Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6582: : Roman envoy, furious

On today's battlefield, as long as the Jin army does not appear, it can be said that the people of the Parthian Empire have enough confidence to defeat the army of the Roman Empire and let the Roman army return without success. Such confidence comes from the improvement of Anxi's military strength . It's just that compared with the Jin army, there is always a big gap in the way of fighting, and if such a gap appears on the battlefield, what kind of loss will it bring to the army of the Anxi Empire? , so to maintain a good relationship with the state of Jin, it is best to be able to get the support of the emperor of the state of Jin, which is of great significance to the long-term development of the Anxi Empire. When dealing with wars, the soldiers of the Parthian Empire also have their means. They have experienced many wars. Even on the battlefield where the situation is urgent, they can do something. This is for the Parthian Empire. is of great importance. It's just that when the Jin army appears on the battlefield, it will bring a greater impact on Anxi, and even make Anxi's soldiers have no confidence in winning when facing the war. If more people appear in a confrontation, what kind of changes will it bring about? After seeing the fierce long-range offensive methods of the Jin army, Anadoshan is more interested in other offensive methods of the Jin army, and knows more about the combat methods of the Jin army, and knows more about how the Jin army will fight on the battlefield. What kind of means they have will be of great help to their future development. Of course, it is quite difficult to obtain these combat weapons from the Jin army. Just getting Shenli is already very difficult. Jin officials are shrewd, and Anxi wants a lot of Shenli , or the production method of Shenli, there must be many problems. When a war is going on, there are many factors that need to be considered, and if there are no suitable means to deal with these problems, there will definitely be more critical situations. In war, there are many critical situations. If there is a problem with the means displayed when solving these problems, there will be more troubles. After seeing the fierce fighting methods of the Jin army, it is normal for Anadoshan to have more thoughts. Not to mention him, even the Roman envoys would have many thoughts after seeing the methods of the Jin army. of touch. In a complex battlefield, it is always very difficult to win more victories, and if you want to get more support for your actions on the battlefield, you want to make your side achieve greater success in the war. The achievement of this is very difficult. The Jin army's fierce combat methods will definitely be more careful in terms of security. And even if the emperor of the Jin Kingdom sold some combat weapons to the Anxi Empire, it was not only a matter of high prices, but also how difficult it would be for Anxi to imitate them. The Jin army's melee method is more fierce with the three-eyed gun. Of course, such a melee is not close in terms of distance. The powerful Jin army will not give the enemy more opportunities on the battlefield, and as the Jin army develops and becomes more powerful, as the Jin army brings greater impact, I want to better resolve it. The influence of the Jin army is very difficult. However, this is also the situation that will inevitably appear after the Jin army wins the continuous war. The Jin army will have greater influence, which will bring greater advantages to the development of the Jin state, allowing the Jin state to deal with some When the situation is different, it will be more comfortable, so that when Jin is facing the threat of war, there is no so-called panic. Because for Jin, war is a very normal thing. The key is what kind of achievements the Jin army can achieve when the war comes, and what kind of damage the Jin army will bring to the enemy on the battlefield. . The Jin army in the war has extremely fierce means, and from the proud record of the Jin army, we can see what kind of threat the enemy will bear under the impact of the Jin army. The more you realize the ferocity of the Jin army, the more you see how much damage the Jin army's offensive methods will bring to the enemy, then when facing the Jin army, you want to keep more calm It is quite difficult. In battle after battle, what can be seen is the proud achievements of the Jin army, and what kind of threat the enemy will suffer when the Jin army appears on the battlefield. Winning in the hands of the opponent itself is quite difficult. Relatively speaking, it is reasonable for the Roman Empire to not have so much fear of the Jin army's fighting methods. After all, the Roman army did not face the Jin army head-on. difference. The lack of sufficient understanding of the Jin State and the lack of a better understanding of the Jin State's combat methods are actually detrimental to the development of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire only saw the invincibility of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang, but did not see how much damage the Jin army would cause the enemy in battle, and did not see what would happen under the Jin army's fierce combat methods brilliant achievements. On the current battlefield, as long as the Jin army's fighting style will be better displayed, then the enemy will bear more threats when dealing with the Jin army, and it will be seen on such a battlefield It is the sturdy and invincible Jin army. There are many dangerous situations that may arise in a war. Only by allowing one's own side to better deal with the dangerous situation in the war, and having more coping methods when facing a dangerous war situation, can the subsequent wars be unscathed. As for taking more risks. The Jin army, which has a strong strength in the war, can always control the situation of the war very well, allowing itself to obtain greater benefits from the battlefield. Behind these war situations is the concrete display of the Jin army's strong strength in the war . Perhaps in a war, there are many dangerous situations. How to make better use of one's own means and how to make one's soldiers' offensive more effective will have a lot of influence on the subsequent war situation . In the war, the Jin army achieved amazing results by relying on fierce means. However, if you want to block the Jin army's attack more reasonably, or have greater victories when you withstand the Jin army's attack, you have Many difficult ones. The envoys of the Roman Empire did not show a strong interest in the fighting methods of the Jin army, which is a good thing in Anadoshan's view. It is best that the Roman Empire's army will not change much in the fighting methods. In this way, when the Roman Empire attacked the Parthia Empire, the