Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6587: : The heart of the Roman envoy was shaken

A group of people entered the mansion, and what they saw was the luxurious decoration of the Shangshu Mansion. Such a luxurious decoration is definitely rare in the officialdom of Jin State. Even the important officials of the three provinces dare not do this in the mansion. roundabout

But Sima Yi knew a lot about Guo Jia, and was even more clear that behind some of Guo Jia's actions was the emperor's order, otherwise, with Tian Feng's character, how could he easily let Guo Jia go.

However, Guo Jia's ability to enjoy such treatment has a lot to do with his contribution to the state of Jin. From the perspective of Guo Jia's contribution, it is understandable to enjoy these benefits.

But under the strict system of the Jin State, it is not easy to enjoy such treatment.

There are many aristocratic families in the state of Jin, but the power of the aristocratic families has been greatly restricted in the process of development, especially their power in the court, which will gradually be weakened by the emperor of the state of Jin.

The imperial examination system brought even greater changes to the state of Jin, allowing the emperor of the state of Jin to have more power in the selection of talents, and problems with the monopoly of talents by the aristocratic families would cause them to rule in the court. The power of the hall is more restricted.

Of course, it is precisely such restrictions that make the development of the Jin Kingdom more smooth. Sometimes it has to be admitted that some methods of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom have played a great role in the development.

The aristocratic family can bring a lot of help to the development of the empire, and it will also bring greater constraints to the development. This is because the power of the aristocratic family is terrifying. What they want is more control over some things , and there will obviously be conflicts with the emperor in these aspects. roundabout

If the emperor had to rely heavily on the power of the aristocratic family, they would make concessions on these matters. However, from some actions of the emperor of Jin, one can see the dominance of the emperor of Jin, and what can be seen is the power of Jin. success achieved by the emperor.

These successes have brought more possibilities for the development of Jin.

In terms of talents, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom has more power to choose, and the people at the bottom also have the opportunity to enter the court. This situation did not occur in previous dynasties, but it is precisely because of Lu Bu's drastic methods that the Jin Kingdom can develop rapidly. It is more swift and violent when it comes to time, which makes Jin more calm when facing some situations.

It is a good thing for the emperor that the power of the aristocratic family is restricted. In the past, when the princes were fighting for the front, the princes had a lot of fear of the power of the aristocratic family, and even needed to act according to the face of the aristocratic family in many aspects.

When this kind of situation occurs more often under the rule, the impact on the development of the rule is bound to be not small, and the emperor of Jin is amazing in the means of development, challenging the power of the aristocratic family, And it was a huge success.

It is precisely because of such conditions that the Jin Dynasty has a stronger cohesion.

The state of Jin, freed from the restrictions of aristocratic families, will have more possibilities for development. roundabout

Sometimes, what we have to admit is the courage of the emperor of Jin, and the success of Jin has a lot to do with the actions of the emperor of Jin. If greater achievements have been made during the development, Jin will definitely have more hardships on the road of development.

Sima Yi's family also has a lot of influence, but Sima Yi is relatively low-key when doing ordinary things, because Sima Yi knows that it is difficult to get enough attention if he is ostentatious in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom

Just like Yang Xiu of the Yang family, he himself has extraordinary talent. After passing the imperial examination and entering the officialdom of Jin State, his future is supposed to be bright, but because of his publicity personality, it is always difficult for Yang Xiu to get promoted. .

When the state of Jin is developing rapidly, it needs more talents. When the state of Jin gets the help of more talents, there will be no more problems during the development, and it will even allow the state of Jin to develop rapidly. There will be more possibilities on the occasion.

The strength of the Jin State has been well proven, and if it wants to be unfavorable to the Jin State, it needs to have more consideration in many aspects.

Jin, which has a strong foundation of strength and has more possibilities when developing, will be more relaxed when dealing with some things, and the achievements it will achieve in many aspects are also amazing.

When the state of Jin is fighting, it will bring greater damage to the enemy, and let the state of Jin gain greater achievements from it. Such a state of Jin can have such great achievements in both development and warfare. On the amazing side, it will be smoother on the road of development. roundabout

If you know more about the state of Jin, you will see the amazing background of the state of Jin, and you will see how much possibility the emperor of Jin's methods have brought to the development of the state of Jin.

Perhaps in some respects, the actions of the emperor of Jin were criticized by others, but when the emperor achieved enough achievements, these small problems would be covered up.

Winners and losers, history is written by the winners.

For the development of the state of Jin, the efforts made by the emperor of the state of Jin can be seen, and it is these efforts that make the development of the state of Jin more rapid, and make the state of Jin develop more brilliantly Achievement.

When the enemy wants to have more ideas about Jin, what they have to bear is the attack of Jin's powerful strength, and they will even pay a greater price in the process.

The state of Jin in the war has an extremely powerful side. The powerful strength they display will bring greater impact to the enemy, and the enemy will see from it that the Jin army's fierce means will show their strength. What harm came.

The state of Jin in the war showed an astonishing background. They would bring more damage to the enemy on the battlefield, so that the enemy could not see the possibility of winning the war on the complicated battlefield. . roundabout

And it is precisely because of the strength shown by the Jin State during its development that the Jin State has greater possibilities and more guarantees for the growth of the Jin State.

Any empire will experience all kinds of hardships in the process of growth, the key is what kind of effect the means will play when dealing with these things.

The strong strength of the Jin army has brought greater help to the growth of the Jin army, making the Jin country more calm when facing some challenges.

