Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 795: : Serene

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The anger in Miga’s heart can be imagined, but now it is the Han army who has the initiative, not the Xianbei, who used to face the Xianbei How proud the Han people were when they came to Lu Bu’s mouth, but they became stalemate among the Xianbei people. All these changes were due to the defeat of the war. If the Xianbei people won this time, the Han army would dare to be so rampant. .

After sorting out his thoughts and calming his mood, Mi Jia said slowly: "It is known that the Han is a state of etiquette, and Xianbei has been admired for a long time. Willing to make peace with the big man, and will not invade the Han realm in the future..."

"Pray for peace? When the Xianbei invaded the Han Realm, did they ever think that there will be today, and when they ask for peace, they want to wipe out the past hatred? How can there be such a simple thing in the world? There are tens of thousands of elites in the Youzhou Army. With an order, do you think Xianbei can still exist?" Lu Bu sneered, "Benhou is not that pedantic person."

Miga was shocked. Now the eastern part of Xianbei can be said to be at its weakest time, and the central part of Xianbei cannot be counted on. Compared with the eastern part of Xianbei, the central part of Xianbei has suffered even greater losses. The battle with Feiqi directly Disabled the army of Xianbei in the central part and had no strength to fight back against the Han army.

"If the Marquis of Jin decides to fight the Xianbei people, the people of Xianbei are not afraid. Although the central and eastern parts are severely damaged, there are still tens of thousands of elite soldiers in the west." , It will only allow more soldiers to bury their bones in the battlefield."

"Fart, the ambition of the Xianbei people should be killed." Dian Wei said angrily: "Xianbei, you dare to be so presumptuous in front of the lord, did you forget the defeat of Daijun?"

Miga's face was a little low, and what he said just now was just to give Jinhou a more mature consideration. Counting on the army of Xianbei in the west is the last way to retreat.

"Eastern Xianbei may not have received the news yet. The Master Budugen in your mouth led an army of tens of thousands of troops into the cloud and defeated the army of Yunzhong. Most of the tens of thousands of troops were destroyed. If you want to rescue Xianbei in the west, I am afraid that the eastern Xianbei will be desperate. Now, do you think the Bingzhou Army will give Xianbei a chance to breathe?"

Miga's mood fell into a trough in an instant. He didn't think that Lu Bu would lie to him about this matter. After all, it was about a major event in Xianbei in the west. You can learn from a little inquiries. From this point of view, Xianbei is indeed extremely urgent. It's time.

"Jin Marquis, I just offended him. There are a large number of Jin Marquis, and I hope for forgiveness. If Jin Marquis is willing to retreat, Eastern Xianbei is willing to compensate 100,000 cattle and sheep, 3,000 horses, and never invade the Han realm." Speaking of the final conditions, this was also the result of the discussion between the three adults of Xianbei in the east. The pressure on them was too much. Suli even saw from the actions of the Han army that the Han army was going to destroy Xianbei.

At this time, within the eastern Xianbei, there were no more than 5,000 combatable soldiers. After successive defeats, it could be said that there was no morale, and there was no chance of winning in the face of the powerful Han army.

"If the Mica people had said this earlier, wouldn't they have had so many misunderstandings?" Lu Bu said with a smile.

"Thank you Jinhou. After I go back next time, I will definitely inform the tribes of Xianbei of the great kindness of Jinhou." Mi Jia hurriedly said.

The smile on Lu Bu's face suddenly disappeared, "I can't talk about great grace. Eastern Xianbei still seems to be quite rich, but Benhou plans to pick up these things personally instead of letting Xianbei send them."

After thinking about it a little bit, Miga understood the meaning of Lu Bu's words, "In this way, Jin Hou does not intend to have a good relationship with the Xianbei."

"Good relationship? When did Benhou ever think about getting along with the Xianbei people? A group of villains who plundered the Han realm. Not killing is not enough to quell the anger of the soldiers and civilians in Youbian Erzhou. If the Xianbei people flee from Mobei, Benhou It won't be embarrassing."

"Far away from Mobei?" Miga's heart sank. What kind of place is Mobei? Not only is it not suitable for the tribe to survive, but the conditions are extremely difficult. After the Xianbei arrive in Mobei, they can survive 20%, even if it is good. For the Xianbei people, this road is not a retreat, but a dead end.

"After I go back, tell Suli and Queji that the hatred of the Han people will be washed away with Xianbei's blood." Lu Bu said slowly.

Seeing this, Miga could only say goodbye.

"Master, since this person is an adult from the Xianbei tribe, why didn't he beheaded?" Dianwei asked.

"How can the adults of the Xianbei tribe have their clown ears? It is not for Shuzhi and Lingming to lead the army to defeat them, and let such people return to the Xianbei tribe. It is also a great help for our army to calm Xianbei." Lu Bu laughed.

"The lord's words are true. It is said that when our army raided the eastern Xianbei that day, Miga had just drunk and fell asleep. I heard that he was drinking Jinjiu."

The generals in the tent let out bursts of laughter upon hearing the words, and Lu Bu did not expect that Jinjiu would still make meritorious service on the battlefield.

After Micah returned to the east and conveyed Lu Bu's intentions The tent fell into a long silence. What Suri didn't expect most was Budogen's failure in the west. When the initial Dugen sent troops, Wan Ke said that in order to prevent a sneak attack by the Bingzhou army, Budogen was not reconciled, and he led the army to the cloud. If things like this were put in the past, Suri and Ke would be eager to lose some more soldiers and horses than Budogen, but now it is At this critical moment, the Xianbei people may be in danger of being annihilated. If they don't have enough military power, how to resist the Han people, is it really necessary to escape from Mobei as Lu Bu said?

"Lü Bu is so deceiving, what is there to fear in the east." Que Ji snorted coldly.

Su Li said: "Now the Xianbei people are at a disadvantage. Lu Bu has flying knights and thousands of troops in his hands. It is very difficult to stop the Han army. At the beginning, Lv Bu turned the grassland upside down with 3,000 flying knights."

"What should I do then?" Micah's tone was a little anxious.

"Send someone to tell Ke Bineng that the two sides are united in one place. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope. Fighting separately will only let the Han army defeat each one." Su Li said.

Queji and Miga also sighed helplessly. The powerful Xianbei was actually defeated by the Youzhou Army, and the person who made Xianbei's rapid decline was Lu Bu. In just a few years, the powerful Xianbei on the prairie People are in danger of destruction.

Su Li understood that even with the central Xianbei, it would be difficult to repel the Han army. From Lu Bu's words, he could feel that this time, the Han army wanted to destroy the Xianbei.

The next day, Lu Bu attacked Xianbei’s tribe with Feiqi first. Although the people in the Xianbei tribe were panicked, under the mobilization of Su Li and others, they resisted the attack of the Han army to the death.

The Xianbei people living on the grassland pride themselves on being a warrior. The difficult living conditions give the Xianbei people a **** nature far beyond ordinary people. Even if they fail on the battlefield, they still have the courage to resist.

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