Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 793: : Xu Rong breaks the roots

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The Husband First said dismissively: "That's because the adults didn't lead the soldiers and horses to come, otherwise Yunzhong would have defeated our army a long time ago."

The husband's first concession to Bu Dugen is very useful. After the defeat of the Han army that year, his prestige in the Xianbei tribe declined. The leaders of many tribes were somewhat resistant to him. He knew all this, and this was Bu Dugen's decision. The reason for going to the cloud to plunder was that only by showing sufficient strength can the tribes of Xianbei be more convinced.

"Where are you?" Bu Dugen asked.

"My lord, it's still thirty miles away from Wolf Mountain. After you pass Wolf Mountain, you can see the Han Chinese village." The Husband's voice was a little excited. There was no looting last year, and his heart was already hungry, thirsty, and Han Chinese. The village is rich in the eyes of the Xianbei people, not to mention the city of the Han people.

"Wolf Mountain?" Budugen frowned slightly. After passing by Lang Mountain, it is good to see the village, but there is only one way to go through Lang Mountain, and that is the Langshan Canyon. If the Han people lie in ambush in the canyon In the case of soldiers and horses, the Xianbei people may suffer heavy losses.

"Order the scouts to explore Langshan in detail to prevent the Han army from ambushing." Bu Dugen said.

"My lord, the Han army has long been scared by the army, how dare you lie in ambush in Langshan, there are only eight thousand army in the cloud city at most." Hujia said.

"Order the scout to inquire about the news in detail, and there must be no mistake." Bu Dugen's face suddenly became low.

Seeing Bu Dugen was a little angry, he hurriedly left, and handed over the task of investigating the situation in Langshan. The husband was unwilling to be lonely. The reason why he was able to become the leader of Xianbei in western Xianbei was due to the fact that he was a big brother of Xianbei in the previous year. The failure was related to compensation for cattle, sheep and horses. After the soldiers suffered severe damage, the tribe where the husband was in became a larger tribe in the west, taking the opportunity to annex some weaker tribes, faintly able to contend with Budugen, Budugen In order to win over the husband, the husband was appointed as the new captain.

In fact, Huo Jia also wanted to be like the Queji and Miga of the eastern Xianbei, and became the adult of the tribe, but Bu Dugen had strict control over this aspect and never let go.

Bu Dugen has also increased his vigilance. Especially recently, the husband jumped up and down, and secretly contacted the patriarchs of many tribes. This time he robbed the Han realm, Bu Dugen will let the husband know how powerful they are. , Want to challenge his Xianbei authority, also depends on whether the husband Jia has that ability.

Zhang Yu led a thousand soldiers to Langshan. After preparing the boulders and other things, he ordered the soldiers to hide. Langshan has a huge cave, which is difficult to detect after being slightly hidden.

The Xianbei scouts returned after a rough search in Langshan. Not only the husband, but the Xianbei soldiers did not think that the Han army would dare to go out of the city to fight.

Knowing that there is no other situation ahead, Bu Dugen relaxes.

As soon as tens of thousands of soldiers and horses entered the gorge, Zhang Yu led his soldiers to appear on both sides of the gorge. Above the gorge, there were densely packed boulders, all of which were prepared for the Xianbei people.

Compared to the slightly hot weather outside, the inside of the canyon is a bit refreshing.

"Have you explored carefully?" Bu Dugen asked. For some reason, the army began to enter the canyon. He always had a bad premonition, and the canyon in front of him was too quiet.

"My lord, don't worry, the scout has searched Langshan again and found no abnormalities." Husband Jia said.

Half an hour later, the Xianbei army completely entered the canyon, and the front army had already seen the exit.

The Wolf Mountain Canyon is not narrow, and two cavalry can advance at the same time, but the road in the canyon is not very good, which makes the marching speed of the army a bit slow.

Above the canyon, Zhang Yu saw the Xianbei army entering the canyon and sneered: "The Xianbei people have entered the canyon and ordered the brothers to throw all the boulders down, so that the Xianbei people can enjoy the boulder feast."

A huge boulder landed from above surrounded by the sound of the wind, and a cavalry who was advancing raised his head blankly. When he saw the black shadow on the height gradually magnifying, it was impossible to avoid it. Under the boulder, it was not only the Xianbei cavalry. , Even the horse under him died tragically on the spot.

The death of this cavalry was like a signal for the Han army to attack, and dense boulders poured from above.

Faced with such an attack, the Xianbei army was in great chaos, and under the huge boulders, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving if they were touched.

"Retreat!" Bu Dugen glared at his husband Jia before shouting.

The husband's armour was also pale. Among the former army, there were soldiers and horses of their tribe. Under such a boulder, what would happen to the former army can be imagined.

The huge stone attack that lasted for an hour directly cut the canyon into two sections, and the 10,000 Xianbei army was directly divided into two.

Outside the canyon, Xu Rong led the soldiers to kill. Faced with the killing of the archers, the Xianbei soldiers who had been frightened chose to surrender more. They had also heard about the treatment of Xianbei prisoners in Bingzhou before in the tribe. But compared to death, they are more willing to go to Bingzhou to build roads. The huge boulders that fell from the sky have made the Xianbei people lose their fighting spirit.

In conjunction with the huge stone attack, the Xianbei soldiers in the canyon on this side of the cloud were quickly wiped out.

Budogen ordered the soldiers to retreat, but the terrain in the canyon was not wide and easy to enter. It was very difficult to turn around. The boulders above made the soldiers very panicked, crowded and trampled, and many soldiers were pushed to the ground and enveloped. With the shadow of death on his head, Xianbei's army could not wait to leave immediately.

Bu Dugen gathered up the remnants and defeated generals. The original army of 10,000 people was left with more than four thousand people. Some soldiers still had injuries. Most of their injuries were not caused by the Han army, but were caused by the crowding process. Wounded by his swords and guns.

"Bossman, you didn't mean that there was no Han army in Langshan, why would there be a Han army lying in ambush on Langshan." Bu Dugen's face was as low as water. Besides, the Xianbei army was panicked at this time, and there was no morale to fight against the Han army.

The husband's face turned red, and the success of this attack for the Han army was indeed because of his mistake.

"My lord, the subordinates haven't found it clearly." The husband-jacket whispered, and the one who lost the most in this battle was the husband-jacket.

Bu Dugen snorted coldly: "Because of you, the Xianbei army has suffered heavy losses. Do you know what kind of punishment will be imposed?"

The face of the husband's armour kept changing, and Bu Dugen's methods were clear to him. The methods used to treat disobedience were extremely harsh, and the leader who failed in the war would also be punished.

"Come on, pull out the husband and behead to show the public, otherwise how to make the dead Xianbei warrior squint." Bu Dugen shouted sharply.

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving." Husband Jia repeatedly begged for mercy.

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