What can be seen from the current situation is the possibility of Jin's development. Just the appearance of trains will bring greater achievements to the development of Jin. What the country brings is greater help. When the Jin army's campaign becomes easier, it is conceivable what kind of impact the Jin army will bring to the enemy when it appears on the battlefield.

In the process of development of Jin State, the system is gradually improving, and such improvement can bring greater benefits to Jin State, and allow Jin State to obtain greater convenience in some matters.

In these aspects, the achievements of the Jin State are undeniable.

He has more control over his subordinates, which makes the emperor of Jin more calm when dealing with some things. roundabout

The emergence of the train can solve the problem of the vast territory of the Jin Kingdom. During the development, it is not to say that there will be more uncontrollable situations. With such achievements, it seems that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom will fight more. Many appeared.

War, for the Jin State, is itself an acceptable thing, because the achievements of the Jin State Army on the battlefield are brilliant, and under these brilliant achievements, the development of the Jin State is rapid, and it wants more Containing the impact of the Jin army, and wanting to have greater achievements in blocking the Jin army, is itself quite difficult.

The ferocity of the Jin army has been well demonstrated in the war, and if you want to better adapt to the impact of the Jin army, or do more when you withstand the attack of the Jin army, you have a considerable advantage in itself. of difficulty.

After the three sat down, they chatted unavoidably.

The Roman envoy was more polite this time, but with Sima Yi present, it was impossible to present such a large gift in person.

But after entering the Shangshu Mansion, the Roman envoy ordered someone to secretly give a generous gift to the steward of the Shangshu Mansion. It is expected that Guo Jia will definitely express something after receiving such news.

Among the officials of the Jin State, only Guo Jia dared to accept such a generous gift, and Guo Jia was able to achieve some of his goals, paying some price, which was completely acceptable to the Roman envoy. roundabout

However, the Roman envoy also knew that this had a lot to do with the trust of the emperor of Jin, which made Guo Jia an outlier in the officialdom of Jin.

Jin's system is strict and the Roman envoys have experience.

"I don't know why the envoy came here today?" Guo Jia asked with a smile.

The Roman envoy said: "This envoy came here just to visit the Jin army and hope that Guo Shangshu can help him."

This time's attitude was much more modest than yesterday's. It was obvious that the Roman envoy couldn't calm down because of the news he had inquired in the city.

Guo Jiadao: "The envoy of Rest in peace went to the army to watch, and he got the permission of the Holy Majesty. If the envoy wants to enter the army, he needs the permission of the Holy Majesty. If there is no permission from the Holy Majesty, if I bring someone into the army privately, I am afraid Disaster."

Sima Yi echoed: "Guo Shangshu's words are reasonable."

The Roman envoy said: "If that's the case, please also ask Guo Shangshu to inform the envoy of my request in front of the Jin emperor."

The Roman envoy became more and more certain that what happened yesterday must have been intentional by Guo Jia, allowing the envoy of Rest in peace to enter the army. However, as an envoy of the powerful Roman Empire, he was neglected. To a certain extent, this is a great shame. , After returning to the Roman Empire, he will definitely be blamed.

However, in the state of Jin, there will be no small restrictions on many things. Even if the Roman envoy has many ideas, it is difficult to realize them.

The key is that we don't know enough about the state of Jin. If we don't know more about the background of the state of Jin and act rashly, it won't bring more benefits to our own side.

The powerful state of Jin has many amazing means of development, and it is quite difficult to understand the situation in depth, but after seeing the various means of the state of Jin, let The Roman envoys were more curious about the Jin Dynasty.

The number of battles of the Jin State is quite a lot, and from the development of the Jin State after the end of the campaign, it can be seen that the unique development method of the Jin State has a great effect. If such a development method can be used by the Roman Empire If this is the case, it will give greater help to the development of the Roman Empire, and make the Roman Empire more calm when dealing with wars.

War is also a normal thing for the Roman Empire, and from the war, the Roman Empire has also achieved many victories, but in terms of development after the war, there is obviously a lot of gap compared with Jin. roundabout

If the state of Jin cannot be treated correctly, or if more situations arise when facing the state of Jin, UU Reading will cause more problems to arise during this mission.

The Roman envoy has enough confidence in his own abilities, and he believes that the emperor of Jin will not give up the friendship of the Roman Empire. The alliance with the Roman Empire is of great benefit to the development of both parties.

It's just that the previous covenant between the two parties is not stable, and it is difficult to strengthen cooperation.

"Guo Shangshu is in charge of the affairs of the Ministry of War. If he can speak well for the Roman envoy in front of the Holy Majesty, it will definitely be a no-brainer to go to the army." Sima Yi said.

Guo Jia pondered for a moment and said: "The Holy Majesty has already agreed to the request of the envoy of rest. Tomorrow, I will lead you to the craftsman's workshop."

The Roman envoy was shocked when he heard the words. He knew what the craftsman's workshop meant to Jin. If you do some research, you might be able to succeed in a secret operation.

There are many secrets in the Jin country's craftsmen's workshops. These secrets are related to the development of the Jin country. If you know more about the secrets of the Jin country, you will have more advantages when facing the Jin country. roundabout

The strength of the Roman Empire is good, and they also have their own pride, but when facing a powerful opponent, the Roman Empire also needs to make more understanding. Only in this way can the Roman Empire respond to all crises. There are more possibilities when there is a situation, rather than panic when danger comes.

Any empire has its own way when it develops. The growth of the Roman Empire did not happen overnight. For the growth of the Roman Empire, the Romans also made a lot of efforts.

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