simple, that is, ladders and chariots. Guan Hai’s goal was to take advantage of the number of people to break Juxian County.

However, the tenacity of the defenders exceeded Guan Hai’s expectations. Qingzhou Huangjinyong was brave. There were not enough siege methods. It was not easy to break Juxian County. Simply relying on simple defensive things such as wood and rolling stones, let the Yellow Turbans. No progress has been made for several days.

Guan Hai outside the city was helpless, and the morale of the defenders was somewhat low. For several consecutive days of siege, the defenders paid a considerable price. The number of wounded soldiers reached 1,000, and the number of soldiers killed in the battle was 300. For the rest of the people, although the Yellow Turban Army has paid a heavier price, the advantage in the number of the Yellow Turban Army lies there. According to this situation, it will be difficult for Juxian to defend.

"The Prime Minister, if you don't seek foreign aid, Beihai will be attacked by the remnants of the Yellow Turban." Cheng Su said.

Kong Rong said: "Just defend the city, why not be afraid of the remnants of the yellow turban, and send the people in the city to participate in the defense."

"Here." Cheng Su said helplessly.

"The state minister, if things go on like this, the morale of the army is low, and the humble position asked to lead the soldiers out of the city to fight in order to frustrate the enemy's spirit." Taishi kindly said, at this time, he did not seek foreign aid, and he did not understand Kong Rong's thoughts. Yuan Tan from Qingzhou and Cao Cao from Yanzhou were both strong soldiers and strong horses. They were both courtiers of the Han Dynasty, and it was reasonable for them to rescue each other.

Kong Rong said: "There are not enough soldiers and horses in the city. It is not a wise move to go out of the city to fight the remnants of the Yellow Turban."

"The prime minister, a humble job only needs a thousand soldiers." Tai Shici said again.

When Kong Rong saw this, he had to agree. He also knew the situation of the defenders, but there were only more than 3,000 soldiers in the battle. According to this situation, the situation continued. Within a month, Juxian County was attacked by Guanhai, and other places in Beihai. The situation is not much better. Once Juxian County is broken, who can stop the power of the Yellow The gate of the city that has been closed for nearly ten consecutive days slowly opened, Tai Shi Ci rushed out, Yang Feng Following the left and right, the two of them were like sharp swords, tearing apart the camp of the Siege Yellow Turban Army, and the Yellow Turban Army who killed them lost their helmets and armor. If Guan Hai brought people there in time, the situation would be even worse.

The **** Tai Shici was in a heavy mood, especially the thousands of elite soldiers Guan Hai brought afterwards, which caused a lot of damage to the defending army. It seems that Guan Hai was also prepared for this attack on Ju County.

However, this battle had a great impact on the morale of the defenders. The continuous death of the robe made their hatred of the Yellow Turbans deeper and deeper. Under the agitation of Kong Rong, the young and strong among the people spontaneously went to defend the city. They understand that once Juxian County is breached, they will face the Yellow Turban army like a tiger. At this time, no one wants their homeland to be breached.

In Linzi, Yuan Tan, who had rested for half a month, led an army of 20,000 to Juxian.

Yuan Tan’s soldiers were already elite, far surpassing the Yellow Turbans in armor and armor, and there were three thousand cavalry led by Yang Feng, and they were as powerful as they were along the way.

Guan Hai was shocked by the news of Yuan Tan Chi’s help. He didn’t want to abandon the Juxian County that he was about to get. He paid such a high price. If he didn’t gain anything, it would greatly affect his prestige in the Yellow Turban Army. The reason why the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans are gathered in one place is because of his call.

"Li Fu, you lead five thousand elite soldiers and ten thousand foot soldiers. You must block Yuan Tan. In only three days, this general can break Juxian County." Guan Hai said.

Li Fu handed over and said that he led the troops away. The five thousand elite soldiers Guan Hai’s mouth were naturally the best equipped soldiers in the Yellow Turban Army, while the 10,000 pawns were the ordinary Yellow Turban Army. They were blocked by 15,000. On the third day of Yuan Tan, he had absolute confidence. He had been dealing with Yuan Tan for a long time, and he knew how many skills Yuan Tan had.

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