Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 816: : Jiangdong's plan

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! General Qin was shocked. Heibingtai's actions are absolutely confidential. It is impossible to have Lu Bu's people inside the Heibingtai. However, How did Lu Bu learn about the Black Ice Terrace's assassination of Sun Ce? Even he couldn’t be sure about it. Even if Qin XIX took refuge in Lu Bu, it was impossible to learn about it. , Provoke a powerful existence for the Black Ice Terrace.

"In the past, Jin Hou reminded him that he was not careful." Sun Ce was embarrassed. In fact, he was no less shocked than General Qin in his heart. Unexpectedly, Lu Bu's casual remarks turned into In reality, if Wang Yue and others hadn't come to rescue him, he would have died here today.

"Even though Jiangdong is not as good as Jinyang, it is also a land of prosperity. If the emperor does not abandon him, he can go to the mansion to rest." Sun Ce invited again. General Qin almost succeeded in assassinating him, making him realize that there might be some hidden in Jiangdong. The enemy in the dark has not been found, otherwise the people of the Black Ice Platform would have succeeded so easily.

"Thank you Wu Hou for your kindness. I have military affairs in the next place, so I won't go to the Hou Mansion to harass." How can Wang Yue fail to see Sun Ce's careful thoughts, but Wang Yue is the person in charge of the shadow, the first time he has dealt with the shadow The dispatch is very important. The energy of the Black Ice Platform should not be underestimated. The more so, the more cautious. Go to the Hou Mansion. Although Sun Ce has a more favorable impression of Lu Bu, if General Qin has something wrong, it will be more than the gain.

In any case, Sun Ce is the master of Jiangdong, and when he was assassinated in Jiangdong, how could his courtiers easily let General Qin go.

"Shi, you take the two to send Wuhou back to the mansion." After Wang Yue finished speaking, he threw a fist at Sun Ce and led General Qin away quickly.

Sun Ce frowned and immediately stretched out. From this incident, he saw the instability in Jiangdong and the strength of Lu Bu's secret strength. If given the opportunity, he would definitely recruit Wang Yue. In the past, people from the rivers and lakes seemed to him. It's just that, but after today's things, it made him understand more.

Only five miles away from the city, Shi A saw a cavalry team roaring.

"Master, it will be late in the end, please punish the master." Zu Mao dismounted his horse and clasped his fist.

Sun Ce helped Zumao up, "This is Shi Ah, the disciple of Emperor Wang Yue. This time, the Lord was able to escape from the thieves, thanks to the help of the Emperor and others."

Zu Mao held his fist to Shi A and said: "Thank you for your help. Jiangdong is grateful." Sun Ce has a high prestige in Jiangdong. Whether he is martial arts or his character, the generals in the army are admired. Such a monarch makes Jiangdong's Civilian and military commanders, with high morale, if Sun Ce had any mistakes, he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

"The general is polite. I'm leaving." Shi A left. Their task was to catch the people of the Black Ice Platform. As for saving Sun Ce, it just happened to be the meeting, even if Sun Ce died in the hands of the assassin. , And there is not much relationship with them.

After Shi A and his party left, Sun Ce sighed, "Jin Hou Zhen is very human."

Zu Mao also remembered Lu Bu's reminder, and now Sun Ce really met an assassin while hunting.

Through this incident, Sun Ce also realized the importance of intelligence. The assassin of the Black Ice Platform went to Jiangdong to assassinate. Do not inform him of this in advance.

Zhou Yu learned of Sun Ce's assassination and hurried back to Wanling. He and Sun Ce were brothers. Although they were monarchs and ministers, they were also brothers. Sun Ce trusted him very much and gave him the management of the navy. Jiangdong has no shortage of powerful generals. The gentle Zhou Yu can occupy a high position and has a great relationship with Sun Ce's support.

After learning about the medicine, Sun Ce didn't have much to do. It was just the chattering of the officers and generals under his command, which made Sun Ce a little impatient.

"Gong Jin, who did the assassin who came to Jiangdong do?" During this time, Sun Ce has been thinking about this issue.

Zhou Yu said: "The lord, observe it from his subordinates, and the assassination will not come from the hands of the princes."

"Oh, what does this mean?" Sun Ce was suspicious.

"Jingzhou Liu Biao has the name of the sage, and there is no realness of the sage. If he assassinates the lord, it will definitely attract Jiangdong's revenge, and the gain will not be worth the loss. At this time, Liu Biao is the most defensive of Cao Cao. Once Cao Cao breaks Xuzhou, Liu Biao's position will inevitably be Even more embarrassing, what Liu Biao wants to do most at this time is to make friends with Jiangdong, not to offend Jiangdong." Zhou Yu said slowly.

"Yanzhou Cao Cao, the attack on Xuzhou is imminent, and he will not establish an enemy for Yanzhou at this time. As for Yuan Shao in Jizhou and Lu Bu in Bingzhou, it is even more impossible. From Lu Bu's behavior, it can be seen that this person pursues a strategy of distant and close attacks. The main thing is to make friends with Jiangdong. Judging from the assassination of the lord, there is someone else behind him."

Sun Ce nodded. Initially, his suspicion was Liu because only Liu Biao had this motive.

"The Marquis of Jin was assassinated in Xiangyang, and Guo Jia, an important adviser under his command, nearly died. With the martial arts of Marquis of Jin, he was forced to such a situation by the assassins, and the Marquis of Jin sent people to Jiangdong, probably because of these assassins." Zhou Yu's eyes flashed. With a brilliant light, he had been thinking about this issue on the way to Wanling.

"So the assassin who assassinated Benhou outside the city is the same group as the assassin who assassinated Jinhou in Xiangyang?" Sun Ce questioned.

"That's the case. Although the subordinates don't know the purpose of these assassins, these people will definitely not give up. The lord must not take personal risks in the future." Zhou Yu reminded that he secretly felt that this matter was more complicated. Lu Bu was in Jin. The attraction of the assassins outside Yangcheng did not hide the eyes of the princes from all sides.

"Jiangdong's intelligence is still too lacking. At this time, Gong Jin has to step up his efforts. As for the intelligence needed, he only needs to explain to the Hou Mansion." Sun Ce said.

"Here." Zhou Yu handed his hands. The scholar died for his confidant, and Sun Ce was his confidant.

Sun Ce suddenly regretted not bringing back some of the strong crossbows used by the assassins today. Those strong crossbows were extremely powerful. If the craftsmen under the rule could create such strong crossbows, it would have a great effect on the battlefield in the future.

However, Sun Ce secretly took this matter to heart, and if he had a chance, he would trade with Bingzhou.

In Youzhou Pingding, after the news of Xianbei’s leadership reached Xiangyang, the upper class in Xiangyang were shocked. The tyranny of the Xianbei people is obvious to all. At the beginning, the big man could hardly win the Xianbei people, and even suffered a lot in the words of the Xianbei people. Although Tan Shihuai’s death has compromised the strength of the Xianbei people, it is undeniable that the Xianbei people are still powerful.

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(End of this chapter)

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