soldiers of Parthia would use fierce combat methods to let the Romans understand the significance of having fierce combat methods. The Roman envoy must be more concerned about the situation of the envoy of Anxi. He also came to Chang'an as an envoy. The envoy of Anxi was able to enter the Jin army smoothly, but as an envoy of the Roman Empire, he fell behind in this matter. up. And being an envoy of the Parthia Empire behind, such a thing cannot be tolerated. This made the envoy of the Roman Empire gradually calm down after being angry, and figured out the key point, which was Guo Jia, Minister of the Ministry of War of Jin. The envoy of Anxi went to Guo Jia's mansion yesterday, but today Guo Jia and the envoy of Anxi entered the army to watch. This shows that the envoy of Anxi's entry into the Jin army has a great relationship with Guo Jia, and it is even very likely that it is Guo Jia. mediated from it. Wanting to understand the key point, the Roman envoy was even more furious. He also went to Guo Jia's mansion and gave Guo Jia a lot of respect. Why did Guo Jia only bring the envoy of rest when he went to the army to watch? Instead, forget him. Could it be said that the relationship between the Jin State and the Anxi Empire has reached such a point? Didn't Anxi's army lose to the Jin army before? The link inside made the Roman envoy a little confused, but he knew that as long as he went to look for Guo Jia, he could understand the reason. The Roman envoys lacked understanding of Guo Jia's character. They just knew that Guo Jia could do things that ordinary Jin officials could not do, and he had a certain right to speak in front of the emperor. Looking at the close contacts between the Ann's envoy and Guo Jia, the Roman envoy has a lot of worries. If this affects the relationship between the Roman Empire and Jin, as the Roman envoy, he must be responsible. The contacts with the state of Jin are of great help to the development of the Roman Empire, especially the business contacts of the merchants of the state of Jin drive the development of the whole of Rome, although in such a process, the merchants of the state of Jin benefit There are many, but the Roman Empire has also been greatly developed. And there are more and more Roman merchants participating in the business team. This kind of growth can bring many changes to the Roman Empire, and even make the Roman Empire have a more sufficient background in the face of war. . No matter at what time, launching a war requires an astonishing amount of consumption. If the empire cannot support such consumption, there will be more dangerous situations when responding to the war, and even the torment suffered in the war. is a greater loss. Since the contacts with the Jin State can make the Roman Empire develop, the people of the empire will definitely not refuse, and they are even very interested in the means by which the Jin State obtains benefits, which is also a normal situation. However, after coming to Jin State, the Roman envoys gradually discovered that the prosperity of Jin State is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. To obtain the production methods of these goods, the emperor of Jin State must first agree. Otherwise, not to mention getting it, even seeing how these goods are made is impossible. As for the combat weapon of the Jin army, that is the secret of the Jin army. It is too difficult to obtain it. The key is that it takes a certain amount of time to meet the emperor of the Jin state. When you come to the Jin state, you must abide by the rules of the Jin state. Otherwise, many things will be difficult to achieve in the Jin state. As the envoys of the Roman Empire, it is normal for them to have their pride. In the past, the army of the Roman Empire had a proud record on the battlefield. With its strong strength, the envoys of the Roman Empire will always have pride wherever they go. If you are proud enough, even if you come to the state of Jin, there is no exception. The state of Jin has a strong strength, but in terms of strength, the Roman Empire is not weak. Besides, there is currently no conflict between the state of Jin and the Roman Empire. The friendly exchanges between the two sides can have greater benefits for each other's development. On the contrary, the existence of the Anxi Empire poses a certain threat to the Jin Dynasty. There was a war between the two sides before, that is to say, at some point, the Anxi side may attack the Jin Dynasty. The Parthian Empire is also powerful. The Roman envoys are clear about how the Parthian people will behave in response to wars. The Roman army suffered a lot on the battlefields in the past. The key is that the Parthian envoys came to Jin After China, the humility shown was beyond expectations. It should be noted that the messengers of rest in the past also showed enough pride when they came to the Roman Empire. Could it be that the state of Jin is really that terrible? UU Reading Or that the Anxi Empire wanted peace after going through the war and did not want to continue fighting with the state of Jin. The Parthian Empire has suffered losses on the battlefield, and such things will definitely not give up easily, but the existence of the Jin State has made the Parthian Empire more unstable, and the Parthian Empire will bear greater threats when it goes through war. Whether it is the Roman Empire or the Jin State, they are relatively terrifying in terms of offensive capabilities. When they respond to wars, what they will show is the means to shock the enemy and make the enemy suffer from the continuous war. What is more failure. And if the Jin army and the Roman army cannot win, the stable situation of Anxi will suffer more damage, and even the Anxi Empire will suffer greater losses in the war. In addition to the replacement of the resting king, once the war fails, the resting king will suffer a lot. Stability is one aspect. It is most important to have the corresponding means when dealing with war. If in war, the attack of the soldiers in the army cannot play a greater role, but it will give the enemy a greater advantage. If it wins, the result of such a war would be a great shame for an empire. King Anxi naturally wants to do something, but in the face of war, it is very difficult to win. Whether it is the powerful Jin army or the powerful Roman army, they can cause great damage to the enemy in war, and it will make the enemy see the cruelty of war from the continuous confrontation . Seeing more of the fierce performance of the Jin army on the battlefield, the impact on Anxi is obvious, and it also makes Anxi's senior management realize how important it is to have a good relationship with Jin, and as long as they can be with Jin Maintaining close contacts will bring greater help to the stability of the Parthian Empire.

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